Breaking News Alert: Magnitude 7.1 earthquake hits off northeast Japan coast July 9, 2011 9:44:28 PM ---------------------------------------- A strong earthquake with a magnitude of 7.1 has hit off the northeast Japan coast, prompting a tsunami warning, the Associated Press reports. For more information, visit
Thanks for the heads up tacmotusn...time to call my son, daughter-in-law and niece to make sure they are alright...
Prayers sent. Seem the Japanese have become magnets for this sort of thing lately! Must be some major plate activity going on down below......
Comet Elenin? I vaguely recall a posting on Youtube, AND in another Monkey posting, predicting heightened earthquake severity and frequency from June to November 2011 due to this comet/asteroid ELENIN moving in a great circle about our solar system, sometimes approaching within critical alignment with earth, sun, moon, other planets etc. These various gravitational alignments supposedly aggravate the earth's crust stress points enough to give us all some misery---all around the Pacific Rim---with the U.S. northwest coast ripe for a biggie. Not that I believe all that stuff wholeheartedly, and I'm not a geologist nor astronomer; just a careful reader who sleeps with "one eye open" and "equalizer" nearby whenever things go bump in the night.
Please, Mother Nature - give some heck to San Franscisco and Chicago...... "Spread the love around...."