Actually i've just been resurrected.... apparently the social security administration determined that i'' deceased 4 days ago ... friday i was resurected with the help of my passport, ss card and two other forms of picture id... no angels where used in this resurection so i'm not sure if it counts....
Maybe the only Monkey, that got Raptured.... We will see if he shows back up here, with the rest of US sinners.....
sounds like your on to something. now i keep having a song in my head, "I'm still standing yeah yeah yeahI'm still standing yeah yeah yeah"
Failed Prophecies are a dime a dozen Apparently this dufus who bought the world this failed prophecy is "looking for answers"....meanwhile the gullible dufuses who bought the prophecy hook, line and sinker, and who left jobs and sold assets....are looking for jobs. It wasn't the first time, and it will certainly not be the last time that faith triumphs over reason in promising heaven, nirvana, paradise or whatever....without delivering.
Faith that depends on a living interpreter is subject to distortion due to mistaken readings or ignoring the rest of the story (or both.) So, of course, you are right, Chelly, those "promises" are founded in bu****it and balderdash by ax grinders.
Here we go again, now it's Oct 21. Radio host now says Judgment Day coming in October - US news - Life - Faith -
Oh Goody, I can have 5 more months of humor, at their expense, and then watch it happen, AGAIN.... YMMV......