Long Term Recovery - KingFisher bought this up on another forum about this subject

Discussion in 'General Survival and Preparedness' started by hank2222, Jul 5, 2011.

  1. tacmotusn

    tacmotusn RIP 1/13/21

    this linked thread is what i was paraphrasing
  2. Gator 45/70

    Gator 45/70 Monkey+++

    This tread has ''Win'' written all over it....
  3. beast

    beast backwoodsman

    self-reliance and simple living buffer us from most catastrophes
    the more we do for ourselves, the less dependent we are on society
    and the freer we become
  4. hank2222

    hank2222 Monkey+++

    Here is my wife plan and i have basically kept it simple for me because of the fact that is only me in the group now because of the kids have grow up and gone out on there own ..We had the socalled 5-10-20.year plan system

    The first 5 years part of the plan

    My wife basically said the first five years all of our meals are comeing out of the store bought food along with our long term food supplies that we had stored

    Because of every stupid person is going to be out in the wood's trying to hunt and that is going to drive the animals deep into other areas ..plus the land is not going to be able produce what is need as she called it ..

    We where going to be putting in a garden dureing the second year after the event and then every year afterward's because of the first year it was better to keep it simple and deal with just the basic of working the place

    So we stocked up very heavy on the socalled basic long term food items in 5.gallon buckets of the basic

    part of this area plan was to go around to the local farm's and ranchs in the area and see what livestock was still around because of the owner's beening dead or have not returned at all after the event ..

    So part of the plan was to strip the local places where the people had passed away or not returned of there livestock feed and anything else we could find to start the one area of the next 5 to 10 year part of the plan .

    When asked about this at a local livestock show one of the older people in the group who was talking about it..Said i would feel alot better knowing that someone has least taken the time to make sure my animals where beening looked after by someone who understand the lifestyle..

    So it did come down to a basic understanding amoung the group that we as a group would go around to the people ranchs or farm's to check in on them or if need be put them in the ground with a prayer beening said over them ..We takeing the livestock with us as we live along with anything else we can use from the place .

    The 5 year's to 10 year part of the plan .

    By then a garden has been put in and it started produce the amount of food to feed the family along with livestock and hunting in the area..You are still useing the long term food items in your pantry

    This way the first couple of year's after the five year mark the long term food items are going to mixed in with the garden and other items that was put up from the butching of the livestock we had on the place and hunting of the local game that has come back .

    By the end of the 10 year mark we should had enough of the garden and livestock and hunting meat's to last us a over a year at a time with the socalled long term food items beening used only if a bad year of hunting or the weather cause not enough food to come in from the garden ..

    The 10 year to 20 year part of the plan

    This part of the plan is have the basic long term food items in 5.gallon bucket's to help with any problems with the weather or not enough livestock to butcher that year or the hunting was poor and we need to little extras to help ..

    She felt that by this time of the plan we should have a completely working homestead going with the raiseing of a cattle and horse to work the land and produce our food by then..

    Along with some basic hunting of deer and wild pigs in the area to keep meat on the table along with the canned veg's from the garden to keep us well feed through the worst of time's dureing those last year's before thing's returned to normal way of life ..

    Her way of thinking that we could be trading some of the beef and wild pig meat to the local store or tradeing post for items we wanted from the place in swaping meat for good's that we might need ..

    She also told that if the whole thing lasted 20 year's or more than we really did get the shaft on that one from God

    My wife was the thinking one of the outfit and i was the muscle and she had it set down in a time line that she drew up for use to stock and what to stock up each month ..

    We did this allway up intill the last two year's before she passed away and i kind of do some of it now ..but takeing her plan and reduceing down to a more basic level instead of trying to do it for 8 people now i'm doing it for one
    Cephus, STANGF150, Kingfish and 3 others like this.
  5. beast

    beast backwoodsman

    your wife was a wise and intelligent woman, hank
    my condolences on your loss, she sounds to have been well worth more than her weight in gold
  6. Gator 45/70

    Gator 45/70 Monkey+++

    Damn hank...You never told us this story before...my condolences ...
  7. hank2222

    hank2222 Monkey+++

    There will never be a another one like her.. She was one you ride the river with and she be there all the way and when push up againest the wall my god have mercy on the people because she not ..My father & Uncles in the family used to say this about my wife .If you back her up againest the wall.. your better have your funeral plans made because one of you is going to die that day . My dad used to tell me that the smartest thing i ever did was marry her used to tell me alot
    Kingfish and Gator 45/70 like this.
  8. Tikka

    Tikka Monkey+++

    I've read it and again, they are the two legged variety.

    In a shtf world; essentially there will be two species: predators and prey. Each will have two types, the "haves" and "have nots". The difference between good and bad will be based on whose side "they" are on.

    Until shtf happens there will be a lot of commentary.

    Kingfish, BTPost and hank2222 like this.
  9. Kingfish

    Kingfish Self Reliant

    Hank, I tip my hat to you sir. I know you miss her. I do not know what I would do without my Michelle. Your wife sounds like her. Those kind of women have that organization skill that we men just cant seem to grasp.

    I can only hope the hardships dont last more than 5 years. W e will do all we can to try and stop it ,head it off, push back. I have two very young grand children who do not have a clue about evil men in high places. They only think about puppies and splashing in the bath tub. Every time I slam a magazine into my Ar-15 my resolve gets stronger. Not on my watch! I can not bear the thought of them starving in some bombed out little town that was raided by gangs from the city or U.N. Troops. Somehow Ill pull through,somehow Ill keep food in the mouths of those kids. My buckets are full, I can pump water, I am growing food,and my little lake is still full of fish but will it be enough for the long haul if it goes that far? Only God Knows.
    I decided a long time ago that Im not doing this for me.By the time I get it done Ill be dead or very old. My son will shake his head in amazement and say I cant believe he did all this. His wife is becoming a good woman. She planted her first plants this year. Most of them failed. It has not deterred her in fact now shes pissed. She has plans for next seasons crops. I say Go girl !!! she is one of those who are slowly waking from the fog and seeing the truth around them. She still does not understand the guns and the training but she wants to learn to shoot. Her defensive female parts are kicking in. My wife is nudging her every week. My son is keeping his nose to the grind stone making money and paying off debt. He knows I got his back. They will come here the second hell breaks loose (if it does) .

    For now I will keep my hopes alive that we do not fall into a lawless state. However I just ordered another 500 rounds of .223 . Am I paranoid? Nope the word is prepared. Kingfish
    Cephus, Sapper John, BTPost and 2 others like this.
  10. Dovey

    Dovey Monkey++

    The problem I have with a lot of these SHTF scenarios is that no one thinks the worst. They always think themselves into a survivable position.

    Personally, I think if SHTF occurs we will be fighting an invading foreign army on our soil and will quickly become a conquered people. Look at all the pansies in this country, they're one baby step away from being a conquered people now. They'll go to their graves making themselves believe they surrendered so their children could survive. No matter that they survived as slaves.

    Yep, there will be strong pockets of resistance, and if it comes to it, I hope even at my age, to be among that group. I've just never have been the "get rounded up type".
  11. Cephus

    Cephus Monkey+++ Founding Member

    Remember it only took 3% of the people here at the time of the Revolutionary War that freed us from the English.
    Sapper John likes this.
  12. Nadja

    Nadja RIP 3-11-2013 Forum Leader

    Wild dogs are a very large problem already here where I live. I have taken out a couple of the packs in the last few years. But they are much more likely to attack you then a wolf or even a bear. They are not affraid of people in most ways , and in packs , they are stronger the any single wolf.

    But, yes I do feel that the grid will go , sooner or later. Actually, I almost expect it towards the end of next year. I am pretty well covered in that dept. Sure would like to have more though. My first garden is showing some good signs of being productive. If that continues to go, then next year will quadruple the size at min.

    I don't think, that the grid once going down, would ever be a full reality again. Not just the raiders etc, but the govt wouldn't hold together very long either. No pay checks, no stores to buy food, no gas or public transportation, and I think it would all fall apart. I would give our country about a year, no longer, to become like in the 1700's if you will. You will either do for yourselves or you won't do. Having "silent" power as myself and so many others do, just makes things a little easier.

    Stang150, instead of printers, why not put your info on disc ? What with a small amount of solar power, you could just put in the disc you want to look at and presto.
  13. Dovey

    Dovey Monkey++

    Some of my ancestors were a part of that 3%, and I reckon if I'm still around when the time comes I'll be a part of it too.
    Cephus likes this.
  14. Cephus

    Cephus Monkey+++ Founding Member

    Mine as well ,they got here 1652 and I guess they finally had enough !!! LOL
  15. BTPost

    BTPost Stumpy Old Fart,Deadman Walking, Snow Monkey Moderator

    Unfortunately, My Ancestors were Torries, and had to flee to Canada. Then didn't sneak back south till just after the Civil War. Then went to Kansas, and got Dust Bowled out, and moved to Seattle. You can't pick your ancestors.... You just have to live with their legacy.... ..... YMMV....
    Cephus likes this.
  16. Kingfish

    Kingfish Self Reliant

    Once more , to the Breach!! I pity the poor bastards that think they will waltz through America. We invented the word insurgent. At the present there over 500,000 armed Militia standing in defense of the Constitution. The good news is they scattered all over the country . Never to be put in one place where they could be targeted by missile or air power. We learned too much from Nam and Iraq, Afganistan as well. No foreign army is going to make it past Kentucky much less to Michigan.

    Here are some good old boys in Kentucky playing with their toys.

    YouTube - ‪Knob Creek Kentucky - October 2010 Gun Show and Shoot (HD)‬‏

    God I love this country ha ha ha , Kingfish
    STANGF150 and Cephus like this.
  17. Kingfish

    Kingfish Self Reliant

    One other thing, that 500,000 would be 5 million over night if there was an invasion. Nope thats not what I fear. I fear a slow Liberal bleed. Little by little they tame our kids freedom spirits with boxed lies and propoganda. The real war is in the government right now. The struggle for power and who is in control. There is a small but loyal to the constitution group who is in there fighting every day for our liberty. They need help, they need more votes, more money and more of us to stand up and be counted. Make no mistake, the economy is going to go over the cliff and with it the current power structure. The vacuum that is left is what scares me. This is where Socialism could insert a dictator who promises all the comforts of before. To me there is only one acceptable course and that it back to the original republic and the rule of law that is the United States Constitution. The Globalists are banking on using this crisis to finish installing the world government. My goal is to keep this Nation free and sovereign. Ill fight for that. Kingfish
    Sapper John, hank2222 and Cephus like this.
  18. Cephus

    Cephus Monkey+++ Founding Member

    AMEN KF !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  19. BTPost

    BTPost Stumpy Old Fart,Deadman Walking, Snow Monkey Moderator

    I will Sign On to that.......
  20. Tommygun0101

    Tommygun0101 Monkey+

    I truly believe that, if or when the world comes to a screeching halt, I will be long dead my bones turned to dust in my grave, before a centralized government returns to the United States.... or should I say Former United States.

    Personally I don't believe in the possibility of economic collapse. Yes it happened once, but we put policies and laws into place to protect our economy from ourselves. It is IMPOSSIBLE for the US stock market to drop below 700 points. It is IMPOSSIBLE for banks to run out of money. (They must, by law, keep a certain percentage of the total moneys deposited, in CASH.) In the event of a run on any bank in America, the Fed will order it closed. Look back at what caused the great depression, and what the gov did to insure that it never happened again.

    I believe in preparing for the worst case scenario. That is the worst possible, survivable, scenario. I can not prep for a "2012" scenario. (I don't have a billion dollars to buy my golden ticket, so to speak LOL.) The way I see it, global thermonuclear war is the worst case scenario. (Please feel free to correct my if I'm mistaken.) With the destruction of our centralized government, it will be total chaos. Every man for himself, or herself, whichever applies. ;) Total breakdown in every social service out there. From police to firefighters, to emergency services. Hospitals will shut down for lack of resources. (ie. electricity, medical supplies, medicine, personnel) We will live in a world where the only rights you will have, are the rights you can defend. What will happen if the apocalypse, or whatever you wanna call it, lasts for a hundred years or more? What will you do when your preps run out and you have no more? Assume you will always provide your own food, and security. Speaking of security, does anyone think that communities will band together for the purpose of mutual defense? I think that'll be hard to pull off, but that's me. I hope I'm wrong, but I'm planning as though I'm right. I'm just say'n. LOL

    Just my opinion, do with it what you will. :D
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