Congressional officials say congresswoman shot

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Quigley_Sharps, Jan 8, 2011.

  1. capt45

    capt45 Monkey+

    I wonder how many lists I'll get on if I order Matthew's book...[beat]
  2. VHestin

    VHestin Farm Chick

    All I'm hoping for is that this doesn't become the fodder for more trouble. Been hearing my mother say for years we're due for another Civil War, I think she believes that mainly because of government stupidity/arrogance.
  3. capt45

    capt45 Monkey+

    It's already started: Rep. Carolyn McCarthy (D-NY) is calling for far tougher gun control (bill is all ready to go!) and PA Rep Robert Brady (D-Philadelphia) is calling for criminalizing "...language or symbols..." that could incite violence against government officials including members of Congress.

    ATF is off the hook for the 'gun walking-gate' events, anti-immigration forces are painted as evil and now the 1st Amendment (what's left of it) is on the chopping block.
  4. Brokor

    Brokor Live Free or Cry Moderator Site Supporter+++ Founding Member

    So, you are calling ME and every other PERFECTLY SANE man or woman who have PROVEN ourselves to be quite capable (serving in combat, taking psych tests and passing) and willing to RESIST an out of control and TYRANNOUS government, crazy? We are "crazy" because we do not believe the propaganda on FOX, CNN, and MSNBC?

    You know what, Al? You have shown your true colors. I am seriously disappointed in you, and you ought to be ashamed. You also contradict yourself. You believe it is perfectly rational and natural (as an idea) that a single lone "nut" caused the deaths of others (and I have no disagreement with that), but then you say there is NO CONSPIRACY, and claim:
    You can't have it both ways, Al.
    You simply cannot point fingers at people and call them loonies for talking about a conspiracy to undermine their liberty or their freedom to live, and then turn around and do the same damn thing. You disgust me.

    "No conspiring" took place, you say. It was just a "lone idiot", you claim. WAKE UP!
  5. Brokor

    Brokor Live Free or Cry Moderator Site Supporter+++ Founding Member

  6. Minuteman

    Minuteman Chaplain Moderator Founding Member

    "Law enforcement sources told CBS News that the gun used in the shooting could hold about 30 or more rounds, two or three times a normal magazine capacity."

    It was reported to be a Glock so, one of those extended mega mags or did he reload? I hate these idiot reporters who have no clue what they're talking about when it comes to firearms. Do a little research will you.
  7. Mountainman

    Mountainman Großes Mitglied Site Supporter+++

    Amazing how those dip shits try to demonize everything they can and the sheeple just eat it up!
  8. Brokor

    Brokor Live Free or Cry Moderator Site Supporter+++ Founding Member

    YouTube - True News: Gabrielle Giffords, Jared Loughner and Madness
    A philosopher's point of view. I like Stefan, even though he is a firm advocate of anarchist ideology. The real questions of the matter are ALWAYS overlooked and ignored, because we wouldn't dare to place blame where it really belongs -that would make too much sense...and how else can we possibly expand the control of government if we do not blame gun owners and other free thinking people who dare challenge the power of the state?

    What an interesting world we live in.
  9. Hispeedal2

    Hispeedal2 Nay Sayer

    You know something Brokor, it is entirely possible that something can happen randomly and be used for someone's agenda. It doesn't always mean it's a conspiracy. If YOU knew how truly chaotic the world really is, you could see that. Nowhere in my post did I contradict myself. I stated the act was random and explained it will be used against unrelated people. YOUR problem is that YOUR default is to assume that everything that happens in the world is a part of some master design to come and get Broker.

    You disgust me. Simply put, this thread was started with warm heartfelt feelings and prayers to victims, which you quickly derailed to spout off your typical conspiracy theory BS.

    I'll let you in on something..... no one gives 2x sh*ts who you are. You are not being tracked by any gov't agencies. We are still free. Your vote still counts and for such a free thinking person, you sure are suggestible.

    I've about had it with all the "sheep" talk where you establish yourself as superior because you listen to some BS fringe news sites. But, then again, that is the pattern of behavior for a CT. "Everyone else" has their eyes shut and YOU are the only one who can see. The pattern of behavior is delusional. It comes from a deep felt NEED to feel important in world where YOU are not.

    If most CTs knew how truly insignificant they really were, they wouldn't know what to do. I guess they would have to get a real life. One that's not dedicated to trying to convince people of their beliefs. That sort of puts it in perspective IMO. You sound like an LDS at my door step.

    If you want to present this sort of BS in the TF section, bring it. I will come trolling and post some more factual, grounded counters to whatever the latest CT is. To troll everywhere and throw this stuff out, it just gets old.

    Regardless, those news outlets that are owned by "THEM" are standing up for you by highlighting the wrong in making this random event a political statement: - Arizona Massacre Prompts Political 'Cheap Shots'


    I am sure all the other Monkeys are feeling more like this....
  10. ghrit

    ghrit Bad company Administrator Founding Member

    I figure psych tests can just as well be rigged to pass the loons as the sane. The more so if the test administrators have a bias from how they learned to set up and administer the tests. They are probably short tempered zealot followers of Freud or Jung, and dealing from a deck of 51. (Their koolaide is pink or green.)
  11. Brokor

    Brokor Live Free or Cry Moderator Site Supporter+++ Founding Member

    I don't need your rhetoric, Ghrit. Thanks for caring, though.

    Al, it is SO EASY to be YOU. I have been there. In your deluded, safe little corner -YOU fit in perfectly with all the others who go to church and go shopping. You feel noble with your simple faith and your simple life, and never dare to challenge yourself to seek out answers to the problems which really do exist. You shrug and you fall into the same patterns as the majority of lithium-induced, complacent zombies. When somebody like ME enters into the room, your self defense mechanisms go on high alert -to short circuit your true, rational self...but all too often, nothing happens and you continue to live the lie you have worked so hard to build for yourself. Conformity among the majority is your only safety net, it is all you have ever known, and all you care to believe.

    I say, STAY THAT WAY. Please, do not expect or demand me to be like you.

    Do you want to know why it is so EASY for me to tear apart anything you claim? I know, without a shadow of a doubt, that you simply have no evidence. None. You only ever have one thing at best...plausible deniability. Your dream world is so very fragile.

    The Secrets Of The CIA
  12. VHestin

    VHestin Farm Chick

    The government doesn't really have to do anything more to use Tuscon to their advantage, the citizens are already too busy fighting amongst themselves. As long as the majority of people rant at each other over differences, they know we're too divided to ever make a united front against them.
  13. Brokor

    Brokor Live Free or Cry Moderator Site Supporter+++ Founding Member

  14. Witch Doctor 01

    Witch Doctor 01 Mojo Maker

    extended mags (20 round)... and probably Winchester FMJ ammo purchased at wally world...
  15. Hispeedal2

    Hispeedal2 Nay Sayer

    Yep, there you go again. Predictable. Rant! Rant! Rant! Everyone is a zombie. No one else is enlightened. I am the greatest. Listen to me. I know things. Blah Blah Blah. And then finish up to some link that provides suggestion that hooked your suggestible mind.

    Everyone here conforms. You just trick yourself into believing that you are a non-conformist. You conform to the paranoid and delusional such as the perpetrator here. You are no different than anyone else.

    I just hope you don't fall so far down the rabbit hole that we are reading about you tomorrow. After all, you are such a man of action :rolleyes:

    This same old rhetoric is boring. Come down off your high horse and join the rest of the population.

    On another note, great editorial on a "mainstream" site: - JOE TRIPPI: The Sometimes Tragic Price We Pay to Live In a Free Society

    Some new reporting on the perp:
    The Scary World of Jared Loughner; Dems Target Political Speech -

    This is what will save us:

    The House will not support anything anti-gun. The Senate has enough swing Democrats right now, they are unlikely to make a move. It's all backed up by the fact that the SC has ruled twice in the last year in favor the right to keep and bear arms. So called AW are more mainstream than anytime else in history. "Tactical Shooting" is now the largest part of the gun industry. This is not 1994. Add in the Tea Party movement and some others, I don't see anything being rushed through either.

    It turns out, people are a bit smarter than people like Broker actually think. They voted and the idiots listened. Ever since Al Gore lost, the demmys have been scared of the 2nd amendment issue. I guess your vote does count. SC finally did something to support the Constitution. While it's hot now, I am confident that it will blow over. Of course, afterwards, the CTs will just chalk it up to "they have to give you some small victory to keep the masses appeased". Afterall, we are all ignorant unless we subscribed to superhuman NWO world gov't run by aliens. [loco]
    <!-- /entry-content --><!-- Twitter and Facebook - Opinion Only -->
  16. Brokor

    Brokor Live Free or Cry Moderator Site Supporter+++ Founding Member

    This is Al's answer to everything: [loco][loco][loco][loco][loco][loco][loco][loco][loco][loco][loco][loco][loco][loco][loco][loco][loco][loco][loco][loco][loco][loco][loco][loco][loco][loco][loco][loco][loco][loco][loco][loco][loco][loco][loco][loco][loco][loco][loco][loco][loco][loco][loco][loco][loco][loco][loco][loco][loco][loco][loco][loco][loco][loco][loco][loco][loco][loco][loco][loco][loco][loco][loco][loco][loco][loco][loco][loco][loco][loco][loco][loco][loco][loco][loco][loco][loco][loco][loco][loco][loco][loco][loco][loco][loco][loco][loco][loco]

    Wow, you really hurt my feelings by buying into the media's psychobabble and labeling me and everyone else who doesn't believe FOX's spiel as a potentially deranged criminal just like the one in Arizona.

    Good job, Al. Our hero, the S-2 champion of deceit. Have a cold one and kick back, champ. [applaud]
  17. ghrit

    ghrit Bad company Administrator Founding Member

    B and HSA
    The Inferno is for the boxing gloves, please.
  18. Brokor

    Brokor Live Free or Cry Moderator Site Supporter+++ Founding Member

    I apologize.
  19. Drumbo

    Drumbo Monkey+

    I don't know, but you are already on my list, lol. [peep]

    Since I have signed copies of his 3 novels I'm likely on Matt's list, but Amazon didn't track me. Then again, I have no idea who's reading this, so I'm cooked!

    I don't know where to come down on CTs regarding the shooting in AZ, but I do know the so-called Progressives responded immediately with well planned talking points, outrage and finger pointing. Whether they were waiting for a "crisis" to present itself, or some faction staged the event and orchestrated the aftermath is unknown, but gun-control is back on the table - mark my words. Another site I visit is pushing the theory that the real target was the Judge Roll because he ruled against the President's "District Governors" scheme just days before the shooting.

    I suppose I'm somewhere between Hispeedal2 & Brokor, which isn't really comfortable since I know what happens to those who stand in the middle of the road, but I'm not ready to accept all the CTs at face value, but I know that something is seriously wrong. I also know from my discussions with others that most folks feel the same.

    I watch and listen to Brokor's posts with an open mind. My father was in the G2 Intelligence section of the USMC since WWII and he worked directly with CIA on occasion in Korea (actually OSI I think) and especially during The Bay of Pigs debacle. The whole experience soured him on his distinguished military career and he choose to retire as a Master Gunnery Sergeant after 20 years and became a car salesman for the next 20 years of his life rather than pursue a career with the CIA which was already a done deal. I know he loved his Marines, but when he was covertly sent into Cuba by E. Howard Hunt (codename: Edwardo) to make contact with resistance fighters, smuggle them out on rubber rafts and train them on Vieques(off Puerto Rico) and told if he was caught he would go down in history as a traitor to the USA, he lost his taste for the CIA.

    I've read everything on the web about the 1961 Bay of Pigs invasion, as well as every FoIA document that's been released and I know my dad was a part of it because several of the documents refer to his code-name, the Dutch freighter used to land his battalion of Cubans and other details he told me years before the "facts" came out. However, the details are redacted - not to protect anyone's identity, but to keep the true story of what happened out of public view. The Wikipedia article on The Bay of Pigs Invasion is history revisionism, pure and simple, saying only that Hunt recruited refugees in Miami - there's no mention of Vieques, Cuban nationals or the Marines who ran the operation and were ambushed when the promised air support failed to pin down Castro's forces.

    My dad told me the true story in the 80s and we discussed it many times before he passed away in 2008, I even considered writing a book of his adventures, but he forbid it. I still have physical evidence from his effects including unit patches from Brigade 2506 and even a Cuban General's hat badge which he told me were classified for over 20 years. I've seen photos of the unmarked jet fighters, painted black that were to be flown by Marine pilots, but there's no mention of Secretary of Defense McNamara who talked Kennedy out of using the planes at the last minute without telling the invasion force. The CIA Report on the failure is a joke - the planes were key to the invasion, without them the Bay of Pigs became a shooting gallery with invaders on the beach and Castro's forces on the surrounding cliffs. The statements that Adlai Stevenson and Dean Rusk were lied to by the CIA is bass-ackwards. The CIA, the Marines and Brigade 2506 were sent like sheep to the slaughter by the White House. How my dad escaped with a handful of Cuban freedom-fighters is a story for another day. The point is, I know first hand that some secrets are still secrets forever, amen.

    Therefore, some of Broker's posts intrigue me, but I frankly had more use for Jesse Ventura when he wore a feather boa in the WWF. Al has some great posts here too and maybe, like he says, all this stuff belongs in the TFH forum. I'm conflicted. :rolleyes:

    I have learned that just because I don't want to believe something isn't reason enough to dismiss it. In Matt Bracken's books, which lead to all-out Civil War there's a line early on when someone says something like, "it's as if someone is standing in the middle taking pot shots at both sides and trying to start an all-out throw down." That's what happens in the books - is it happening in real life? Is someone trying to stir the pot enough to start a meltdown? Is someone hoping Obama will have to declare Marshall Law when TSHTF? I wish both sides would maintain a moment of silence for those victims.

    I agree with Hispeedal2 when he says:
    But... the "progressive' talking heads were out in force last night and they didn't sound scared. The fact that the House have suspended all scheduled agenda to "deal with this crisis" is hardly comforting.
    The House "Will not" and the Senate is "unlikely" in the same paragraph makes me even more uncomfortable. I agree with the thesis, but one of their own took a bullet in the brain and the death of Judge Roll may be enough to give the swing vote on the SC pause. I've seen too much "unlikely" happen lately. If the deck is stacked or the herd stampedes, all bets are off.

    As a novice prepper, I hope for the best but am preparing for the worst. Thank you gentlemen (and lady) for a spirited discussion.

    "Truth springs from argument amongst friends." - David Hume
  20. Seawolf1090

    Seawolf1090 Retired Curmudgeonly IT Monkey Founding Member

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