Everyone on the taxpayers dollar, working or welfare, or civil servant of any stripe should be required to wee wee in the cup before the eagle poopies green. . One other note of interest about black and white. Forget about percentages, if you just count the numbers, there are more whites on welfare than blacks.
That is a card best not played or you get into needs testing and quotas. The total is what counts, not the percentages, to that extent I agree with you. To me, it makes no difference one way or the other, no pee, no pay.
I have to submit to drug testing to maintain my Captain's license. I have to submit to maintain my security clearences, Port access, and my job. I would really like to smoke marijuana once in a while but I could loose my ability to support myself if I did, then I could apply for financial subsidies and assistance and welfare, and HUD, and and stay stoned the whole time and screw you people that gotta work to pay for it and while you're at it, I want my free medical care too and insurance and do I have to pass a drug screen to get a .gov job? I mean, Affirmative Action Employment?
Yeah, I had to get drug tested when I started my current job and all prior jobs. When I got hurt at work I had to get drug tested. It is just one of those facts of life. If you apply for life insurance (other than term life) in most cases you have to get tested. It seems like a good idea for people being "paid" by the state to have to get tested.