Our grocery stored stopped selling Tang. I asked specifically why and they provided no reason other than it wasn't being stocked any longer. I can't locate it for sale anywhere which.... really irks me. We've purchased some Country Time Lemonade instead but we prefer the Tang. Gatorade might be a viable option for stocking. They've removed the high fructose corn syrup and replaced it with.... drum roll please.... real sugar.
Milk milk and more milk,pop water,tea,v8coolaid with sugar grape juices,orange juices,pineapple juices
buy the case.com has tang for sale by the case for $46.68 plus S&H check them out for anything else you can not find ..
If you get sugar free (as in add your own) kool aid, you can save money, have the option of using/bartering the sugar separately, and if the koolaid goes bad, it won't take the sugar with it. I've got several half pt mason jars full of add-your-own-sugar drink mixes. Have to look at the tang though. This is also a great way to get Vit C into the little ones. While my little ones are old enough to swallow a multi Vit, it was something I worried about for a while. Chewable vitamins don't inspire confidence in storage. As to the first question: I have some of the aforementioned koolaid and milk. Thats it. My vice is soft drinks. I think the tang link should have been: http://www.buythecase.net/
Great link for Tang hank and thanks for catching the .net instead of .com Country boy. Believe it or not.... I found a 5lb container of it at a different Sam's Club. I thought they all carried the same thing and I just found out they don't.
Your welcome i look at alot of diff food store's for the basic supplie's for the resort's and i'm allways looking at the diff large bulk places
Remember to keep bottles of juice in a cool, dark place. Light breaks down the nutrients. Also rotate your beer stock regularly, as it isn't like wine. It will get funky with time. My drink list is Morning Moos, powdered milk, Gossner milk, Countrytime lemonade, Tomato juice (in cans) fruit juice (in hard plactic or glass) teas, coffee, wine, liquor, beer, Powerade, and water.
Yep, we will need all of these things to make water taste good enough to drink! Thanks for the addition of Zip-Fizz, I had forgotten that one!
I guess time to resurect a good thread back to life. I will give a big plus one for zip fizz. Also will help you stay awake if you drink the whole tubes worth in water. I have been drinking it for a little while. I get it at Sam's Club. I have Tea Propel water mix coco Zip Fizz I have forgotten about Tang. I use to drink it a lot when i was a kid. Great stuff have to get some.
We stock a lot of different drinks. Tang, hot chocolate mix, coffee, Crystal Lite, kool aid, fruit punch, dry milk and some bottles apple juices. Most of our drinks are made to mix with water which we have an abundant supply of. KF
There are a couple different companies that sell dehydrated coconut water. Kind of pricey compared to Tang, but I know some folks take hydrochlorothiazide (HCTZ), which sucks the K out of your body and you need some way of getting it back in. You could also stock up on postassium gluconate pills (not sure how well your body absorbs these vs. say bananas or coconuts). V8 low-sodium, which has already been mentioned, is another source high in K. I get these at Costco by the case...they usually have a coupon on these in their flyers.... Makes it really cheap by the can. Take careful note if you buy the large tubs of Kool-Aid or Tang...or Country-Time. I've had more than a few of these turn into bricks because of the moisture in the air.
One thing about Tang that you may not be aware of is that it has many of the same ingredients as colas: maltodextrin, calcium phosphate, socium acid pyrophosphate Some scientists...what would we do without them...state that phosphates (used heavily in colas) are bad for your bones and kidneys. Who knows what the truth is, but it is a fact that phosphates are used in rust removal and what dentists use to etch your teeth for certain procedures. That's probably the reason they put the calcium in there...just in case there is bone loss. Also, the citric acid in there probably didn't come from oranges. It was most likely concocted by fermenting Aspergillus niger mold from molasses with phosphoric acid. Aspergillus niger - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia I'm not trying to sway anyone one way or another....just something to think about.
Water Coffee Powder milk Kool Aid Different juices Tea Spot drink mixes Coco I agree about having something to help with taste not only if you are trying to help mask the taste of something bad. It will also help if you have children in your group, and just like adult's if a child goes down from dehydration in a SHTF it's going to going to slow you down and add to your obsticles to over come.
We have a bunch of those single serve packets of different flavors of cool aid. Dollar general commonly has them for $1 or less so I try to pick up 5 or more every time I go there. A couple weeks back they had a sale on the wylers brand ones, 2 for a buck. I grabbed up 20 boxes. In addition to that we have coffee, lemonade, orange drink mix, and lots of tea. Tasters choice has those single serve packets of coffee, I keep them in my BOB so I can still have a hot cup of coffee even out in the bush.
I basically do not stock any drink items other than filters and treatments for water and some coffee. I am not stocking up for a picnic, but for survival and there are so many more important things than beverage flavorings to spend my meager funds on. JMHO
While that may be true cowboy, survival doesnt mean you have to live like a refugee. Survival post SHTF is going to be hard enough, it is nice to have some small itmes of comfort to help offset the stress. I have things like cool aid packets, lemonade, hot cocoa, different candy, and little things like that squirreled away with my preps. Grabbing a bag of halloween candy when it is 75% off and tossin it in with the preps will allow me to give the kids a treat. Of course I am not talking about chocolate but hard candy, lollipops, smarties, nerds, jawbreakers, and stuff that stores well. I also have candy canes and peppermint candies stashed. They cost next to nothing if you buy them after the holiday (bag of lolipop rings was $1.50 the day after halloween) and will mean everything to a 6 year old having to deal with a new and scary world. Prepping is about planning and I plan on making sure my girls are not only protected and fed, but to also ensure they have the chance to still be a kid. I have games, arts and crafts, candy, and even some toys in my preps.
Coffee,Tea,and Water Flavors. I also have a few game for the kids though mine are grown and gone we will still have them at our BOL and will need entertainment to kepp them occupied WTSHTF.
Actually, my friend, eventually it very well mean exactly that and it's at that point in time when all there is for dinner is a packet of coolaid, I would be wishing for a bean. It is unfortunate, but I have lived through some of these real life survival events and all I can say is "the best laid plans of mice and men..." Social amenities and treats for the kids are great but probably will not survive a flood or volcano or hurricane of catastrophic magnitude. If you have to beat-feet with what you can carry, where will that fall in the priority? Until then, I'll buy a what I need for foreseeable usage as long as Walmart exists but will keep my preparations for actual survival. Remember when Bosnia was host for the Olympics? All the children had candy.