I love the comments on the videos, too. All the ragheads and libtards are like, "no, Obama was introducing people, he wasn't trying to shake hands..." -hilarious. He clearly extends his hand to shake, then mutters something with his eyebrows furled, turns, gets dissed again, then jumps into "introduce mode" to save face. Absolutely hilarious. And the video of the Arabs totally ignoring him is classic.
We lack respect for him and foreign nations do also. All the the worst presidential failure in history has left is his idiotic minions who love hoax and change (for the worst).
Let us all hope that come November 2012 the American people wake up to the point that they also shun this clown.
Now..... uh.... let me make this clear.... uh..... he's been a laughing stock to the world since Day One....... BWAHAHAHAA....!!!! Serves him right. Queen Elizabeth probably put 'the word out' about him after those cheezy and useless 'gifts' he dumped on her.
I sometimes envy that young Russian feller on Youtube playing with all those wonderful 'loud toys'......... But am very happy to have been born in the USA! We at least have the ability to vote the illegal alien commie bum outta the Whitehouse (even if only to be replaced by a slightly less odiferous bum).
As much as I agree with everyone about Obummer, I've just got to say that he's not trying to shake hands, he's just introducing the other guy to each guy in the line. But it really is funny if you think about it the other way!
I don't know why they are snubbing him since the Russians were in on selecting him for us. Read this, scroll down past the birth certificate to the news article about an American businessman in Russia in 1992. <HR style="BACKGROUND-COLOR: #d1d1e1; COLOR: #d1d1e1" SIZE=1> <!-- / icon and title --><!-- message --> http://www.thepowerhour.com/news4/ob...ertificate.htm