Photos of Food Storage?

Discussion in 'Back to Basics' started by IndieMama, Feb 22, 2011.

  1. RightHand

    RightHand Been There, Done That RIP 4/15/21 Moderator Moderator Emeritus Founding Member

    You get to a certain age when sprinting is no longer what you want to do. Slow and steady is my preferred rate
  2. Equilibrium

    Equilibrium Monkey++

    I suspect.... I could be very wrong.... that you and I might be closer in age than we think. It's the habit forming part you mentioned that resounds true for me. It takes me.... like most.... about a month to form a habit. Rotation is the ticket. Rotation is something I started doing long ago because it made sense. It was a big help. The habit I'm now working on is checking sales....must feed my dehydrator until my garden kicks in.... it's hard to do since I canceled our newspaper and every magazine. I end up spending a half hour longer in the grocery store making sure I didn't miss any two-fers.

    CANDY fISHER Monkey+

    we did not photo the toilet paper or paper products in the garage, we have lots but will have 500 rolls soon.
    you now beat me in the grains girl ,I am so excited you did all that. you really worked hard ! and again I missed you while you were away!
  4. Equilibrium

    Equilibrium Monkey++

    We had a boys weekend.... our youngest invited over his whole wrestling team.... varsity and the JV and.... then there were the girls that started "stopping" in... uninvited. One of them told me it was ok with her mother if she spent the night. Ha ha ha ha ha.... over my dead body. My husband drove her home and the rest either drove home or were picked up by midnight. It looked like a used car lot here. The whole cul de sac was loaded with cars all the way to the entrance. I've never seen so many hairy legged teenagers in our house before and I have to tell you.... my husband and I are still laughing about the outrageous boxer shorts fad. We saw pink flamingos and hot peppers and $100 bills and cartoon heroes and you name it running around here this morning. So much for the days of the old tighty whities. Regarding the toilet paper.... I know where I'm going if we ever run out here. ;)

    CANDY fISHER Monkey+

    lol you had the whole wrestling team?? way to funny! and the girl, wow stay over night, she has some parents LOL< my daughter is beautiful and I will not let her out of my site LOL , how many kids do you have living at home still LIb?
  6. Equilibrium

    Equilibrium Monkey++

    Not the whole team spent the night but it seemed like it. I get up pretty early and it was amazing all the legs and arms everywhere. One was using one of our dogs as a pillow and he was sleeping on the floor with the dog. You'd think he coulda found a couch or crawled in a bed with somebody else but there he was on the floor sleeping with a dog. Whatever. That girl argued with us when we told her we were driving her home. I don't know what part of no she didn't want to understand. She seemed to feel it was perfectly acceptable to spend the night here because her parents said so. We've never even met her parents before. We know all the parents of the boys and some of the parents of the other girls but not that one and it really doesn't matter anyway.... we don't want girls here after we go to sleep. The other girls had more than two neural cells to rub together and when we told them all x chromosomes with cars had to leave before curfew and all others had to be picked up by midnight.... they were respectful and thanked us for letting them stay. Just two at home. Our oldest and our youngest. One's a teen and one's in his 30's.
  7. Equilibrium

    Equilibrium Monkey++

    Missed this....
    Dairy has gone through the ceiling here and fruit's right behind it. I caught something new and "sneaky".... the 3lb bags of organic apples now state that each bag is no less than 2.5 pounds. I save old mesh bags and that's definitely new as of last week. Never before had I seen a 3lb bag of apples marked that it will contain no less than 2.5lbs. It threw off my quantities for my dehydrator. I usually can get 12 lbs on 9 sheets but the last time I only got 8 sheets and I was scratching my head until I looked at the bag. It really irked me but.... what are ya gonna do. It was either cut the quantity or jack up the price.... again. I can honestly say that if I hadn't started dehydrating... I would have never caught that. Anywho....

    something to keep in the back of your head…. RedHaven, Contender, and Reliance Peach varieties can be grown successfully where you choose to live. All three varieties have the bud hardiness you must have and….. TATTLER Reusable Canning Jar Lids Home Page. I use the tattler lids and grow two of those peach varieties myself. Reliance began producing for me in 3 years. There are also several cold hard apricots…. also byproducts of northern research stations that might tickle your fancy someday when you’ve knocked off all the priorities on your personal to-do list. Let me know if you’re ever interested…. I’ll walk you through selection based on provenance then planting then up-keep step by step. BTW…. it’s a good homeschooling project. A girlfriend brought her kids over one weekend when I was going to be power planting a few fruiting trees…. her kids dug one hole…. amended the hole…. planted an apple… then mulched for me…. if only I’d had a nice tall glass of iced tea to sip while I watched them slave…. just kidding…. they did a great job and I think all of them could do it on their own the next time even down to selecting the appropriate variety to plant based on where they garden.

    CANDY fISHER Monkey+

    peaches will not grow here ,nor other fruits, believe me we have all tried. many people including my brothers tried to grow " hardy trees " here and they die pretty fast the first or second year. the cold is to hard here. Im really not into canning, I know that sounds bad, but I have 3 kids, 2 small ones and at my age and working full time and caring for the wee ones Im just not ready to can. I plan on getting a whole lot more dehydrated foods to last me and compliment my foods. i will continue to gleen, find sales, dehydrate what I find on sale . Im going to garden this summer, already got the boards written down for my square gardens, and my buckets for my tomatoes. have to get 3 more rain barrels going, and I have to get someone to put the gutters up! yeah there is none on my home, so Im also having to contend with this. UGH
  9. Equilibrium

    Equilibrium Monkey++

    Soooo..... if I like started a 'Reliance' Peach for you.... as a postage even.... could I like twist your arm way back behind you and get you to plant it and see what happens. ;) The 'Reliance' peach might be worth a try.... you may be in a strange microclimate but I'm hoping you just screwed something up choosing an inappropriate variety. I've got an Israeli clone machine and you'd be surprised what I can propagate from it!!! Some people knit or.... work out at a gym.... I propagate!
    Forgot to add.... canning isn't exactly my thing either unless it jams and such. Dehydrating is much easier and considerably less time consuming plus.... I'd have to clean, slice, dice, chop, grate, and blanche anyway so what's an extra step or two popping produce on a tray and into a dehydrator then into a jar?
  10. Hispeedal2

    Hispeedal2 Nay Sayer

    I have no pic, but I can describe.

    We are at my last AD location renting before I finally move back home. That presents some issues in terms of permanent alterations. What I came up with was this- I upped to a better, stackable washer/dryer. This both made my wife happy and opened some storage in the laundry room. Then, we picked up a SS wire shelf from home depot. It has a pressure fit design with tapered plastic wedges inside steel pipe that wedge around a a steel rod (the legs). Very sturdy. Of all the shelving we've bought, this one I believe has the largest capacity.

    Anyways, We have about 6 mos worth of rice, beans, and canned goods stored there. If we were going to be here longer than 2 months, we would have more, but an impending move has us limited us at the moment. If I we had more home canned stuff right now, I would place wood on top of the shelves that hold my jars. The wire shelf is a wobbly surface for glass jars. A stiff piece of plywood with a lip would make for more secure storage of those breakable jars.
    hank2222 likes this.

    CANDY fISHER Monkey+

    Lib dear, you are a peach!! I will try it sweetie, I will and I will take pictures of it as it grows ( If I do not kill it) we do live in an off part of montana that things do not grow right, and there for very limited foods, but darn it this sounds like a cool idea to try :)

    CANDY fISHER Monkey+

    I love your scripture!!! and sounds like a good shelving, :)
  13. hank2222

    hank2222 Monkey+++

    My girls had something like that but there was two mom's also there when i was not there that night and the girls where passed out in diff places all over the house and it like walking through the mine field filled with teenage girls that could wake up at any moment and scream ..I was makeing breakfast for them and i allways wondering the guy where eating machines and this girls made them look like a brunch of wimps
  14. Country_boy

    Country_boy Monkey+

    Part of my bulk preps. 5 gallon buckets, 9 per layer on a 3'x3' pallet. Wrap with black poly and it's all camo'd. The pallet jack is to shove back into a corner.

    Same with a pallet of MH and LDS #10 cans. 10 layers, 6 pallets/layer also on a 3x3 pallet.

    I've got about 1250 lbs in the buckets- Corn, Soybeans, rice, sugar and salt I think. Pasta, milk, potatoes, and wheat are in another set. There's another 9 buckets on top once back into the corner- they are not identified on my spread sheet.

    I've got 3 pallets done this way. and with a few more #10 cans, a fourth will be added.


    IndieMama likes this.
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