When Should You Shoot A Cop?

Discussion in 'Freedom and Liberty' started by Brokor, Jun 30, 2011.

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  1. hank2222

    hank2222 Monkey+++

    The basic problem i have seen in the years since i join was the socalled i have to have the better toy than the bad guys thinking ..Some of the officer's i worked with would have never passed in the old day's with the training officer i had and he was a real pick of a guy ..

    But in the end i was glad i had him because he was the one who told me in the end when you get off work you also of the town and remember that ..

    Tactics change in the 90's to more of a military feel to how we did the enforcement of the law and how we dealt with people on the side of good or bad ..

    I used to get alot of tips from the socalled bad people who i dealt with over the basic fact i treated them like a person or looked in on there family's when they inside ..

    That counted alot to some of them .One of the toughest SOB i knew had a very soft spot for his mother and when i would stop by and talk to her or bring her ice or some basic food items from the food bank and i did this with alot of the people in my area .

    That paid off bring down the line with him ..He was in Federal court and asked a Marshal to get me and told me that i had a price on my head over shooting the guy that was on the take along with every one that was involved that day had a price on there head for there action in the case ..

    When asked why he said you take care of my mother and that means alot to me because no matter what happens to me at least one person in this world does something for her ..He asked me a question that day and i have not seen him or his mother since ..So maybe he got the right answer from me that day ..

    We paid them a vist and explained to them there prostion in this world and how much they could live with the past beening the past or go to jail or get a dirt nap in a short time if they want to start it right here and now with there because it was not a problem with me and few of the fellows that where with me that day ..One of the guys told that he had a golf game to get to so make up your mind ..

    When i got in the vehicle i was laughing so hard and he goes what i told the guy the truth i have a 3.pm tee time so get to or get off the pot ..
    Hispeedal2 likes this.
  2. BTPost

    BTPost Stumpy Old Fart,Deadman Walking, Snow Monkey Moderator

    I have no problem, with SWAT Officers and Tactics, in a civilian Police Force. There are times when those ARE Needed, for sure. MY ISSUE, is with the issue of Fully Automatic Weapons to civilian LEOs, in ANY Capacity. There is NEVER a Case to be made, for such weapons, to be issued, or possessed by, a civilian Police Force, here in the USA, PERIOD. These weapons are for the Military Destruction of an Opposing Force, and that is NOT, NEVER has been, and should NEVER be, the mission of a civilian Police Force, in the USA. If that should become necessary, then Marshal Law needs to be declared, and the State National Guard, mobilized to deal with the situation. Civilian Police Forces are to: FIRST and foremost, Keep the Peace, Plain and simple. Second, they are to find, and Arrest, violators of the Criminal Statutes of the Land, and jurisdiction they serve, within the bounds of those same LAWS. That is IT, PERIOD. They are NOT, the Judge, the Jury, the Prosecutor, OR ones who Execute the Laws of the Land. The sooner the Police understand their Roll, the better and free'er We the Citizens, THEIR BOSSES, and Employers, will be. Many LEOs do understand these basic principals. The ones I know, certainly do, and I have no issues with them. It is those LEOs, that forget these basic principals, on and off the job, no matter what the cause, that I have issues with. I would hope that all Right Thinking folks feel the same as I do.
  3. tacmotusn

    tacmotusn RIP 1/13/21

    This right here is the heart of my problem with law enforcement today. The vast majority of the people out here are good, and respect the badge and the position of the leo's. If you want to put labels on anything or anybody, lets consider the "us or them" mentality (leos versis civilians) that sits right under the hat of most leos. It's BS because probably 90% of the civilian population would come to the aid of a leo in a heartbeat.
    So you have this very common ingrained "us versis them" mentality, along with a reved up quasi military stormtrooper tactics, and you start to get into an everyday situation with Joe the Plumber or Suzie Soccer Mom being treated like total crap for a simple traffic stop or whatever.
    Then you have all three branches of government ..... Executive, Judicial, and Legislative, passing laws that in no way pass the sniff test when it comes to the Constitution. How many leos are truly up on Constitutional Law? Not a high percentage I would guess. I say this because there was a time when common sense in this country was common. Not today! There was a time when jury nulification wasn't a racial thing to keep someone of your own minority skin color from going to jail. Unjust laws were the reason for most jury nulification. Zero tolerance is another sore point with me. As is jury selection. Juries are cherry picked by the prosecution and the defense to try to stack the deck in their favor. It should be a random selection completely. The jurors themselves will let the judge know if there is a member overtly over the line and unreasonable to listen to the facts as presented.
    I guess I have rambled on enough, but to sum up; Some times its hard to keep your mouth and emotions in check when the entire country as you knew it growing up, is turned upside down and common sense across the board is dead. When laws are unjust but enforced with great vigor by local keystone kops with an attitude trying to act like storm troopers.
    The whole concept or question of this thread was about when is it okay to take up arms against the authorities, local state, federal, or military.
    I would hope the answer to that would be never. However as I look around me, and take in what I see and hear, and know to be true, I can only assume that at some point in the near or far future there will have to be some sort of reversal of the present status quo. A return of common sense and justice for all. An awareness of the Constitution and a repeal of a ton of BS laws that do not pass the sniff test.
    Waco and Ruby Ridge were brought up earlier in this thread. If I am on my property and I encounter someone armed and unknown to me, you can be pretty damn sure they are close to being shot if they do something stupid. Truth is in a situation like that I would feel a whole lot more comfortable if there were more wittnesses on both sides. If someone starts to draw his weapon and point it at me on my own property when I know I am innocent of any crime that I am aware of, I am not clear on his intentions and in fear for my life. I might shoot as quick and straight as I can and let God and 12 jurors sort it out. Police officer or not. Identified or not.
    Actually no answer to the question of this thread is right or wrong because there is insufficient information, and it is a hypothetical question. jmho
    hank2222, Hispeedal2 and BTPost like this.
  4. VisuTrac

    VisuTrac Ваша мать носит военные ботинки Site Supporter+++

    How many times have we heard about home invasions where the perps yell 'POLICE' ?

    Can you tell the difference in the middle of the night?

    It is a scary situation for all involved: police, perps, innocent victims.

    I can assure you that all of us will either:
    or comply
    It all depends on the situation

    There are always choices in every situation.

    OK now let's have a beer [beer]
    BTPost and hank2222 like this.
  5. Hispeedal2

    Hispeedal2 Nay Sayer

    This is my sentiment as well ^

    Just for reference, the change in the 90s was due to this:
    YouTube - ‪North Hollywood Shootout‬‏

    It wasn't this one incident either. There were several where local handgun wielding cops were outgunned. Thank you Al Pacino ;)

    Regular LEOs having an assault rifle instead of a shotty made sense from that point on. Like BTPost said.... I don't think FA is needed. I don't *think* most of the patrol or SWAT issue carbines are FA. I am sure there are a few exceptions, but I can't think of a local department that uses FA. Less rounds being fired in a bad situation is better for the department from a liability standpoint.

    I'm in ;) On the Police Identification thing.... cops have been shot before in plain clothes for not properly identifying themselves. Perpetrators have gotten off for those charges in such circumstances. *Most* departments have a "soft knock" preference with clear cut identification guidelines. A warrant has to be served before a search. There are a few unusual circumstances.... high risk felony arrests of violent criminals come to mind. In that case, its useful to place yourself in the police shoes and ask yourself how you would enter such a situation. Is putting yourself at a tactical disadvantage by announcing your presence a good idea when "gansta" ain't going back to jail for a 3rd strike? He has nothing to lose. No-knock warrants are issued by judges in those cases. Not all departments allow no-knocks. Especially after that NV case.

    Generally speaking, if you see a guy with "POLICE" written across his chest... he may have a legal authority to search your house. It may be utter nonsense that could be cleared up by talking it out and allowing the search. I would at least listen to what he says before shooting him dead. In the Waco case, I can't say for certain the Davidians had anything illegal inside. The BATFE says they had FA, but I have never seen a technical report on any of the burned up weapons. As for Ruby Ridge... they had legal cause to arrest and search the premises. It was a BS shotty overall length charge. By fighting back, he lost his entire family. I think the FBI agents should have been charged in that incident, but Randy Weaver could have gotten off of those charges easily by complying and fighting in court. Just like when BATFE tried to prosecute an AOW charge based on a vertical fore-grip mounted to a pistol... the court saw right through the regulation BS that BATFE makes up (US v. Davis). The system does work. Its in place to prevent justice at the end of a gun. That works both ways. JMHO

    I'm having a New Belgium 1554 ;)
    chelloveck, FTG-05 and hank2222 like this.
  6. VisuTrac

    VisuTrac Ваша мать носит военные ботинки Site Supporter+++

  7. Brokor

    Brokor Live Free or Cry Moderator Site Supporter+++ Founding Member

    AL = Bootlicker. I was wondering when you would chime in. You know, it doesn't surprise me that you would use FEAR MONGERING and demand to have this thread deleted because you can't handle the truth, like so many others.

    Now, You've said your piece.

    My god...give us a break already.

    Who the heck do you think you are? Seriously. Get a grip, man. This isn't YOUR forum, and we are not slaves to the government. "It's intent is clear..." Man, you sound just like a HACK.

  8. hank2222

    hank2222 Monkey+++

    The biggest problem with the North Hollywood ShootOut was over the fact that the police dept where not ready for a crew like this along with head in it sand thinking along the upper level of the dept at the time ..

    For years people where saying that LA the home of the US Bank Robbery Captial of the Us .At one point in time Boston and LA where the two Worst states for bank robbery and armored car robbery because of the crews where pro's at doing it ..

    Alot of the old timers had said that We where going to see a crew that knew how to fight it out in the streets with the police and the police are going to get them butt's handed to them in the fight ..Hollywood and Maimi proved that point .

    They should have let them go and then dealt with them with SIS following them and leading them to there place .They had poped up on the radar a couple of time's in the past and the FBI who has bank robbery task force did not or would not share info that could stoped them before that day ..

    I'm like Bruce on this one when it comes to full auto weapon in the heads of the police dept . It should be allowed in special unit's only and then heavy training on the use of them ..

    Now because of the remoteness where i worked i had in my partol vehicle beside my duty sidearm and back up piece ..1-12.ga pump-shotgun 1-Rem-700.308-Heavy Barrel scoped rifle with scope and other items to act as a DMR for those long range shot's out in the middle of nowhere where the range to a person could be over 700 yards away or more . -1-Ar-15-carbine with it goodies on the carbine ..

    The carbine and shotgun where up front with me in a custom back of the headrest mount set up in the vehicle and the rifle and the rest of the gear was in the vehicle trunk locked up out of sight of the people ..I had a couple days worth of food and water and other supplies for me and someone else if we got stuck in the back country ..Plus a other supplies in the vehicle .The vehicle was a pack mule because of the remoteness of where we where at times.
  9. Brokor

    Brokor Live Free or Cry Moderator Site Supporter+++ Founding Member

    Hegelian dialect. PROBLEM = REACTION = SOLUTION. The fact that GOVERNMENT always grows and expands its power as a result spells a very clear picture to those of us who aren't asleep.

    A militarized police force is not the answer to promoting liberty, it is its exact antithesis.

    AGAIN, the link to the story which began this thread: When Should You Shoot A Cop | Cop Block I am certain quite a few still have not read it through entirely.
  10. Hispeedal2

    Hispeedal2 Nay Sayer

    The truth is far different that the twisted "Alex Jones fantasy world" you blindly follow.

    And it doesn't shock me you started this thread to use fear mongering to "spark" some sick little twisted civil war fantasy you have. I guess life must be pretty sad to sit around and hope for war on a daily basis. I really feel sorry for you Brokor. You know why there is no war... because although the system we live in isn't perfect, it's far from lost and far from that "tyrannical" crap you are always spewing.

    As for your boot-licking comment... stick it. You want people licking YOUR boot. That's the reality of the anarchy you and others espouse. You feel so helpless in this reality that you have to hope for a different reality where you are on top.

    I'm every bit as entitled to an opinion as you are. If you don't agree with me fine, post your opinion or counter-argument. I am re-reading your last it it say s jack-sh*t. Of course what you wanted was a free for all "fire in a theater" police bashing session where everyone goes out and bags em' an LEO. I'm sorry if my opinion wasn't "in line" with how you think the group should think. At least 3 people liked my initial post into this thread. It turns out diversity is welcomed.
    chelloveck likes this.
  11. Brokor

    Brokor Live Free or Cry Moderator Site Supporter+++ Founding Member


    Lock the thread Ghrit. This guy has nothing. Just a troll.
  12. Hispeedal2

    Hispeedal2 Nay Sayer

    Weak like your last post?
    Yeah... trolling = disagreeing with Brokor.

    I do agree Ghrit... lock it.

    The personal attacks are unwarranted. They are empty posts just jumping on someone for someone having a differing opinion.

    (I am at least a little sorry for responding to that earlier post)
  13. Brokor

    Brokor Live Free or Cry Moderator Site Supporter+++ Founding Member

    Give it a break, Al. A person would have to be BLIND not to see you for what you are.

    The article SPEAKS FOR ITSELF. Ghrit clearly made that distinction earlier, even with his own biased perspective. The fact that you attacked it like you did proves you have an agenda around here to disrupt liberty-oriented thinking and to promote the the "official stance" whenever possible.

    You are probably just a good guy trying to do what he thinks is right, I mean anything is possible...but I think you have crossed the line with me. Don't ever respond to another one of my threads. You are a hack as far as I am concerned.

    Either you are a slave or you are free. Differing opinion, my ass.
  14. Hispeedal2

    Hispeedal2 Nay Sayer

    Like I said... another informative post. Now I am a "hack" or "troll" for disagreeing. You would be much better off not drawing an "agree with Brokor" line all the time and accept the fact that you may not always be right and not everything is as black and white as your opinion.

    You post something in an open forum, not everyone is going to agree. Post it to your blog if you don't want leave open for discussion.
  15. Brokor

    Brokor Live Free or Cry Moderator Site Supporter+++ Founding Member

    You disagree with liberty.

    How is this supposed to be a comfort?

    And quit playing the part of the wounded dog.
  16. Hispeedal2

    Hispeedal2 Nay Sayer

    I'm not playing any part here. Really, you can stop with the name calling.

    You are defining liberty how you see fit. I don't disagree with liberty. I disagree with your definition of liberty. This is way off the original subject now.
  17. Brokor

    Brokor Live Free or Cry Moderator Site Supporter+++ Founding Member

  18. ghrit

    ghrit Bad company Administrator Founding Member

    I'm not ready to lock it, I think there might be other relevant posts to come, it is a thought provoking question even if stated in an inflammatory manner. But backing off the personal attacks a notch is necessary. Read CoC item 1, and if clarification is needed I'll help. Short vacations, voluntary or involuntary are advised, encouraged, and might be imposed.

    Let a few other opinions get into the war of words. It is a moot question after all, but a sense of monkeydom's thinking is interesting to some.


    As it is, locking is inappropriate, complete deletion is what will happen if anything.

    chelloveck and Hispeedal2 like this.
  19. Brokor

    Brokor Live Free or Cry Moderator Site Supporter+++ Founding Member

    You would probably like that.
    I have posted at forums where the one who begins the thread also has the privilege to lock it at his/her own discretion. Perhaps this might be a good countermeasure to trolling, especially when some of the folks around here with the privilege to lock threads refuse to do so simply to appease their own demented sense of humor. Reminds me of this one kid I knew growing up, he was the most disgusting kind of child; he shot his arrow at a neighborhood dog and left it to die in a ditch, and he did it simply because he could. At the age of ten, I saved that dogs life, simply because it was the right thing to do.

    I AM DONE COMMENTING. Do what you will.
  20. BTPost

    BTPost Stumpy Old Fart,Deadman Walking, Snow Monkey Moderator

    There were very simple reasons the LA police were not prepared for the North Hollywood Shootout. POLITICAL Reasons.... Reasons that had nothing to do with Gangs, or Pro Crews, or anything else mentioned, so far. It is the same reasons they didn't issue Shotguns, to any Parol Units unless a Three Stripper was riding in it. The same was and is still true for most rank & file Patrol Officers, riding around still today. Mostly the Bosses do NOT trust the rank & file with anything but their Service Sidearm, that they are REQUIRED to qualify with, regularly. What ended the LA incident was three well placed shots, from ILLEGALLY AQUIRED Weapons. (Rifles "borrowed" from a local FFL bypassing Federal Statutes, for which NO ONE was prosecuted) Remember when Uncle Billy, gave every two bit Cop Shop M16s for free, under some "Military Surplus" deal, to rid the Army of these extra inventory. That allowed the Army to purchase the modern later versions they are now getting ready to surplus, today. Did you ever wonder where all those FULLAUTO Weapons ended up? I can assure they are NOT in the Cop Shops Weapons Lockers. Many were scrapped, as they were junk from the Army. Some just never appeared on the inventory, after a few years., and a lot are in closets of reTired LEOs, and again Off- the-Books. This is just how things were DONE, back then, and it still continues today, in many Departments. Especially in NFA States. As these Old Boys die off where do you think these weapons will be going to? Certainly NOT to families, because they are NOT Listed on the NFA Registry, and possession is a Federal Felony, for which a reTired LEO, can find some friends to keep out of trouble, but the wife or kids will have no such protection. Over the years, I have been involved in repatriating some of these weapons from the hiding places, by widows of LEOs. It gets really sticky, depending on who the ATF Guy you deal with is. Some of these LEOs think they are above the Law, in these cases, and get quite arrogant when they are confronted, with the Federal Statutes. Lots of rationalizations get given, and lots of BS GETS SPREAD. Usually it gets swept under the table as no one really wants to open this Can of Worms. This is the reality of the issue. ........
    chelloveck likes this.
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