I have not heard any thoughts regarding Comet Elenin heres the link. Comet Elenin « CRISISBOOM I appears that the only safe place will be under ground??? Any thoughts ?
JPL Small-Body Database Browser Looking at the NASA chart, moving the date forward a month at a time, I see Elenin getting closer to Earth's orbit, but according to the diagram it isn't on a collision course. Of course, if we slide the time forward, we will see that right about October 5, 2011 --the Earth and Elenin come side-by-side, and extremely close. Then, Elenin is supposed to slingshot past Earth, although Elenin is still moving toward Earth, so it ends up going right in front of it...according to the diagram. Look, I don't want to trust crazy theories and wild-eyed callers who only want to stir up some drama to incite panic and mayhem because their own lives are too boring and pathetic. Even today's scientists could be wrong and their data might be off --Elenin might be further away in October 2011, or it may be closer. Do any of you really expect a civilian with second hand information to trump a NASA scientist? Really? Come on, even I can't fall for this type of fear-mongering. One interest of note, however: Here is a list of 1,234 known potentially hazardous asteroids. And we do not have D.U.M.B.'s at our disposal, only the secret government and their minions. That's a whole lot O' money to be spent on the off chance an asteroid could hit. What is really going on?
lol, maybe if you believe every single rumor and armchair expert scientist. I just took a minute to look up another asteroid event, Orbit Diagrams go there and type into the query, "68347" without quotes. Then, using the diagram, move ahead to the date: May 29, 2018. OH NO! You see? I have better things to do.
Love it Broker! Hell it's still 10X further than the earth to the moon. as for what happens if a space rock smacks us? if it hits in your hemisphere and it's big enough. You got nothing to worry about. Only time I'll worry is if the president and the rest of the world leaders are no longer seen in public and they are broadcasting from an undisclosed location like marz!
Oh Yea, where can I sign up..... to send them ALL to MARS.... Yea, Baby, I would pay GOOD Money to make that happen.... One Way Ticket ONLY......
Not panicing yet. If one day you sign on the board and no one is around but you and it's been that was for the past few hours then I'd start getting worried...
I got all freaked out one morning when Northwoods hadn't typed "Morning everybody" in the shoutbox. All day I kept asking people where he was. Some folks aren't quite the creatures of habit you may think.
The experts claim it's not a comet but a brown dwarf star, that's why it's so hard to see. If you go to You Tube theres some people with some interesting ideas on Elenin, but the jet perpulsion labratory mock up of it's course doesn't show it hitting earth but getting close enough to mess up our poles etc. If the J.P.L. map/orbit is rewound it shows the last three times it has aligned with itself,sun,earth there were earthquakes here I.E. Japan, New Zeland, Chille. They say starting with the next alignment on Sep 26 we will see more activity here on Earth. Time will tell
The largest problem I see with all of this, is the problem with perceived knowledge, belief, and evidence (or lack thereof) --all of these things require careful thought, and there are many traps out there to avoid. - "Critical Thinking for a New Age", Theodore Schick, Jr. / Lewis Vaughn, Sixth Edition. (some parts paraphrased)
I'll chip in on that under one condition only though, only enough oxygen to get them about 45 minutes out, so they couldn't figure out a way to turn the ship around. Send em' all.
Make the ship a Soviet-style "Super Vostok" with only ground control, no onboard controls - blow the control computers once they are on their way - No returns, no regrets......
If it or a bunch of it's debris hit us? Is anything really going to matter? Can only plan for the forseeable events- things like ELEnin are just a wildcard? Suppose a big chunk hits the center of the US and airbursts like the Tunguska event over our cropland? are we screwed or what suppose something smacks into the pacific ocean? Tsunami for the pacific rim? Suppose it hits the middle east? Solves the US war problem at expense of 100s of millions of lives suppose nothing at all happens other than it being a pretty celestial event that you can watch with your SO?
If a really big, ELE event type, of strike occurs, if the PTB give us any warning at all, I will go into my favorite stand of woods, and as the critter approaches, toast it with a glass of good wine. Not much else one can do. I will NOT put my head betwixt my legs and scream ike a girl...... I'll go out of this world like a man. Anything less, i will 'hunker in the bunker'.........
We just won't tell them that we only put 3/4 of the fuel they need to get there in the rocket. Why p!$$ off the martians BWM