Basic Prep List for “Buggin In”

Discussion in 'General Survival and Preparedness' started by Equilibrium, Jan 12, 2011.

  1. Equilibrium

    Equilibrium Monkey++

    Below is my starter list for getting us where we need to be so we've got a shot at making it in our home without ending up in some stadium being fed by FEMA. I’ve started on pantry items already and that’s a separate list. I’ve also been going through our First Aid kits and our medicine shelves and pretty much rotated out and updated everything in there plus took note of a few items to replace or add so I think I’m good to go there. I know about BOBs.... that's another list.

    It’s this "Basic Prep List for Buggin In" I want everyone to rip apart…. literally. Tear it down if anyone wants. Some of it I have already and know I need more of.... some of it I don't have. I left out things I thought we had enough of. If there’s something I listed that needs to go or if there’s anything that should be added or swapped out…. please correct me. I could really use all the suggestions that can be thrown at me. Seeds I’m ok on for the most part and only added the ones listed below to remind myself to find them and buy them.

    2-cycle oil
    550 paracord
    Baking soda
    Bic lighters
    Bicycles, repair
    -S.A.S. Survival Handbook
    -‘Small-Scale Grain Raising’ by Gene Logsdon book
    Buckets, food storage
    Canning lids
    -Kerr, large mouth
    -Tattler, regular and large mouth
    Cattle panels
    Chicken wire
    Chinois/Cone sieve
    Cider press
    Duct tape
    Electrical tape
    Flashlight, Dynamo LED Crank
    Filter masks
    FOI license, me & MIL
    Foley food mill, 3.5 qt
    Funnel, for wide mouth jar
    Gasoline and containers
    Grain grinder
    Grapeseed extract
    Holy Cow, concentrate refills
    Hydrogen peroxide
    Jeans, 4 total; 2 pair next size up for our youngest, 2 more the 2<sup>nd</sup> size up
    Mason jars, Kerr wide mouth quart and ½ gallon
    Meat grinder
    Moulinex Food Processor
    Monofilament, spool
    O2 absorbers
    Oregano oil
    Plastic sheeting, roll
    Pool Shock
    Propane cylinders, filled
    Pump and Seal vacuum for jars
    Pumps, hand
    Razors, disposable
    Radio, handcrank w/ NOAA (ordered)
    Row covers
    -Appalachian White wheat
    -‘Black Aztec’ corn
    -‘Bubbles’ brussels sprouts
    -Edamame Sayamusume Soybean
    -‘Long Season Lutz’ beet
    -‘Polish Linguisa’ tomato
    -‘Red Weathersfield’ onion
    -Shelton F-1 Cabbage
    Shoes, 2 total; 1 pair next size up for our youngest, 1 more the 2<sup>nd</sup> size up
    -Fels Naptha
    -Murphys Oil
    -Pure and Natural
    Tetanus, make sure we’re current
    Tetraglycine hydroperiodide tabs
    Shoes, 1 pair next size up for youngest, another the 2<sup>nd</sup> size up
    Solar Cooker (I have one picked out that I want)
    Sump pump back up, manual (I have one picked out)
    Toilet Paper
    Trees, fruiting saplings with local provenance
    Vinegar, apple cider
    Water containers, short term
    Wear-Ever, #475
    Well Bucket
    Well pump, long term solar or solar/wind solution
    Wood Stove, airtight portable
    Wool blankets
  2. UGRev

    UGRev Get on with it!

    Clotting agent: Celox
    Non tissue destroying, non organic topical AB: Silvasorb
    LED flash lights, small 9-12 led's, powered by AA. Lasts long.
    Crank (dynamo) Led lights. I bought some from Sportsmansguide. I cranked one for about 3 mins.. the damn thing lit up 30 days later after the one time crank.
  3. Equilibrium

    Equilibrium Monkey++

    Celox I've got.... it's on another list. Silvasorb is an excellent suggestion! I don't have it and didn't have it listed... I'll add it to my First Aid/Medicine Shelf list. The Crank (dynamo) LED Lights sounds excellent too. Is this it, I'll for sure add that flashlight. Thank you. Would I really need the LED flashlights that take double A batteries and the crank flashlight do you think?
  4. UGRev

    UGRev Get on with it!

    That flash light is fine. Mine are more lantern like so I can illuminate a room with a few of them. The battery powered lights I use in those moments when I can't crank up a light for some reason. They're small, tactical size, lights. Probably no bigger than the length of your palm.
  5. Equilibrium

    Equilibrium Monkey++

  6. Brokor

    Brokor Live Free or Cry Moderator Site Supporter+++ Founding Member

    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 26, 2015
  7. Detentus

    Detentus Monkey+

    OTC medications, such as analgesics and a variety of vitamins and herbal items. KI tablets and RAD strips in the event of a nuclear scenario(God forbid.)

    Alternative cooking sources like a propane camp stove with propane cylinders if you can't use a woodstove or don't have one. Katadyne water filters and cartridges, water barrels(attach a faucet), the 55 gallon barrel plus smaller containers. An emergency radio(wind up.)

    A camp style coffee pot for the coffee lovers.

    Weaponry and ammunition as per your states' laws.

    Generators and containers of gasoline and StaBil.
  8. UGRev

    UGRev Get on with it!

  9. Equilibrium

    Equilibrium Monkey++

    Detentus> You might want to research KI tabs if you're over 40 but they are a great idea. Thank you.
    Brokor & UGRev> I like!!! What other goodies do you two have that might be helpful to me?
  10. Brokor

    Brokor Live Free or Cry Moderator Site Supporter+++ Founding Member

    If you don't have any wool blankets, I suggest stocking up on those. SG or CTD might both have them available from a foreign army surplus. If not for yourself, they make great barter items.
  11. UGRev

    UGRev Get on with it!

    I was thinking about testing out an Uninterrupted Power Supply (UPS) with solar panels. Figuring the batteries in there are meant to be drained and recharged, I thought hooking one up to solar panels to charge and run off of, if even for 2 hours at a clip might be useful. Would take a freakishly long time to charge, but hey, we can't win'em all.
  12. ghrit

    ghrit Bad company Administrator Founding Member

    I'm not sure what the gain to a separate set of panels and batteries would be. Seems like you could accomplish the same thing with a 120 V UPS run off your inverter and not have a wait for the aux batteries to charge up. UPS do not take a lot of power to keep up, they will "float" on the ac input. There is a parasitic load associated with their monitoring circuitry, but it is quite minor.
  13. UGRev

    UGRev Get on with it!

    I was thinking of having no generator or any other way to charge it other than solar.
  14. ghrit

    ghrit Bad company Administrator Founding Member

    OK, I guess I was assuming you would have an inverter to run 'puters and stuff like it off ac. If not, then having a separate battery held out of the main system makes a little sense for an emergency situation. But even so, you could charge it off the in service panels, no need for a separate setup.
  15. UGRev

    UGRev Get on with it!

    You lost me. The UPS is, in and of itself, an AC device. It has an internal battery which runs my gadgets. It can run my laptop, router, printer and a 2nd laptop for 2-2.5 hours with all the settings on low on my gadgets. A larger one would be nice or maybe a few of the smaller ones. So I'm thinking a solar array to charge the batteries in the UPS so that I can run the gadgets for a short period of time before having to charge the ups again. You'll have to pardon any vocabulary here.. I'm not electrically skilled. I just wing the chat as best I can and hope I make sense.
  16. snowbyrd

    snowbyrd Latet anguis in herba

    'Female supplies', birth control (manual type), fire starting devices, dehydrater, solar of course.
    Games, dice ect. Entertainment to take you mind off the SH** you are going through.
    Good call on the blankies, sleeping bags too.
    I have for along time recomended people turn off the power and water for a couple of days and practice. Summer is always easier than this time of year that is why now would be good. Uh, don't let the pipes freeze, Mine never do, I have none. ha ha
  17. ghrit

    ghrit Bad company Administrator Founding Member

    OK, I think we are close to the same page. Yes, your electronics run on ac. Yes, the UPS takes 110 vac input, rectifies it to dc and charges the internal batteries. Then, when ac is lost, the batteries feed dc to an onboard inverter to make ac available to the loads ('puter and the rest of the stuff.) (I believe that actually the 'puter runs on a low voltage of dc fed from its onboard power supply, but that is invisible to me, meaning I've fiddled with the guts of 'puters several times, but never read the voltage on the power supply output leads.) A UPS has several internal components, a rectifier, a dc charging regulator, the battery itself, a loss of input sensing/switching circuit, and an inverter. All this paragraph deteriorates to - ac into the UPS, and ac out.

    NB: Solar panel output is dc, and won't supply the 110 vac that the UPS wants, but I think you know that, just saying in case. Meaning, you can't charge the UPS directly from an array. That said, I don't personally know of a commercially available UPS that will take a dc input, but they might exist.

    So: If you are thinking of charging the UPS from solar, you are going to need an inverter to get to an ac input unless you open the case and try to bypass the normal ac input and match the dc that the batteries want to see. I'm sure that it can be done, but I haven't a clue how. Moreover, it seems an exercise that isn't needed since I think you are going to have an inverter for house service. (If you are going full dc, your UPS will be useless, possible barter item.)

    Another scheme would be to bypass the 'puter's power supply and try to match the voltage that the motherboard wants to see. That likely won't work well, because the disk drives (probably) want a different voltage, and I don't know if that is ac or dc. I'm ducking that one, too.

    To my mind, and maybe mine only, putting up an expensive solar array to supply minor loads intermittently is more than I'd want to do. If I have solar panels, I want to get enough, but a spare is arguably needed. If one array fails, go to a reduced load scheme until another one can be scrounged up or repairs effected.

    I still don't see the advantage of a dedicated set of panels, batteries, and another inverter to do what you already would have for general service. Interesting thought, tho'.

    Or am I as confused as usually?
  18. UGRev

    UGRev Get on with it!

    I was thinking of just attaching to the battery directly to charge it. Rip open the case, and clamp right on. This is all just a thought mind you. I've never tried it out. As for why if we already have services? well, this would obviously be in a "no power to the house, no electrical services" type of scenario.
    1. no power from the grid
    2. no generator
    3. zippo way to plug in to a wall outlet.

    I'm thinking strictly off the grid in the sense that I have no way to charge the ups from standard services and run my devices. Having a small solar panel array hooked up to the battery to charge it, which is then used to power my devices is the way to go.
  19. ghrit

    ghrit Bad company Administrator Founding Member

    OK, now I get it. One thing is to know (and I don't) what the UPS battery voltage is.

    The disconnect here was that I thought you were going solar for the house, not just for a UPS short time service backups.
  20. Equilibrium

    Equilibrium Monkey++

    Broker> "If you don't have any wool blankets, I suggest stocking up on those....If not for yourself, they make great barter items." We have one tattered and torn... but clean... wool blanket in the back of my husband's vehicle. There's another one floating around here somewhere but it's pretty holey from moths and getting dragged around. I'll for sure pick up some more for the house.
    snowbyrd> female supplies are here in the house... we're going to try our best to stay put bugging in. I've made fire starting devices before. It's a great idea and the ones we make are super simple.... fill up the little pockets of a cardboard egg carton with wood shavings then poor hot wax from candles burnt to stubs and the spent seals from canned goods over the shavings is all. We like the egg cartons because we can rip off what we need. Board games are great.... we've kept most of the classics and we like playing cards so plenty of decks and chips around. A deck of cards is a really great idea to add to a BOB list. All weather sleeping bags we've got... our longest trip was 22 days in NM using only what was on our backs. We've got experience winter camping in the Dakotas and MN too.... I personally would take a pass on that these days but I've done it which was humbling. You know.... turning off the power for a few days is a fantastic suggestion. We lose power where we live all the time but usually not longer than a day and usually power losses are during construction season the end of summer. We drain the pipes if we lose power longer than 12 hours in winter. It sucks but not so much anymore since we picked up a small propane heater. It'll heat one room really well and we just take water out of the back of toilets or a sump pump pit as we need it. If I could wish one thing for everyone... it would be going without power for 10 days in their own home. That would probably be a major wake up America call don't you think?
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