Remove Congress's ability to borrow and the debt goes away. This is exactly how "spending" can be curbed, with a gold backed system, or a debt-free FIAT system. Couple this with a very limited government instead of the current day, bloated one -and we have a pretty sound start to build from. I am not entirely condemning the gold standard, but the greenback type of currency is quite remarkable. My greatest concern with Libertarians and Anarchists is their apparent admiration for everything privatized; and this is the very crux of the problem. We cannot allow private banking to exist, no matter the cost.
Basicly the Congress and Resident bobo are playing Russian Roulette with the US economy, and ALL chambers are loaded!
We are in total agreement the system - as it stands today- must change. I see the historical proof of the Greenback, and that is tempered with the historical proof of the Continental. It could work as long as there was a mechanism to keep the greedy from over printing, thus inflating the currency out of usability. I suggest the gold standard because of the finite amount of gold. I am sure there could be other mechanisms instituted. The Gov needs to be reduced by 70% or more. I agree. The private banks and private funding of Washington needs to vanish. NOW.
Oh, and corporations have to be chartered once again. That is a BIG ONE. No more corp-political nightmares. Ten years, then you're done. No equal rights to that of a citizen, no free rides, no cartels and mafia factions. When corporations got into the government business, it was all downhill from there.
there is no fixing this mess while nothing but wishes are holding back runaway federal government. The states must get their representation back so there could be a real force pulling against the federal government. The system is rigged to fail, and it doesn't make any difference who's in charge.
What if there is no deal on the U.S.default? Ron Paul would do that, and dissolve the Un- Federal, No- Reserve, DHS, and we need to start State Banks. Direct democracy. We have the cash coming in to pay S/S and our debt, this is just empty threats to get the people to go along with the last nail in our financial coffin.
I have another plan for that 'grease'. All the people big Sis has put on the 'list' will be the ones cut first.
Read this. Read this well. <broken link> We are screwed folks. Got preps? I am locked, loaded, and ready.
Oboma promised his drones change and I think he's fixing to give it to them. It's not going to be the change they wanted
You know one of the most frustrating things about this? The sheeple who buy the media BS and hype that a compromise will be met and it is business as usual. I present facts, with sources, and these folks are still in denial. I get information from bipartisan sources, who have no interest in either party and still they laugh it all off. "Oh, they'll find a way to kick the can a little further down the road"...Uhm, no they won't. The DotGov will certainly TRY, but no matter what they do, there will be no solution that is immediate enough to avert disaster. Then there are the lib-tards that really steam my dumplings. "The Tea Party is uncompromising" "The GOP did this". Cry me a flippin' river. BOTH parties are responsible and affixing blame is not constructive! SUGGEST A SOLUTION. STAND ON YOUR CONGRESSCRITTER'S SENSITIVE PARTS UNTIL THEY BEHAVE! DO SOMETHING YOU SHEEP! OK thank you for the vent space. My internal pressure was getting the better of me. I am OK now. Move along. These are not the sheeple you want to fleece...
Allow me to be more clear here. My rant had nothing to do with a member of this site, their family or anyone any of you would know. I was more or less venting to a group of people that I felt could understand what I am talking about. I apologize if it seemed I was coming down on - or in any way, shape of form griping about - another Monkey. I take my issues up with individuals, if ever I have any, on a private basis, with the exception of Gunkid/meyah.
I'll drink to that! Woo.....hoo.......default is not the issue, spending is the issue. The only way to cut spending to to hold on this vote and let it pass and see how the world notices that the sky is not falling and the world will continue to work. We should let Obama try to use the 14th amendment to circumvent congress. A few weeks ago I was scanning the radio dial and I came across Rush. He said why not just eliminate the debt limit all together. Then we will really be able to see some spending. Why have a copy if you continually reach it every 2-4 years? not much of a cap if it can be raised, huh? We need to throw them all out of office and start over.