Sun Unleashes 'Spectacular' & Powerful Eruption | Solar Flares, Sun Eruption & Sun Storms | Space Weather & Solar Cycle 24 | I guess beauty is in the eye of the beholder: "It's nothing we really have to worry about," Young said in his video. "It's just really, really beautiful."
Doom .... Doom .... Doom .... Doom! Lighten up my friend, it is not the end of the world as we all know it, .... yet. Smile at someone you don't even know, and bid them a good day. Do something out of the ordinary. Fix one of those gourmet meals I know you are capable of and invite someone new to share the meal. Have a wonderful day. Make it one because you can. In other words, don't let the Bas*&rds get you down. Why let them win? . The solar flares, intensive as they may be, will effect the earth as they will. There is nothing you can do to change that.
Sometimes a banana is just a banana....... don't sweat what you can't control. We prep to deal with the aftermath.
Hey, all I said was, that if this is bad, don't expect the truth to come blaring over the television any time soon. I don't invite strangers to dinner. Perhaps 20 years ago, but not today. I always smile and say "good day". Sometimes "Hello", others simply "Sup". I am dehydrating today, too hot to cook gourmet. You radiation and all. I do appreciate your kind words, but I am stronger than you think.
If the EMP does occur - scratch TV and Radio warnings......... It'll begin quietly - we all wake up one morning and NOTHING electric/electronic works....... A smart monkey has already stocked mechanical tools and devices to prepare. Light, cooking, water filtration - check. Still need a well...... Those living in apartments on fixed incomes will be in serious kimchi.......
I am thankful that I live outside the city by a generous distance, and I am surrounded by folks who understand what is quite possible. Most are preppers to some degree. Actually I often sleep with music playing at low volume on the radio. I am always acutely aware of a power outage, ever at night. Power outages are rather common tho so I might not think anything of it until I actually chose to arise. After a few checks of things, like phone function, neighbors input etc, I would probably just go into heightened awareness and go on with life as I have preppared.
Yes, there is something unsettling every time they say "This has never happened before. Ain't it great!?" Uh... NO! I remember we had an Aurora Borealis down here (CA) once, and it freaked me out completely because we'd never had one before --even though I knew exactly what it was and was forewarned. Next thing you know we'll be sucked into a black hole of our own making. Of course, I just breathe deeply and remind myself that when they bombed Hiroshima and Nagasaki, they weren't positive they weren't going to blow the entire planet to kingdom come.
Clouds and rain obscured the aurora. Any other effects went un-noticed here. The sky didn't fall, yet, either, and my bob is still where it needs to be. An unevent, it seems, to us hoi polloi.
Same here, though outages are rare. Had one a week ago - local substation burned. Battery fan and radio worked fine. Of course, the radio would be toast after an EMP flare. Not sure about fans and LED lantern. Might survive the burst. I made sure my newest landline phone uses batteries, in case of power failure - old phone needed wall plug - NOT good for an emergency! Kinda miss the old dial-type analog phone. All this new-fangled electronic gimcrackery makes us more dependent on the tech working. Too often, it fails!