**MEDIA ALERT** Military Training Exercises to Take Place In and Around Boston | City of Boston For Immediate Release July 25, 2011 Released By: Mayor's Office For More Information Contact: Mayor's Press Office Press.Office@cityofboston.gov Joint federal military training exercises will take place within and around the Boston area between July 26th and August 5th. Military personnel will conduct training exercises to ensure the military's ability to operate in urban environments, prepare forces for upcoming overseas deployments, and meet mandatory training certification requirements. Helicopters will be used in some exercises. The Boston Police Department is working with military personnel to coordinate training sites that will minimize negative impacts on our Boston citizens and their daily routines. Safety precautions have been taken to prevent risk to the general public and the military personnel involved. With that, training site locations are not open to the public and will be guarded by uniformed personnel to provide additional safety.
Yeah. You should see all the FEMA bunkers along route 9. And then there's the "abandoned" camps, too. I remember one in Westboro, just sitting there waiting to be used for something.
Homophobes and G&L people should make interestin bed fellows I hope Westboro camp is reserved for the exclusive use of the Westboro Baptist Church....and all of the G&L people in the area.....should make for good entertainment! : O
The Boston Police Department is working with military personnel to coordinate training sites that will minimize negative impacts on our Boston citizens and their daily routines. Safety precautions have been taken to prevent risk to the general public and the military personnel involved. With that, training site locations are not open to the public and will be guarded by uniformed personnel to provide additional safety.<!-- google_ad_section_end --> Yeah, well that worked out really well here in Phoenix....!
One of these happened not long ago here in N. Florida. Pretty uneventful. We went out in the forest to watch them work a couple of times, and spent most of the days pulling out stuck HMMWV's and giving lost soldiers directions back to their CPs.
Ya know this is just to get us accustomed to having them running around 'inside' our lands as opposed to fighting outside our territories. After a whole bunch of these 'exercises' it will seem normal for the sheeple to see military cruising the streets. It's starting. The could actually use detroit as a test site. It's already burned out like what you might expect a civil uprising to look like. might even have some live fire to keep the troops prepped. just sayin it might be fun to see if they could survive the big D Bwahahahahhahaha
True, but they did just have a pretty nasty tornado rip through just south of Worcester a few weeks ago and it left a trail of terror. That might have something to do with the training, but it still smells like martial law to me.
You know...I may be wrong..But i do believe that a few military bases are already set-up for urban warfare training... I'm smelling a f*rt in church....just say'n
I think the powers that be should just skip Michigan. We got Detroit, Flint, Saginaw, Benton Harbor, Grand Rapids. Always high on crime. But we in the suburbs have been doing a good job keeping them contained. And as a backup we have all those in rural areas (farmers,woodsmen,hunters) attempting to keep us in the suburbs. Imagine if ya'll came in here wearing the same uniform. Them 'Colors' ain't ours and well, homeboy gonna put a cap in blue helmet's azz. I just hope they leave some. Them homies getz to haz all da fun! [elim]OSB
Just a couple of questions that might need to be answered before jumping to conclusions: 1. What unit is participating in the exercises? 2. When / where is this unit deploying? Hell, they didn't even specify a branch unless you want read into "helicopters" (all branches have helicopters). Without those answers, its impossible to tell the purpose of the exercise. Of course with the broad explanation from the incredibly inept Boston public affairs department, this sort of "fill in the blank" "write your own ending" is what we can expect. I would bet my left nut on a CBRNE scenario, considering the city and the fact that the PD is playing. Not all military exercises are evil. EOD is another good example. ^This could indicate a low budget guard unit that can't afford (time and money) to take a trip to a Readiness Center. Again, only speculation. I've done exercises as retarded as a "road trip" just to practice loading up our sh*t for a deployment. I'm sure it looked ominous to people in WA state, but it wasn't for "FEMA round up operations". It was literally to "certify" a load plan. Despite a large training area, we drove around on public roads too. For reference, here is the original Boston release: http://www.cityofboston.gov/news/default.aspx?id=5212
I'm going to bet that we loose one helicopter due to mechanical malfunction and some dolt is going to park the Humvee out of direct line of sight and it gets stolen and stripped. They will only find the frame and snorkel unit after only because the Lt. left his iPhone with GPS locator in the vehicle when they exited. Just kidding. They won't even find the iPhone. Naughty Monkey
Hehehe..... some Homie will be cruising the 'hood in style, that candy-red HUMVEE sporting chromed 22's and a white fur interior, with 3000 watts blasting from the killer stereo.......