Brainwashing vs. Education

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Brokor, Jun 12, 2011.

  1. beast

    beast backwoodsman

    computers dont do algebra, nor do they multiply or divide
    all a computer or adding machine or calculator can do is add
    sometimes it adds negatives but it still only adds
  2. ghrit

    ghrit Bad company Administrator Founding Member

    'Puters are more advanced than that. Bear in mind that there are really two types of computers, analog and digital. Analog machines are well out of date since the advent of digitals, but they exist and are in use where speed is less critical. (And I hear that there are some newer developments in analog theory in the pipeline that will send us back to analog precision analysis vs. digital approximations. Very advanced concepts.) These days 'puters of the industrial flavor are able to solve equations with algorithms that remove the need for brute force solutions. In a way, they can "guess" a solution (much like a mathematician on the back of an envelope) run an approximation, and refine the guess based on the results they find. The key is in the programmer's hands. That is where the computer "scientist" enters the game; it takes intuition to go with the training. Rote will not work on the cutting edge. GIGO still rules.

  3. beast

    beast backwoodsman

    yeah i was reading about someone trying to build a system that worked on wavelengths of light inside of fiber optics, but we arent quite there
  4. Brokor

    Brokor Live Free or Cry Moderator Site Supporter+++ Founding Member

    Processors already exist with diamonds as the core --the computers have the ability to boot instantly to the OS from complete off position. We're talking millions of times faster than current "Intel" speed. The thing is, the corporations learned early on that they can scale advancements incrementally, thus maximizing profits. What's more profitable to the corporations: releasing a super fast processor immediately, or consistently releasing improved products year after year? It's a disposable society, and consumerism has become the industry's steady fix. You should check out PC recycling and how that monumental mistake is coming along...especially the poor bastids who have to suck down our waste materials. Quite disturbing. As was already covered in this forum before, the rare earth materials are more profitable than gold mines, and take a look at the corporate struggle over that mess.

    Yup, greed is the name of this game. Well, greed and stupidity --always a dangerous mixture.
  5. Seawolf1090

    Seawolf1090 Retired Curmudgeonly IT Monkey Founding Member

    "Incrementalism" is correct, as far as it goes. They make an advance in hardware, so they can develop new software to use the new features. Used to be they'd make sure the new items were 'backwardly compatible', so your older PC could use the new software (but not all it's advanced features), or the new PC could still run older software. It lessened the impact on people - you didn't have to totally reinvest in both hardware and software. Now, they are getting away from that - more andmore,when you finally buy that spiffy new PC, you need to get all new software too - 'katching' for the industry! And they are already bringing out the NEXT nifty new stuff they convince you to buy........

    I still fire up the old Commodore 64 and Atari XL on occasion - those old games are still fun to play. In some cases, they have not been bettered by the newer crap. More features and 'bells&whistles' does not always make a better product.

    At work, we are replacing the current PC's with new machines. The older ones do everything I need, but the developers on the 'bleeding edge' need the newer features (or so they say). So I surplus the old ones, and add the new ones to my Property List. Admin says they intend to totally change-up every two to three years. Ah well...... it's just money........ :rolleyes:
  6. Tracy

    Tracy Insatiably Curious Moderator Founding Member

    I thought the father of Algebra was Diophantus, a Greek. [shrug]
  7. Witch Doctor 01

    Witch Doctor 01 Mojo Maker

    chelloveck likes this.
  8. Brokor

    Brokor Live Free or Cry Moderator Site Supporter+++ Founding Member

    Recent discoveries theorize this, yes...but it was the Arabs who invented most of what we call "algebra", also known as modern algebra.
  9. beast

    beast backwoodsman

    and theres another good reason to hate
    Brokor likes this.
  10. Brokor

    Brokor Live Free or Cry Moderator Site Supporter+++ Founding Member

    [lolol][ROFL]I read this comment on a Jones video at YouTube...I had to re-post it.

    Dial, 1-800 666-CIA6... Hi - you have reached the voice mail of the CIA. Please press...
    1: For our install a new dictator plan.
    2: For our drug smuggling ring.
    3: For satanic child sex slavery operations.
    4: If you're a elected official who needs to hide a dead hooker fast!
    5: If you wanna hear the joke that is the 9/11 cover-up by us. (jet fuel 666)
    But, if this is Mr. Rothschild or Satan himself or the Anti-Christ, we will take your call immediately stay on the line please!
    beast likes this.
  11. Witch Doctor 01

    Witch Doctor 01 Mojo Maker

  12. Sapper John

    Sapper John Analog Monkey in a Digital World

    I prefer the S.W.A.G. method....Scientific Wild Ass for me!
  13. beast

    beast backwoodsman

    if god wanted us to count higher than 20...
    we would have more toes....LMFAO
  14. fanderal

    fanderal Monkey+

    Actually your right, at least in Oklahoma.

    End of my daughters 6th grade year
    My daughter came home one day crying, when asked why, she said it was because she had done so poorly on the annual general proficiency tests. (they called them the Iowa Basics back then) She kept crying about how she had really tried and read all the questions, and picked what she thought were the right answers....

    Now up until this time she had always scored right around the 50% percentile. (meaning she did as well as half of her fellow students on the tests)

    My first reaction was;

    Me: "Well you always done OK in the past, what was different THIS time?" "B---y if you really read all the questions THIS time, and picked what you thought were the right answers THIS time.... What did you used to do?"

    B: OH I just marked the answer sheets at random.

    Me: BOING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I don't need to go into the rest of that conversation, let's just say that we pulled her out of school the next day, and home schooled her for 2 years.

    After having her tested, at OUR expense we found that she couldn't read at the 3rd grade level, and couldn't do arithmetic at the 2nd grade level; she had discalcula, and is slightly dyslexic.

    Public education was going to let her advance to the 7th grade, and in fact argued that there was not a problem.

    Today she performs intellectually at a much higher level than most of her classmates from that time. Reads writes, balances a check book, can work a budget, and keep inventory at her job, not to mention she is a whiz at organizing file systems. I scares me to think of what she would have turned out like if she hadn't "tried so hard" on that one test.

    OH and if you hadn't noticed it, the fact that any student could test at the 50 percentile on that test means that either it is grossly flawed, OR TPTB are perfectly happy with our children performing on the same intellectual level as the Chimps at the local ZOO!

    Issue me a tin foil hat, but I really think that the public schools systems know exactly what they are doing, and are doing it on purpose. THEY DON'T WANT TO PRODUCE PEOPLE WHO KNOW HOW TO THINK, JUST WHAT TO THINK!

    Save your children, get them OUT of public schools as fast as you can.

  15. Brokor

    Brokor Live Free or Cry Moderator Site Supporter+++ Founding Member

    Yeah Fanderal -YOUR case when YOUR daughter guessed turned out the way it did. When I guessed, I scored in the top 15%.

    However, that is besides the point. Public schools only suck because they are government sponsored socialization tools, not education centers. Many of the teachers have good intentions, but they quickly realize how their hands are tied by a corrupt, socialist system. Yes, in certain situations homeschooling is much better, but this is not possible when both parents must work to pay the bills. The entire education system needs to be rebuilt -every board needs to become unemployed, and we need to keep the federal government out of the education business; they are already run by the banking industry, I'd say we've had enough trickle-down socialism.

    So, yes --get your children out of public schools, but also stand up and FIGHT to solve your damn problems, too. Hold your public servants accountable. Rally in your neighborhood, start groups, go to town meetings and raise a stink. Buy some tar and bags of feathers....

    Don't miss the point of this argument --which isn't even on the topic of this thread..."teaching" pointless math and means to "solve problems" is one sure way to make stupid people. Yeah, you can work out a polynomial -but you can't even take notice of the privately owned Federal Reserve and believe the perpetual debt cycle is real? C'mon! We need practical tools, we need to survive, we need skills, we need good people -not cloned yuppies.
  16. Seawolf1090

    Seawolf1090 Retired Curmudgeonly IT Monkey Founding Member

    The 'Ejucashun Sistum' here in sunny Florida blindly follows the Federal Pied Piper of "No Child Left Behind" - they all get trained to pass the FCAT and other tests, not to learn subject matter.
    Once they get their diplomas, they promply forget all they were 'taught', and become the basic bloggers typing in Failed Third Grade English riddled with Text Speek. If they get hired on at the local Fast Food franchise, they don't need math - the POS terminals have simple names and product pictures on the keys.......

    And folks wonder why the good jobs are being filled by Indians, Israelis and South Africans in IT...... :rolleyes:
  17. Tikka

    Tikka Monkey+++

    As it captures the difference between a mathematician and the rest of us who apply "mathematics" as specialists in our area; that was the best explanation of the difference I've ever read; kudos!
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