Low cost preps.

Discussion in 'Back to Basics' started by rictus, Nov 6, 2010.

  1. kckndrgn

    kckndrgn Monkey+++ Moderator Emeritus Founding Member

    There are lots of options, many of which have been discussed here.
    1) A friends location. If this is someone you know and trust with your supplies. It has the advantage of someone with your stuff most of the time. The downside is, someone is with your stuff. You'd be amazed at how fast something will become "theirs".
    2) Storage company. Has the advantage you can lock it up and depending on if you spend more for a climate controlled unit, stable temps. Downside, if someone has any idea what you have in there they will make an attempt to get in if the "SHTF". Also, if it's not climate controlled then many of the food preps have a shorter life span.
    3) Purchase "Bug Out Land" and create a hidden cache there.

    I'm sure there are many more options out there, searching the site may prove useful.
  2. wildone_uk

    wildone_uk Monkey+

    seawolf you have it dead right ,with you all the way
  3. Siskiyoumom

    Siskiyoumom Monkey+

    "As long as it has trees for cover, it will suffice. If your digging, etc, is done at night, without showing a light, it won't matter whose land it is, but in the interest of staying legal, look first for National Park, State Park, City Park, Bureau of Land Management land. Then look for utility-owned land (RR companies, mining, paper, lumber, you know, places where people rarely go."

    In the reality of today, using another's property for living on is still in most locales tresspassing.

    There are squatter laws and they vary state by state, county by county or parrish by parrish.

    We had a gal attempt to seize our neighbors property with squatter's rights.

    She moved her self into a cabin on his land and then she registered to vote, got a P.O. Box, and had her state i.d. card changed to reflect her new address.

    He was out of state working and did not discover her living in his cabin until he returned and it has taken him a year of court fights to evict her.

    She finally was taken off the property by force by the Sheriff. She returned two weeks later and the court drama will begin anew.

    If we were living in a world where the rule of law was suspended then there would most likely be a violent outcome for this gal.

    If you indeed plan on illegally camping, then try and go homeless for a month. See what it is really like to have no where to lay your head down at night that is safe from the elements both man and environment.

    You may also wish to think of other ways of staying out of sight. Such as using climbing gear and a hammock and being in the air instead of in the ground.
  4. Joseph Thomas

    Joseph Thomas Monkey+

    Wait a minute. So DeeDee and Rictus same same? Why the name change? If that is your tactical plan go for it. I intend on being reasonably warm, dry and decently fed without becoming an earthmonger. And I am not taking ANYTHING for granted. You give these "looters" way too much credit. In my neck of the woods people will form neighborhood watches, police auxiliaries, militias whatever you want to call them. If I were a looter I would avoid my A.O. like the plague.
  5. Brokor

    Brokor Live Free or Cry Moderator Site Supporter+++ Founding Member

    I don't know who "Dee-Dee" is, or Rictus for that matter...but a few old timers around this forum seem to have it out for them both. I really don't care.

    I have nothing bad to say about the posts made by "Dee-Dee", since they do follow much of the same tactical and practical truths I have come to know and understand. I believe it is best to permit a wide range of input rather than single people out for being "different" or "radical", which may challenge the traditional family beliefs and the stagnant opinions of old people who wouldn't last more than a week without their meds. That's not directed toward anybody in particular, I am just saying that I don't think it is fair for a few on this forum to band together and ostracize the few who may have valuable insight.

    I have traveled the world, I have lived in numerous states. I have never lived in a town like the one you claim to represent, Elsur. You may very well have a super-tight AO and all the trimmings to go with it in your opinion -but that still makes you the minority. As for the majority of the United States, they are divided and programmed to be dependent upon the comfortable lifestyles they have been accustomed to. They do not work well together, and they are each willing to turn others in to authorities at the first sign of FEAR that their neighbor may very well cause their 27 children harm. Too much television. Too much "24" on the god box. The fact is, WE, as preppers and patriots are going to continue to be outcasts, we will be singled out and criminalized. The few who have strong ties with locals and a family and a pretty yard made into a make-shift garden are still going to receive a wake up call...but they will fair far better than a lone survivalist (at first). Make no mistake, we are all in the same boat. We are all in danger. There will be no place to hide. Numbers will protect you for a time, but it will not offer perpetual safety against trained military forces and air support. Period.

    I hesitate offering an objectionable opinion, and that's all these are -opinions. It would be best to simply debate with decency and respect instead of treating the lone patriot as a burden or a curse. Like it or not, we are each different and we each have our own plans and ideas. I like to believe there is strength in numbers, and a strong community really is the right way to go as long as all who are involved are not blinded by religious motivation, political motivation, or place faith in the television programming. I also think that the single lone patriot is strongest of them all because he/she doesn't require the comfort of socialized group think to prop up their fragile nature. Because of these things and more, I believe there are strengths to each mode; a single survivalist can be mobile and harder to track down, can adapt more easily to different environments, is faster in many ways, more silent, and easier to maintain. I can see the lone individual taking up with others of similar practice, making them an even more formidable force to be reckoned with. The "group" route gains its strength only with collectivism and it completely requires clear leadership and a great deal of focus and interpersonal skills to maintain effectiveness. This is also the group's greatest weakness, since tough times can often bring out the worst in people. But, in a showdown, the large groups will most likely have the capacity to repel any aggression for a time. Of course, they must do this because they do not have stealth and mobility as traits.

    I know I am possibly explaining too much, but I wanted to make it clear that there is NO WRONG answer in a hypothetical situation as long as it can be applied in some practical manner. I know that some people who frequent these boards are scared -they are fearful that they will lose their safety net and their vision of protection and happiness, or their only means to survive if the SHTF. Naturally, when we become scared we tend to lash out and become aggressive. This is what I am seeing a lot of around here lately.

    Again, this wasn't all directed toward you Elsur. I just had some things to get of my chest.
  6. Joseph Thomas

    Joseph Thomas Monkey+

    No offense taken Brokor. I got big shoulders like most around here and I can carry the weight. I agree with pretty much all you posted. Especially the general condition of the American populace. My situation requires that I cannot be the lone wolf superbly mobile survivalist. Where I am is where I will stand and either survive or die. I have to build a local community wether I like it or not. And yes, without good leadership and people with common sense and a dstrust of big brother it is a pretty tall order. In the best of both worlds ,folks like me teamed up with some mobile self sustaining types who can make a feint at the adversary and then disapper would be a good combination. My objection to the guys post was that he was obviously the same poster using two different identities. I don't feel the need to do that to get my thoughts out on the forum. I am not roasting the guy or saying that he is wrong in his own personal situation. Just that I won't be following his advice and anyone who is not in a self only situation should look real long and hard at what is best for their family. Take care. I have no problem with you.
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