Anybody still believe in global warming ?

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Quigley_Sharps, Dec 30, 2010.


    INRICK Monkey+

    why not belive in it everthing else is going to hell,mainly because of there are to many people.i herd the other day a city like new york can raise the temp in the city by 2 deg.just by body heat.
  2. fireplaceguy

    fireplaceguy Monkey+

    And in their playbook, climate change leads to global government...
  3. Disciple

    Disciple Monkey+

    unforutnatly I have to disagree on that I say most of the idiots will be safe........They will be in washington running the entire mess.............
    the rest of the idiots are the ones that won't have to be scared cause they will be thes protected and supported by the government. If You believe their bullspit you will be ok.............The only ones in true danger are those whom believe like we do...........UNTILL THE LORD COMES.
  4. Disciple

    Disciple Monkey+

    By the way, there is always some kind of shortage going around we've had gas shortages, food shortages of one thing or another......Why cant we for once have a shortage of A$$HOLES to send to washigton and then we can have our constitutional government back.
  5. VisuTrac

    VisuTrac Ваша мать носит военные ботинки Site Supporter+++

    Damn, so maybe I shouldn't be reading too much into 'The Age of Stupid' on netflix?

    All i know is that there is way less snow than when i was a kid. There was usually snow on opening day of deer season and we still had snow on the ground at the end of march.

    Now, we are lucky if we have snow for christmas (all melted here now) and we are planting in march.

    the lake level at my parents cottage is down about 1 vertical foot or about 25 feet of new shore line. I use to be able to dive off the dock. now you'll break your neck if you try.

    sooo, what am i suppose to assume? maybe not warming but a dryer climate?[peep]
  6. eggs

    eggs Monkey+

    I believe it was warm yesterday in OH, but i dont believe we will get weather like that again until spring :)
  7. Mountainman

    Mountainman Großes Mitglied Site Supporter+++

    Always thought the same. If I can not be dictator, I'm not into politics.
  8. Byte

    Byte Monkey+++

    Weather patterns ARE changing. The other planets in the solar system are warming as well. Our winters have become much more mild in the past 25 years in MT also. Last year the trend began to reverse. I think what most in this thread are getting at is that the notion that global warming is caused by human behavior is unproven and thus 'junk science'.

    I wonder who we can blame for the increased temps on this planet that lead to the reign of the dinosaurs. There's no way weather patterns just changed on their own right? And what about the previous Ice Age? Or the one before that? It's way beyond our control.

  9. Clyde

    Clyde Jet Set Tourer Administrator Founding Member

    I experienced global warming in my car after a few bowls of navy bean soup yesterday. Hot!
  10. Seawolf1090

    Seawolf1090 Retired Curmudgeonly IT Monkey Founding Member

    Gastro-volcanic reaction, Clyde - that Methane will get ya!

  11. Equilibrium

    Equilibrium Monkey++

    I'm afraid I lost the "faith" when I stopped drinking the consensus Kool-Aid. For me…. I feel used…. I did the same thing most folk did…. pretty much accepted their "science" without ever looking too deeply into it but… I went one step further and incorporated their “beliefs” into educational programming. My bad....somebody.... please never let me forget Ulcergate again. Seriously, the theories of germs and plate tectonics are excellent examples of testable scientific theories that will evolve as science advances... AGW isn't much more than an untestable hypothesis that we've thrown trillions of dollars at trying to validate for a "greater good". Ie: plate tectonics just happens to offer a great opportunity for a simple understanding of the “process” by which a hypothesis is elevated to a theory and how science advances through the testing and discarding of theories, Incommensurability. Here’s what’s so unsettling….. the anthropogenic global warming hypothesis was somehow accepted as “accepted theory” without validation. That’s pretty much unheard of…. everyone I know assumed their “science” had been verified and duplicated by scientists outside the IPCC’s circle of dependability using the original data. Last year about this time the world learned that FOI requests spanning years had been “ignored” and that AGW “theory” wasn’t exactly repeatable as in…. their “consensus” science was and still isn't testable through experimentation….yet textbooks have been rewritten with anthropogenic global warming as the reigning paradigm and they had educators like me running around using their HADCRUT climate models>? We’ve got new generations of children believing the solution to all environmental ills lies in the reduction of their carbon footprints and if they're good little CO2 soldiers.... the government will provide for them from womb to grave.
  12. BTPost

    BTPost Stumpy Old Fart,Deadman Walking, Snow Monkey Moderator

    Yep, you got con'd by some of the slickest Con Men of the Century.... Follow the MONEY, and see who got all those MILLIONS, in Government Grants, to prove something that can't be PROVED, Scientifically, in our Lifetime. You fell for the "We have to do something , NOW, because if we Wait, until the Scientific Proof, is available, it will be TO LATE"... that is just as bad as "We have to Pass this Law, NOW, so we can see what is IN IT"..... Same Con Job, by the SAME Folks, and it is being done, to separate YOU, from your MONEY...... and those ARE, the Simple FACTS.....
  13. ghrit

    ghrit Bad company Administrator Founding Member

    Pass the bill, then read it to see what it says.
  14. Seawolf1090

    Seawolf1090 Retired Curmudgeonly IT Monkey Founding Member

    "Follow the money!' is very apt - the vast majority of 'scientists' pushing these Junk Science Theories are getting big Goobermint Grants! The guys really doing good science and making things happen are running on a shoestring.
  15. tanstaf1

    tanstaf1 Monkey+

    I can't help but keep pulling the global warming believers chains by constantly commenting to them that just now we could use a little bit more global warming. Last year was the coldest since 1998. This year seems to be on track to be as cold if not colder. It would be a real laugh if it is true that we are headed into another mini ice age.
  16. Equilibrium

    Equilibrium Monkey++

    "Same Con Job, by the SAME Folks, and it is being done, to separate YOU, from your MONEY." Separating us.... and our children.... and our children's children.... and our children's children's children. It's about "global" social justice.... UN style... I've learned.
    «Klimapolitik verteilt das Weltvermögen neu» (Politik, Schweiz, NZZ Online) Isn’t it horrible that none of our major news agencies picked up on that story? Sick if you ask me that Americans aren’t “entitled” to a translation. Even google tried to tell me that the page was “too large” to translate. How convenient this page was too large for Google to translate when other much larger pages were able to be translated by them. Here’s one source that’s translating it in its entirety, Climate Talks or Wealth Redistribution Talks?. Read that and it’s almost exactly what “skeptics” were saying all along…. their science wasn’t repeatable and all this anthropogenic global warming was a money and power grab and had nothing to do with really helping the environment that humans depend upon for survival.

    They’re trying to bankrupt “industrialized” nations so they can tax us into oblivion and give it to “developing” nations like Africa and India. If any of this global warming legislation goes through…. we'll see the abyss between the haves and have nots grow exponentially. We'll be reduced to a feudalistic society that will rival the old Antebellum South. What it boils down to is that the entire "theory" of manmade global warming was a scheme to redistribute wealth. "[W]e redistribute de facto the world's wealth by climate policy." I still CAN’T believe we didn’t have any breaking news from MSNBC or CNN or even from Fox News on this UN IPCC Official admitting they ”Redistribute World's Wealth By Climate Policy”.

    We don’t need to go back in time for the sake of a new global social contract run by the UN based on pseudoscience that will turn all "stakeholders" vested in carbon exchanges into overnight billionaires. That would leave us Americans with no money to clean up our own environmental messes like…. nuclear waste and hydrocarbons and the run off from all these synthetic fertilizers and clean up of all the pharmaceuticals we’re peeing out that are leaching into our water supplies and and and and…. the list of what we’ve got to clean up goes on and on and on.

    I have confidence folk here will understand the following,
    The debate [over global warming] is over; the science is settled” said Al Gore in 1992, with the assurance of a lawyer who says: case closed. But those who have scientific training know that science is never closed to challenge, and that advance comes when original thinkers question what is accepted as conventional wisdom. Those with no scientific training imagine that knowledge advances in a political procedure, by counting heads for or against a proposition to be elected as truth. It is not so for the reason once stated by Einstein when the Nazi regime labeled Relativity Theory “Jewish Science”, and its propaganda machine cranked out a pamphlet: One Hundred German Scientists against Relativity. Einstein retorted: Why one hundred? One would do if he presents proof. So if one soul, even a layman, presents proof against the expectations of one million scientists, then one is right and the rest wrong. That is how science works. It has nothing to do with consensus. In science proof through logical deductive reasoning backed by experimental evidence is the final authority that stands above peer-reviewed publications. Who peer-reviewed the work of Isaac Newton?”
  17. ozarkgoatman

    ozarkgoatman Resident goat herder

    That pretty well sums it up. If you look into it you will find that Al Gore is part owner in the cpu program that they are going to use to trade carbon credits.

  18. Witch Doctor 01

    Witch Doctor 01 Mojo Maker

    I think Al was just having a personal "Global Warming" event...
  19. Equilibrium

    Equilibrium Monkey++

    AlGore's quite diversified... with a net worth well exceeding 100M from his “investments” in “green”... you woulda thought this global warming tycoon would've at least slapped some solar panels on the roofs of ALL of his houses to include that new palace in CA and his lil houseboat while flying coach instead of a private leer … better yet… he could buy some acreage in a former rainforest then slop 100 GE trees in the ground to offset his refusal to give up any of his newly acquired creature comforts for the biodiversity/climate change legislation cause… that’s the direction they're headed with all of this so I'm thinking he should seize the moment and give us a glimpse of our children’s future of carbon allotments to the benefit of the UN's "stakeholders" before he flies off to his next pay stop… the devil's still is in the details.

    Gosh.... I love the Canada Free Press, Obama’s involvement in Chicago Climate Exchange—the rest of the story. I saved that to my little file on my desktop. Anyone here know about the good 'ole Chicago Carbon er uh.... Climate Exchange and who sat on the board that helped it get off the ground before propping his feet up on that desk in the oval office? Guess. ;)
    Good news is.... the Chicago Carbon Exchange... "North America’s only legally binding greenhouse gas emission registry reduction system for emission sources and offset projects" bit the dust but... not before AlGore et al made more millions off of it, Carbon Trade Ends on Quiet Death of Chicago Climate Exchange
    Witch Doctor> I have looked into it and I'm watching newly emergent science like a hawk.
  20. Clyde

    Clyde Jet Set Tourer Administrator Founding Member

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