Dumbest thing you heard from a non survivialist?

Discussion in 'Humor - Jokes - Games and Diversions' started by CANDY fISHER, Feb 13, 2011.

  1. You know my husband works for a food distributor , we do not have to worry, he packs foods all day

    0 vote(s)
  2. I'm glad I hate when people go the extremes and tell folks to stock up, they just scare people

  3. This president is the first one that has made me feel like I'm safe and I leave my life in his hands

  4. Can I come live with you when there is no food left? Will you make me sugar cookies? hehehe

  1. grunt351

    grunt351 Monkey+

    Had the same "Are you a conspiracy theorist or something?" After that, kind of wrote off the lot of them. I used to be nice, now its more of mean SOB. Try to come for dinner after shtf, well, you might get a bit of lead poisoning. A fellow prepper on the other hand, would make sure trade was even-steven or help them out .... they might help me out later on.

  2. Equilibrium

    Equilibrium Monkey++

    I know atheists who feel the exact same way about humans. It's hard removing emotion from the equation for me... so hard when my heart gets in the way.
    Regarding our dogs, one is a very old Mastiff.... very old... so old he requires daily arthritis meds and help getting to a standing position and ramps over the two steps in and out of our home. He's slowed down considerably but still goes through about 4C of dog food 2x daily. He's a pet... that we rescued from an animal shelter when they told us if we didn't adopt it they were just going to put it to sleep because people weren't adopting the jumbos and he was almost at his 90 days... he's not a working dog. He's had an exceptional life with us. A roof over his head with people who love him, a cushy bed for his joints and cats to cuddle with, fresh water, quality food, monthly heartworm meds, and trips to the vet every time he sneezed wrong. What helped me make the decision to not store food for our cats or for him was... asking myself if God would want me setting aside 40lb bags of dog food at $43 per bag in a pantry when doing so could potentially be at the expense of my husband or our children.... I am in my infancy comprehending the magnitude of the challenges that will most assuredly lie ahead for all of us. I believe we're all going to be up against some very tough decisions.... we're all going to have to make decisions we've only dreamed of making in our worst nightmares. We all have the right to choose providing our resources hold and replenish but something I've always told our kids is that for every choice there is a consequence so be careful when exercising your right to free-choice because ultimately we are doing little more than choosing our consequences. It's advice I find myself struggling to accept these days if that makes any sense.... it's that blasted heart getting in the way.
  3. dragonfly

    dragonfly Monkey+++

    I have MORE relatives and friends when they are told ( not by me) that I have food stores!
    They come and say when things get tough, I'll just come tover o your house...
    My reply is "hide and go seek"!
    If you see the vans are gone, so am I!
  4. VisuTrac

    VisuTrac Ваша мать носит военные ботинки Site Supporter+++

    no food or other preps here, carry on, nothing to see. I'll advise you to stay on the road and not step over the wire. One warning only.

    unless of course you are squawking my freq. gate may open but wait for it.

    CANDY fISHER Monkey+

    I understand completely. I did the work, and I will reap the rewards. Im not going out of my way to find folks to help, but again, if I have extra beans and salt, well then I will give. but again Im not telling people nothing!
    my dogs the same way, he is very old and on 4 meds for his heart . I did get him 3 months more meds and dog food, but Im not going to get much in advance as this as some days he has been having a hard time with runny nose and cough. as for the other dogs, well let me tell you about my boy, He is autistic, nothing to cry about his iq is in the genious range. ( 140) and he is 10 . very bright . well he has problems with emotions, like all autisctic kids and we felt he should have a dog. we let him choose her and he loves her so much and packs her every where. She is a tiny chihuahua and poodle. she is 2 and that dog means everything to him. He crys at the drop of a hat for a dead fish etc. so having her go by by is not an option. he has learned that when pets get old they pass, but Im not letting his dog go before its time. Im ok with the food storage for the pets, I have begun already and have 6 months worth, but of course a small dog as we have ( also a Schnauzer) eat only half a cup 2 times a day. the old one has special food in a can so I have already gotten that food to.
    I special order the other dogs foods so I just got a new case of 80 pounds to go with the 40 pounds I already have. And have again put down on my next order day ( next month) to order 80 more pounds.
    in times of trouble, these pets will give my kids comfort. ( my feeling any ways)
    here in montana we have no problems with fleas or heart worm, to cold LOL
  6. Equilibrium

    Equilibrium Monkey++

    Little better... ;)
    It's probably been a while since you looked at a heart worm distribution map but.... http://www.capcvet.org/images/heartwormIncidence2007.jpg there are no "safe" states any more. Wind.... it's a lot like invasive species.... it's got this bad habit of not respecting state or local boundary lines. Blasted wind! The other thing about heart worm meds is they don't just treat for heartworms.... they pretty much treat for the parasites our dogs can pick up from contact with cat feces and bird droppings in our lawns or.... the new neighbor's infected dog. You might want to talk with your vet about picking up meds for the one dog. I don't think they're that expensive for that size dog.
  7. Falcon15

    Falcon15 Falco Peregrinus

    Squawk One-Niner. Inbound traffic. Over.
  8. BTPost

    BTPost Stumpy Old Fart,Deadman Walking, Snow Monkey Moderator

    That would be Channel 8, Code 13, for Inbound Traffic, and if you don't get a Reply, duck, or back up, FAST.....
  9. Falcon15

    Falcon15 Falco Peregrinus

  10. VHestin

    VHestin Farm Chick

    I've heard so much dumb stuff over the past couple days(on Facebook, all sorts of topics), it's hard to focus on one aspect of the stupidity, but I in a way am glad for those who don't have any clue about preparedness, because they are good for a laugh.
  11. lynnie

    lynnie Monkey+

    I am a Christian, but the #1 stupid remark I have heard that makes me grit my teeth to not respond in a way I will regret, is that America is a Christian nation so God won't let bad things happen here. All the awful things that have happened in history, and all the bad things all over the globe right now, will not come to America because we are special.

    Some folks are in for a big surprise. I read a Dave Wilkerson newsletter once that he thinks the great apostasy in the USA will happen when all the Christians who think they'll get raptured out, or that nothing bad will happen here, get caught up in what is coming ( he speaks of nukes in cities and economic collapse, but it could be a lot of things). They will be so angry and so bitter.

    People that talk like this are so busy wasting money...landscaping, eating out, the good life. We pinch pennies to prep and I am sure they'll all act like we owe them stuff when TSHTF.....
    CANDY fISHER likes this.
  12. VHestin

    VHestin Farm Chick

    Are you serious?! They actually believe bad things won't happen here? Do they not pay any attention to events like Oklahoma City, 9-11, Katrina, etc? I had this crazy idea that God doesn't WANT bad things to happen, but they do because we were given free will and sometimes people make REALLY bad choices. I included Katrina because my understanding from all the news coverage is that it wasn't the storm so much as horrible incompetence of those in charge that made it such a disaster.
  13. Equilibrium

    Equilibrium Monkey++

    Ummm.... and they had no clue what sea level was before all those properties were developed? And... they rebuilt all those properties>>>> ? I don't think it takes a rocket scientist to figure out that wasn't exactly prime real estate. Stupid is as stupid does and our tax dollar keeps bailing folk out that build in flood planes.
  14. VHestin

    VHestin Farm Chick

    Yeah though I did feel sorry for those in that nursing home whom the owners just left there to die(was also very pissed off at owners). Incompetence because of willingness is one thing, incompetence because of (mental) health issues is quite another.
  15. Equilibrium

    Equilibrium Monkey++

    I have no words for the owners of that nursing home and fewer words for the employees who also left... and "mum" was the word when they left... one by one...they left and not one of them contacted anyone who would have been in a position to do something. The jury that acquitted the owners of negligent homicide.... I believe it was negligent homicide... I'm sorry to say.... we share our country with SCUM like them. Those HUMAN BEINGS were LEFT in their beds.... all of them. Can you imagine the horror as the waters rose for those who were cognizant>>>?
    We can't save them all... I realize this but... that entire situation speaks volume to me. It's situations like this that prompted me to make a "getaway" plan with my "boyfriend" from the assisted living center so.... he could stay with me and my husband.... in the event of any natural or man made disaster. Thank God he still drives well and knows how to get here blindfolded and it's why I choose to care for my MIL.
  16. VHestin

    VHestin Farm Chick

    I can somewhat imagine what those who were cognizant felt, having drowned(not near-drowning, I was clinically dead and have the medical records to prove it) myself at the local swimming when I was a kid. Mom says they tried to take me back a week later and I wouldn't get out of the car, as soon as I saw the water I started screaming bloody murder. For years afterwards at a pool or lake I wouldn't go out of the shallow end, got panic attacks when I did. I eventually got over it, but still am somewhat cautious when I go swimming.

    I take care of my disabled mother(she can still walk, and drive, but I don't know for how much longer, it's really hard on her, and I can't drive because I have epilepsy and my other health problems make medications a no-go), and I do worry about emergencies. I am glad that only natural disaster really to worry are (wild/forest)fires and earthquakes. More worried about fires than earthquakes though. Been lucky with no fires in the years we've been here, but I don't like relying on luck.
  17. Hazy Davey

    Hazy Davey Monkey+

    I have heard some pretty ignorant comments from sheeple when the subject of survival comes up. Some folks have just been lulled into a false sense of security thinking that somehow the Government will make everything all right. When the topic comes up I tell them that I have a wife and children that I am responsible for and I do not rely on anyone else to take care of them. If they feel the same way then I am willing to teach them what I know. When I was younger and in the Scouts the motto was "Be Prepared". It still is and I still am.

    CANDY fISHER Monkey+

    I can not tell you how asleep people really are!!
    today when i told people about the genetically altered foods, showed a video of it, and many links to what monsanto are up to, I got.. wait, there doing this to make more food to feed us, and to make food safe for us for the future, OMG are you nuts I told them, I just shoed you how they alter it, what they use to alter it and you are saying they are doing whats best for us??
    Here is another.... the chem trails, I post news reports, what the chem trails are leaching into the air ways, and show this video

    YouTube - CHEMTRAiLS/ MORGELLONS KiLLS!!!!!!! MUST SEE!!!!!!! 100% TV MEDiA PROOF.flv

    this is what I get back from her ....... ugh!

    The actual video clearly shows 68.8 ug/L (stands for MICROGRAMS PER LITER), eg 68.8 ppb (STANDS FOR PARTS PER BILLION). A Liter of water is 1000 grams, or 1 kilogram. Just as 1+1=2, so does a millionth of a gram out of one thousand grams co...rrespond to one part per Billion. And so does 68.8 millionths of a gram per liter correspond to 68.8 parts per BILLION.

    The reporter was not off by a factor of 1000, but only 100 instead, but only because he read the "68.8" as "6.8". So Ferrell only over-estimated the amount of barium in the test report by a factor of 100 (or, 10,000 PER CENT if you prefer percentages).

    From the EPA/CDC site:

    "The EPA has set a limit of 2.0 milligrams of barium per liter of drinking water (2.0 mg/L), which is the same as 2 ppm [parts per million]."

    The reporter got it wrong. The test result was not "three times the toxic level set by the Environmental Protection Agency, or EPA." (i.e. 300%). It was actually less than 3.5%. It was around 30 times LESS THAN THE EPA'S TOXIC LIMIT.

    CANDY fISHER Monkey+

    this is what I posted back to her. waiting on her " educated answer "

    me to her ...what ever it was its being sprayed on all of us. I mean really do you not see this in your skys?? California is one of the top sites in the USa for morgellons!! apples and oranges , so its just a little, do you want that little bit in your body, sprayed down on you???
    EPA really you trust what ever they tell you?? and they tell you that vaccines are good for you, lies!!!!!!!!!!!!! why put lead and thimerosal in them ??? come on open your eyes people this is a crime on humanity!!.
  20. Equilibrium

    Equilibrium Monkey++

    I'm pretty sure.... not positive.... we're going to get a 1st hand peek at some of Darwin's theories in action here real soon. Save your breath for those around you who don't have closed minds.
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