Gasp: 1 in 4 Americans Don’t Know Which Country America Declared its Independence From | Breaking news and opinion on The Blaze I just wonder what the percentage would be if you asked about Shay's Rebellion?
Heh. To plumb the depths of American ignorance, just watch Jay Leno when he goes walkabout in LA. Amazing stuff. Shay's Rebellion is truly obscure relative to, "Whose faces are on Mt. Rushmore?" (Mt. what? Where's that?)
In the early 2000s, Hannity would have a crew on the street ask people who was Dick Cheney and most were clueless. Total disconnect.
sheep tend to eat, s**T, procreate and ignore everything outside their limited field of vision, what do you expect when someone can only say Baaa
What's even worse is that you can ask these same questions to people who have 'degrees' from what passes for college nowadays and you will still come up with the majority not knowing shinola from that other stuff.
Florida's current 'buzz word' driven Education program is called "Race To The Top"...... top of what, we ain't sure........ the unemployment rolls maybe.
proof that senility ruins your mind... my mother used to be a bright and thoughtful person she questioned everything, never trusted the govt (gee i wonder where i got it from?) now she tells me she voted for obama cuz hes cute can you take a persons voting rights away for loss of mind?
I've worked for two female bosses in my job career and both of these women happily stated that they don't vote on political views, just on which candidate is the most handsome. Funny thing is, both of those businesses went bankrupt shortly after I left them due to management incompetence. Coincidence? I was seeing the writing on the wall before the places went bust.
I actually have some midwestern relatives who are union people. When it comes to the unions, these relatives have been mainlining the koolaid for so long ...... well let me put it this way ...... can you say BAAAAAA. . They hated Bush for sure. They were so sure Lord Obummer was going to be the second coming of Christ. . They are so damn disappointed in him, and mad at the whole world, it's really hard to not fall out of a chair rolling on the floor laughing when they start to bemoan how they were deceived by both Lord Obummer and the Unions. The Union damn near demands their members to vote the way the Union dictates, and most toe the Union line. . I pointed out to them that they were stupid and blind during the Presidential Campaign not to pick up on all the lies spewing from Lord Obummers mouth. I told them they could even look back and google "Obama's presidential Campaign speech contradictions, where and when". That lying SOB told the people where ever he happened to be just what they wanted to hear. There was no accountability if it was in direct contrast to one of his prior speeches. I told the relatives they got exactly what they deserved, but the ones who really should be upset, were those of us who didn't vote for the SOB, while the rest of you blindly screwed us all. Talk about a mood and conversation stopper. I guess I will stay south of ISR-10 for a decade or more before I go north to nosebleed territory again. The truth really upsets some people ..... go figure
"BWAHAHAHAHA......!!!!" Liberals do so hate to be confronted with the truth, and it bit them on the posterior.... HARD!! Lets us all hope and pray enough have 'seen the light' to retire the lying kenyan puppet.
I think what really turned my Mother against Obama was Oprah. Yeah thats right Oprah. Cuz see Oprah has been Pro-Women for years & years & Years. An when the opportunity came to endorse a strong woman candidate Hillary Clinton, who did Oprah endorse? The Brother!!! Proving that despite her years of being Pro-Women, to Oprah Race was stronger than Gender!!! My mother DID like Obama from hearing him speak at that Democratic convention years before. But thanks to Oprah my mother's eyes were opened to Obama's BS.