Zombies...what is it with the zombie movement anway? They are already here and walk among us... Just go to any Walmart, or to Mickey D's, see the obese ( I don't mean fat) I mean disgusting blobs of jelly, in spandex, waddling around! Now those are zombies! I'm gonna go put my head in the John now!
marshmallows with limbs, they even come in dif colors only thing theyd be good for is renderin out the fat for grease lamp use bet it burns hot and smelly tho....lol
I am seeing "flashbacks" from "ZOMBIELAND". where the old lady gets the cretin with the Piano...Now that put me on the floor in tears! Some days are better than others....that was a GREAT day!
The Zombies are those who voted in obozo, and are led by The Zombie Queen, pelosi. Truly, "they walk among us, and they vote!"
There is even a zombie 5k adventure race later this year. We are thinking about going for the fun of it.