Gas mask information.

Discussion in 'General Survival and Preparedness' started by survivalmonkey360, Jan 11, 2009.

  1. ghrit

    ghrit Bad company Administrator Founding Member

    It is NOT too late to get vaccinated for the pox unless you have a known allergy to one or another of the components. Git 'er done, cheap insurance says me.
  2. SLugomist

    SLugomist Monkey++

    Also with industrial you could face asphxiation (sp). No oxygen environment

    Also check the company, LABSAFETY. Should be able to google them. They would have some good commericial masks, filters, suits, gloves, and scba masks/tanks.

  3. Are you sure, I thought you couldn’t get it anymore since the virus is extinct in the wild?
    And isn’t the weaponized stuff different anyway?

    I have yet another question how’s the M95 gas mask compared to the M40 it seems more streamlined and looks like it has bigger eye holes; I read it has butyl rubber on the outside and silicone rubber on the inside, like the m40 (when it has its second skin).

    Will it work with the USGI quick doff hood, and USGI canteen caps?
  4. sniper-66

    sniper-66 Monkey+++ Moderator Emeritus Founding Member

    I have no information on the M95, I don't know who makes it, nor who uses it. I didn't see that it meets NATO standard, if it does, then it should take standard NATO filters.
    As for using a mask against small pox, I think you would be better and cheaper served by getting innoculated. There are still vaccines out there, we military are still getting them. Small Pox are small pox, weaponized or not.
  5. enough

    enough Monkey++

    I just read through the whole thread and you guys answered most of my questions. Here is a new one ... what about kids?

    I have a 3yo, 7yo, and 9yo. It appears that a hood is going to fit better. From what I can tell, a lot of the Israeli kids sized systems are not so great. I'm not an expert by any means, but I found a couple reviews on the net. Thoughts?
  6. sniper-66

    sniper-66 Monkey+++ Moderator Emeritus Founding Member

    The problem with kids is that there are so many sizes that it will be nearly impossible to get something that not only will fit today, but also fit tomorrow. Your gourd quit growing some time ago, so once you find a fit, you are pretty much done except the extra chubby that you put on over the years. The military doesn't have to worry about kids, so they don't. Since most masks come from the military, your going to have a hard time finding something. Kids are out of my realm of expertise.
  7. enough

    enough Monkey++

    I've seen some hoods. Again, geared towards children. Anyone have any thoughts on them?

    I'm not linking these for prices, but just to show some quick examples of that is out there for children, in hood form.

    I'll do some more looking.

    How about comments on this info ...
  8. fortunateson

    fortunateson I hate Illinois Nazis!

    What would be good protection to wear to protect from fallout?
    Right now we live about 10 miles from a Nuke plant.

    I have a set of Canadian M69 masks that I bought on 9/11/2001 (nothing like a major event to make you open your wallet).

    Anyway, Not sure what vintage they are, but the filters are marked 1970!!!

    Nevertheless, the rubber on mask AND filters is still fresh and supple. Never opened except by me when trying them out.

    They'd probably only be used during a bugout should the sirens start wailing.
    Wondering if I should upgrade....

    Any thoughts?
  9. OzarkSaints

    OzarkSaints Monkey++

    what are y'alls thought about volcano ash fallout respiratory protection? if ya knew for a fact a supervolcano was gonna explode, what kinda mask would ya want for that?
  10. Irt fortunateson:
    There are 3 types of Canadian masks.
    Old Ones that takes odd threaded filters (obsolete)
    And newer 40mm thread type recalled from service do to improper adhesives used (eg they leak, and fall apart)
    And newest 40mm thread type that was properly constructed.

    Irt OzarkSaints:
    Ash isn’t much compared to NBC agents even expired filters with proper heppa filtration should filter it out.
  11. Tracy

    Tracy Insatiably Curious Moderator Founding Member

    Something like this:
    Dust/Mist Respirator (Valved)

    You want to make sure it's something easy to use and easy to frequently replace. Ash is a horrible inconvenience! Those with respiratory illness should stay inside.

    Once it hits, it hits everything. There's little hope of actually getting rid of it, it's more of a redistribution process. It scratches anything painted if you try to brush it off. Water is a necessity after fallout --a lot of water -- and repeated usage for any and every area.

    Except for volume, I'm not sure if a super-volcano would be much different than St Helens. It was like a gritty fog.

    There are actually a lot of things to do for ash fall.

    Hmmm... Enough interest for a new thread?
  12. fortunateson

    fortunateson I hate Illinois Nazis!

    Definitely 40mm. Hope it's not the recalled.
    They seem solid. How can I tell?
  13. fortunateson

    fortunateson I hate Illinois Nazis!

    Good info. Thanks. Mine look different though. Different eye pieces and configuration.
  14. Peachisready

    Peachisready Monkey+

    I recently purchased a canadian mask and I believe it to be the updated C-3 with the 40mm considering how the filter looks (rounded a little and greenish-gray). But I also read that the C-3 and the C-4 (before they updated it to the green-faced mask) are obsolete and do not work at all. I don't wanna take up too much space trying to explain the reason why I bought one and considering how often I use one (never), I wasn't about to get too serious right away and spend over $100 on one.

    I also read that old filters can be very dangerous so I would plan to buy new filters and the NATO adapter if necesarry. I just looked at what I assume is the manufacture date of my filter: 6-14-54 x_x i think that means it may contain asbestos....

    It doesn't exactly say what mm it is on the filter. It sounds ridiculous in a way to try and fix a recalled mask but who knows.

    What do all of you suppose I do?
  15. Brokor

    Brokor Live Free or Cry Moderator Site Supporter+++ Founding Member

  16. Peachisready

    Peachisready Monkey+

  17. Brokor

    Brokor Live Free or Cry Moderator Site Supporter+++ Founding Member

    Surplus military, decommissioned and bought in bulk by CTD to resell. Only in America would a person typically believe high price equals quality. Not so. There are a lot of products out there that can be bought at a great price. The quality of a mask is in the filter. If the mask is in good shape and holds a seal, you are set. There are no Abercrombie and Fitch masks at the moment. ;)
  18. Peachisready

    Peachisready Monkey+

    You have a point there about pricing :) I took notice to how used the mask looked and I would think it would hold a seal. There are no rips and no loose lenses, etc. I put it on before buying it and it felt very snug. But then I noticed what it said about the adhesives don't work properly so the mask leaks, but could duct tape help maybe?? x/ I had planned on replacing the old filter (which was sealed but made in 54) and getting new ones just to be on the safe side.
  19. Brokor

    Brokor Live Free or Cry Moderator Site Supporter+++ Founding Member

    If the seams are glued and they are at risk of separating, it doesn't hold a seal. I would replace the mask. Israeli type masks are great, and they shouldn't cost more than $20 for a like-new one. Stay away from old Russian masks.
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