Peak Oil- what it is and how it will impact your life

Discussion in 'Peak Oil' started by Minuteman, Aug 4, 2005.

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  1. Joseph Thomas

    Joseph Thomas Monkey+

    You folks that don't believe in peak oil should really read Minutman's postings. He and Fire have laid it out pretty good. I've listened to the experts. The petroleum geologists who look for this stuff. Cheney's task force heard the exact same thing. Why do you think we went to Iraq. I didn't believe it at the time either. But if your country is at risk, you do what you have to to protect it. That is exactly what Bush and Cheney did in Iraq. Problem is that it didn't work out as planned. So you can talk about peaked wells and evil oil companies and all the rest. Reality bites.
  2. Minuteman

    Minuteman Chaplain Moderator Founding Member

    I don't know if this is posted somewhere on here or not. I just came across it in my files. A pretty good synopsis of the crisis we are facing. And provides answers to the "what about this" questions that invariably come up in these conversations.

    Attached Files:

  3. Brokor

    Brokor Live Free or Cry Moderator Site Supporter+++ Founding Member

  4. Minuteman

    Minuteman Chaplain Moderator Founding Member

    [fnny] LOL @ Broker. They say the three men who harmed the public image of the oilman more than any others in history are John D. Rockefeller, J.R. Ewing and Jed Clampett!! There are still people who think you can poke a hole in the ground and "up comes a bubblin crude, oil that is, black gold, Texas tea." LOL.
  5. hedger

    hedger Monkey+

    Book: Why We Hate The Oil Companies

    The actions and inactions of the oil industry, along with a persistent failure to accurately communicate have done immense harm to the image of the oil industry (one of the most hated/disliked industries in polls). A very readable perspective of the critics of the oil industry is found in the recently published book: Why We Hate The Oil Companies, by John Hofmeister.
  6. fireplaceguy

    fireplaceguy Monkey+

    Thanks MM. I drop that on people now and then and they're usually stunned. No oil is no oil, either way.

    I used to argue with the cornucopians regularly, but I got bored with the futility of it. Now, it's what I do (sometimes) for entertainment when I'm bored.

    There's a name for the denial - it's called normalcy bias. I've been meaning to post about it on my blog, but I've been ignoring my blog lately. Rather than bury it here in the peak oil discussion, I'm going to start a thread on it.

    Yep. Heard them all. I used to shut up the tanker theorists by pointing out how few shipbuilders can build a supertanker and how long it takes, and that all those ships had to be registered somewhere, all of which would be public knowledge.

    Here in Colorado you don't have to drive very far north of Denver to see lots of wells that aren't pumping. I've had friends tell me that was part of the conspiracy. When I reply that the wells are still in production but so depleted they only pump an hour or two a day at very low flow rates, they don't believe me. I pointed out that they probably ran at night just to use electricity at lower off-peak commercial rates. I finally bet a buddy the price of a digital camcorder with night vision that could do time lapse and set it up. Turns out it ran every night, right on schedule. Boy was he stunned.

    A lot of the delusional people I've met are Christians (as am I) and for some reason, many Christians believe God's gonna refill the salt shaker and the ketchup bottle forever. They tend to get pissed when I point out that God gave us this place, said "go forth..." and then promised us it wouldn't end very well.

    Agreed. There's certainly a lot of inaction going on. But, there have been a number of instances where I believe the elites are deliberately setting reserves aside for the utopian future they envision. My awareness of this started when Clinton signed an executive order creating the Grand Staircase-Escalante National Monument in Utah. That 1.5 million acre park encompasses the Kaiparowitz Plateau coal deposits - the largest low-sulphur (clean burning) coal deposit in North America. There are numerous examples before and since, but that's when I woke up.

    And, they're implementing rationing right now, by way of law and by economics. Health care will be increasingly rationed, using both of those mechanisms. So will food and energy. Freedom has, for all intents and purposes, been rationed out of existence (we can still post our gripes, but they're watching and I fully expect they'll try to round us all up for it someday. At the very least, we're on a bunch of lists, including the one that says who's last in line for rations!)

    I'm aware of that council. My take is Bush, Cheney et al were well aware of peak before that, and that the looming peak/decline was the both the reason for the council, and the reason Simmons was part of it. It wouldn't surprise me if that's where the strategy for the subprime mortgage/banking collapse that's doing such a fantastic job of masking peak was cooked up...

    BTW, I liked the Peak Everything slide show you linked.
  7. Minuteman

    Minuteman Chaplain Moderator Founding Member

    Hedger, I would like to read that book, I'll look for it.

    FPG, the misconception on capped wells goes back to the public perception of oil. That's why Jed Clampett harmed the industry, people think you stick a straw in the ground and the stuff just flows out and into their tanks. A producing oil well is very costly to operate (I'm sure you know this, just thowing it out for the masses) there are continuing costs for maintenance and periodic reworking. There is a whole segment of the oil industry dedicated to strictly well service. As the production on a well begins to drop there comes a point where it costs more to produce the oil than it will sell for. Thus the wells are capped in the hopes that in the future the price will be higher and the profit margin will allow the well to be produced again. These are called stripper wells and they have absolutely no effect on the price or supply of oil in the market. They are usually capped when they get down to about 10 barrels a day or less.

    And I agree that there are areas that are intentionally off limits to drilling to preserve those fields for the elite later on. It has nothing to do with driving up the price of oil. There isn't enough oil there to feed the beast so I believe that there are some behind the scenes who are deliberately hoarding reserves so that their lifestyles can continue when the rest of us can no longer afford luxuries such as air travel and private transportation.
  8. fireplaceguy

    fireplaceguy Monkey+

    Precisely. There isn't enough left for billions of us to fly to Grandma's or Disneyworld, or drive cars and RV's, but there's plenty left for generations of elites to live better than we do.

    I wonder if Hayek would get a chuckle out of the fact that the road to serfdom turns out to be paved with oil depletion...
  9. Suerto

    Suerto Monkey+

    just wanted to let you know Minuteman, that, after our discussions on this topic and me going back and researching stuff, you have convinced me as well..

    I suppose I could believe in 2012 TEOTWAWKI, but, being as how this is the industry that I am in, I was willing to suspend disbelief for the hope against hope that it was a farce and everybody was just crying wolf..

    just wanted to let you guys know.. That I'm attempting to spread the word on this accurately as well, and am linking back to your articles for people to read as a reference..

    very good posts..
  10. Equilibrium

    Equilibrium Monkey++

    [FONT=&quot]I don’t know that I buy peak oil or not. I don’t know that it really matters. I personally think it’s our food and water supply the UN and WHO’s “warmist stakeholders” are going after to bring us to our knees. I see this as being all about control. I see the Gulf Oil “spill” as being another little “pull the wool” over our eyes as they mired our ecosystems in oil then Corexit,[/FONT][FONT=&quot] Prof. says HOMELAND SECURITY confiscated samples and NOTES with inside info on dispersant | [/FONT][FONT=&quot]BigBiotech and all its “socialism and sunshine” for all stakeholders…. including those puppets in Washington and their unleashed pitbull Homeland Security…. are dependent on BigOil. Ever wonder why we gave BigOil a free ride on environmental impact studies before permitting them to drill at depths we knew we had not yet “mastered”? They gambled and lost. Anyone ever heard of Tiber? They’re gearing up to gamble again, [/FONT][FONT=&quot]
    [FONT=&quot]It’s really great that ordinary people like me started to care and all but me thinks the media is hellbent on distracting us from pursuing the real demon…. the science of the IPCC which long ago accounted for the carrying capacity of the earth…. albeit down the road aways as suggested by Watchman220, “It all gets kind of weird and unbelievable...the level of coordination”. I can’t help but think about Maurice Strong holed up in China and then there’s George Soros calling the shots over here. In my mind, there’s a lot of powerful and influential people who want to sell us the illusion that they’re “green” so they can get on with destroying the US economy so they can get on with carbon trading…. er uh…. poofs of air trading to rob our peters to pay their pauls. What was really hard getting through my head was that carbon credits aren’t a real deliverable commodity like gold…. carbon credits are some sort of a bizarre and twisted legal construct that’s in existence because they found a way to squeeze us and by us I mean….. ordinary Americans stuck paying utility bills to heat our homes and increasing costs of petroleum dependent products like…. food. I don’t think this is going to be about middle class Americans not being able to[/FONT][FONT=&quot] [/FONT]
    [FONT=&quot]or not…. I think there’s much more at stake than that. When I follow the money…. I believe I see why they’re not pursuing nuclear energy and why prices on “roof top” technology…. the “alternative energy” me and everyone else and their brother wants isn’t being subsidized with our tax dollars. We’ve been given the “alternative energy” they want us to have…. alternative energy controlled by larger corporations that they can tax into oblivion and those taxes will be passed onto us…. the consumers...into perpetuity. Poke around at this site for a while…. it made a lot of sense to me then take into consideration our burgeoning “global” population that nobody seems to want to tackle right now even though more people will require more resources[/FONT][FONT=&quot], 350 Reasons - Why Carbon Trading Won't Work. Here’s what caught my eye [/FONT]
    [FONT=&quot]Yet…. folk are just now starting to scream about the chokehold we’ll be in with a carbon economy>>>? I want to be saved from politicians pushing and pushing and pushing to get “climate change”…. er uh…. global warming legislation… er uh biodiversity legislation through to save us from the evils of CO² and I’d like the UN kicked out of MY Country and Homeland Security stripped of all but the basics then sent to the Mexican border….where they’d be useful and Muslims should either assimilate into our Judeo/Christian culture or get out. Quite a few folk in the UK figured it out a little bit too late and they’re screaming they’ve been had while their politicians move down the road of giving each one of them a yearly “carbon allowance”. They’re screaming their European carbon tax led to a consumption tax that governments are appropriating and aren’t using to clean up anything for their children while the biggest polluters are making money hand over fist while providing the UN with a funding source they didn't have before[/FONT][FONT=&quot], [/FONT][FONT=&quot]Some of them are saying it was nothing more than a sophisticated and well orchestrated bait and switch and WE’RE next. With the way re-branded cap and trade legislation got pushed as the American Power Act and that heinous back door CODEX combined with “harmonization” of Homeland Security/UN’s Interpol plus a whole lot of other junk “science” on the table helping unconstitutional legislation that isn’t in the best interests of WE the PEOPLE sail through Congress…. I think the Brits are right and what totally upsets me is none of it has anything to do with “real” environmentalism that could sustain future generations of our children anymore…. they’ve twisted our core values and they’re using them against us to get us to go along with their plan to “save the world” knowing darn well the United States will be reduced to a feudalistic society that rivals the Old Antebellum South with the only people “profiting” from the NWO being their “stakeholders”.... those “elite” mountainman referred to…. there’s nothing sustainable packaged into “fighting” the global warming cause at home or abroad no matter how they package it to make it more palatable and there hasn’t been for a long time or else they’d be funding research that really benefited public health and the environment and us little guys by knocking out BigBiotech’s stronghold on our food and stopping China once and for all from recharging its aquifers with our fresh water. We should be asking ourselves how “globally” regulating carbon emissions and charging for the use of carbon supports future life on our planet and then I’m thinking maybe we all better start taking a closer look at our food and water supply and what we can do to take back control of it. He who controls the food controls the world and I definitely think the “elite” want us to pay for the CO² we emit breathing…. evil CO² guzzling Americans are expendable…. that’s the message that’s been sent to the rest of the “global community”. [/FONT]
  11. Brokor

    Brokor Live Free or Cry Moderator Site Supporter+++ Founding Member

    Exactly, Equilibrium. (the beginning of what you said) - I didn't read your whole post because, once again, it's in tiny italicized print and you still refuse to use the QUOTE features. Get with the times, man! It's 2011, even if you are 75 years old you can still click a button or type [ quote ] and [ /quote ], jeez. :)

    Whether the oil is "running out" or not is irrelevant. We will see an oil shortage, turned into a crisis, either manufactured or real. It does not matter if it is real or not -it will happen, and the results will be the same. Additionally, the fact that nearly every aspect of our lives is controlled anyway, including food and water among the highest, raises severe concern to the validity of arguing over the amount of oil in the world. Let's get realistic for a minute: we are alive right now only because somebody allows us to live.
  12. Gator 45/70

    Gator 45/70 Monkey+++

    Louisiana Offshore Oil Port - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

    I have flown near this location several time's in the one is allowed to fly over it or with-in several mile's or so i'm told by the pilot's...
    I have counted as many as 6 tanker's on anchor and could not offload....
    Reason ?? Refinery's were at max. production and storage was full...
    I think the refinery's are a underlaying problem....One shut's down and there's your fuel shortage...
  13. Equilibrium

    Equilibrium Monkey++

    "Exactly, Equilibrium. (the beginning of what you said) - I didn't read your whole post because, once again, it's in tiny italicized print and you still refuse to use the QUOTE features." I tried your way.... it didn't work. I end up with this all the time-
    Maybe get yourself a vision check. ;) Seriously..... you're not missing much not reading any of my posts my friend. They're definitely not worth writing home to mom about. ;)
  14. Byte

    Byte Monkey+++

    This one was perfect! I rarely read all the way through your posts also. Very hard to read with the small print and lack of formatting. It all runs together.

  15. Equilibrium

    Equilibrium Monkey++

    If anyone wants my password to split them up you're welcome to it. That [ quote ] and [ /quote ] doesn't work.
    Byte> if you can read it now.... thank somebody who must have my password because I don't know how to do the quotes.
  16. Brokor

    Brokor Live Free or Cry Moderator Site Supporter+++ Founding Member

    HAHAHA! You just have to move the space in between the brackets and the letters for it to work. I placed the spaces in there because otherwise you wouldn't see the code. When the code is typed correctly, it *disappears* leaving only the quote box and text to be in the quote.

    I still read your posts. Well, I always try to. I think you are a great addition to this forum and I really am missing a lot from your posts by not reading them. You should keep trying, you will get it. After you realize how simple it is, you will kick yourself.
  17. Equilibrium

    Equilibrium Monkey++

    Now look at it Quig.
  18. Byte

    Byte Monkey+++

    Like Brokor says it's not difficult at all! I don't know hardly any HTML or any of the other web formatting mumbo jumbo but it's as easy as replying to somebody by just clicking the "Quote" button at the bottom right of their post. Once the editing frame pops up with the quote in it you can see how the HTML looks (or whatever other formatting mumbo jumbo it might be). It's easy to then infer how the formatting works by the example in the quote. You can then add your own text in response to each point. Just click after the last ], add a few lines to separate your response, and start typing in your reply. It can be quite a mess to break the quote up though. I generally just insert text into a quote using a different color, generally red. Keep using the 'Preview Post' button to see how your response will look. Heck I know people that even type longer responses up in Word or some other word processing software and then copy and paste it into the forums edit box. I'm not so ambitious, however.

    I run into trouble when I want to put quotes from multiple people in. I have to add that stuff manually and then cut and paste in the part I want to quote.

    I always though you were actually typing the small italics stuff in by hand on purpose! Is that stuff mostly quote stuff? Oops. Hell if I had paid closer attention and tried to decipher some of those posts I might have helped you out with posting quotes sooner!

    And I too like what you bring to the board! Based on all the posts I do read that is.


    EDIT: Oh wow I have never messed with the multiquote thing! Just tried it now I see what you mean about the extra spaces in there! Wow that's going to take me awhile to process. I'll just stick with the plain ole 'Quote' button for now!
  19. Falcon15

    Falcon15 Falco Peregrinus

    Your spacing is still off. All of your [ quote ] brackets are not spaced properly there is a SPACE between the [ and the letter q also between the e and the final ]. Remove those spaces to start a quote box. To close the quote box it is a [ followed immediately (no space) by the /quote then without a space add the ] like
  20. ghrit

    ghrit Bad company Administrator Founding Member

    You are on the right track, Byte. Hit the quotation button, then each of the posts you want to multi-quote, and you'll get a reply box with all of them in it. Edit and post as needed. And, again, you are right with responding to several points in a single post, add in your comments in a different color.
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