Favorite podcasts?

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Huntinbull, Jun 12, 2011.

  1. Huntinbull

    Huntinbull Monkey+

    I have been spending a little more time surfing the web recently due to a back injury. A friend of mine does a podcast based on movies reviews he and another gentleman do. He advised me of a good podcast several months ago, but i have never had time to listen to until now. Interesting format. It is called the Wasteland Wanderers. Couple guys into prepping and survival, with a good sense of humor. They discuss many different topics and scenarios as well as several movies and tv shows that deal with survival and apocalyptic and post apocalyptic scenarios. They have completed eleven biweekly episodes.

    I am a fan. Like their down to earth point of view on most things.

    Anyone have a favorite podcast to share?
  2. STANGF150

    STANGF150 Knowledge Seeker

    Pssst...........Huntin, if yer gonna tell about sumthing like that, don't be a tease, share the Link Too!!! We might wanna hear it fer ourselves.
  3. IceNiner

    IceNiner Monkey+

    Are we talking solely about Survivalist podcasts? If not, I have a list here of all the pods I listen to, all available on itunes:

    Ancient Rome Refocused (historical fiction stories about the Roman Empire)
    The Ancient World
    BBC History Magazine
    British History 101
    Cheating, Death (a zombie novel pod)
    The China History Podcast
    Dan Carlin's Hardcore History
    Dead of Night radio (good but short lived 'Tales from the Crypt'-like series)
    Europe from its origins
    Gunfighter Cast
    The History Network
    The History of Rome
    Inner Sanctum (old time radio horror)
    Russian Rulers History
    The Survival Podcast (of course!)
    Undead End (another zombie apocalypse, told via a series of NPR-like radio news broadcasts)
    Napoleon Bonaparte Podcast
    We're Alive (full cast audio drama about a zombie apocalypse)
    X Minus One (old time radio sci fi) for this series, the best ep is "Mars is Heaven" the classic Ray Bradbury story.
    12 Byzantine Rulers
    Old Time Radio Westerns (all the classics from Lone Ranger to Hopalong Cassidy!)
    Practical Defense
  4. Huntinbull

    Huntinbull Monkey+

    Sorry about the lack of a link. Here is their website and links to the podcast.
    Wasteland Wanderers

    They are also free on itunes.
  5. IceNiner

    IceNiner Monkey+

    Just finished listening to a few of these podcasts and they are great! Its a more lighthearted show than something like The Survival Podcast. The humorous comments about the tv shows and movies related to survival under different apocalypse scenarios makes for a fun show. Thanks for the recommendation, Huntinbull. [beer]
  6. Huntinbull

    Huntinbull Monkey+

    To get a little more mileage from this thread....Since I am new, having only listened to podcasts from about episode 645 or so to date ( and not all of those). Recommend some episodes from TSP that are your faves.

    Also, I have searched in Itunes store for older episodes but am having trouble finding any that work. Do i have to wait until I send in my MSB membership to check out older stuff?
  7. Idahoser

    Idahoser Monkey+++ Founding Member

    We've recently discovered "We're Alive" and got through two seasons rapidly, now it stinks waiting every week (or two) for another episode.

    I found this trying to find similar shows, I'll try some of the ones above.

  8. chelloveck

    chelloveck Diabolus Causidicus

    Try my link...it will probably work better

    Ignore the links above to wastelandwanderers.com which brings up an online shopping site(sans podcasts).

    The link to the Wasteland Wanderers podcast is as follows.....

    Wasteland Wanderers
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