Just started posting ‘Distance’, the fourth book in the Deep Winter series, at Deep Winter. As (my exceptionally complicated) life allows, I’ll try to get a chapter up per week, until things settle down (HA! Like I believe they’ll settle down! Right!) Take care gang—Rocky ride ahead. Tom S.
Enjoying Distance so far...back to that "make the daily check to see if there is a new chapter yet" phase so reminiscent of when you were writing Remnant... Glad to see another!
Im sorry, but not sure what these books are, what are the book s by name so I can look them up on kindle? I just down loaded when all hell breaks loose, lights out ( thats pretty good so far ) and one second after ( not gotten to that one yet either) these deep winter books sound interesting!
Cf, some of our members are authors. "Distance" is tsherry's work, and is linked in the first post above.
His 3 that are published are (in order) Deep Winter, Shatter, and Remnant. He is currently working on a companion story Distance, the first 11 chapters (as of this writing) of which are posted here: Deep Winter: Distance, Chapter 1. All are very good reads with a lot of good tips thrown in.
I spent this afternoon reading through all 14 chapters of "Distance". It's great! The opening scenario - major natural catastrophe on top of the economic crisis - is so plausible. And I especially appreciate that the protagonist is completely caught off guard in a big city. We aren't that unprepared, but it's helpful to see the collapse from "Doug's" perspective. Thanks Tom. I'm looking forward to Chapter 15!
Huzza! I've just finished the "Deep Winter" trilogy - great by the way! - so I'm ready to continue this new one!
Sounds like good reading. I just sent an email to tsherry requesting a pdf. of the trilogy. Can't wait to start reading. Paul
Chapter 18... All right, finally got kid #2 back to school after spring break, and kid#1 is now watching the NIT tournament in person. SO, had a spare minute to go back through chapter 18 and POSTED IT. Sorry for the delay, gang. Tom S.
Chapter 21 has been up for awhile, and I'm eagerly awaiting the next installment. Thanks to the Deep Winter series a lot of folks around me have had their eyes opened and are thinking seriously about what they would do in a similar situation, since we live in the PNW and face the same hazards.