Lights Out by Halffast - signed copies - David Crawford

Discussion in 'Survival Reading Room' started by melbo, Mar 25, 2010.

  1. gunbartender

    gunbartender Monkey+++

    def. want in on this.
  2. mailman1971

    mailman1971 Monkey+

    I'm in. Like hard copies better then reading on the computer.
  3. AirFrame Mech

    AirFrame Mech Monkey+

    In. Can't wait to buy them! or even win one before Christmas.
  4. GunNerd64

    GunNerd64 Monkey+

    Loved the book. Would love to have a paper copy.
  5. nickmimi

    nickmimi Monkey+

    I have read the story many times and would love a book.
  6. JaxShooter

    JaxShooter Monkey+

    Nice place for a first post. :)
  7. FLPrepperVolCo

    FLPrepperVolCo Monkey+

    While I would not be upset with getting a signed copy, the reason I am following this thread is simply to find out when I can purchase copies the rest of the book. I have read up through chapter 20 months ago, and NEED to finish it. It appears I found this story about two weeks after the entire book was pulled from here. It has been a LONG wait.
  8. Halffast

    Halffast Wannabe Hack Moderator Emeritus Founding Member

    The files have been sent to the printing company. I have to wait on a proof, and once that's approved, we'll have books for sale on Amazon shortly. I don't know how busy the printer is, but I have my fingers crossed that we are in time for Christmas presents. Amazon says you can order by the 16th with Super Saver shipping and by the 20th with standard shipping and they will have it there for Christmas. Please keep your fingers crossed that we make these dates. I didn't think the layout would be as much work as it turned out to be, but it was.

    There will be a way to order and have shipped signed and numbered copies, but that probably won't be available for Christmas shipping. I'll have more details as we get closer to having books. If you want to buy one from Amazon before Christmas and send it to me to sign after the holidays, we'll find a way to make that happen for just the postage. Of course Melbo will be getting the first group of signed copies available.

    We should have the Kindle version available at or about the same time as the printed book. We will look at offering other formats in the future, but Kindle is what we are going with first.

    While the storyline is pretty much the same as it was in the PDF, there are some changes. Of course the spelling and grammar is cleaned up, but many of the problems and inconsistencies that you all made me aware of as the story was being written have been fixed. It's not perfect, but it's a darn sight better than what it was.

    Stay tuned here for more info as I have it.

    Thanks again for all the help and support over the years. I am now going to work hard to get L&F finished and have it available next year.

    God bless,


    PS - Here's the cover for the first edition.

  9. ghrit

    ghrit Bad company Administrator Founding Member

    OK folks, it is getting down to the wire, and we need to establish a closing date for the drawing. If you know anyone that might want in, light a fire under them posthaste. It's melbo's choice for closing day, but I'd just about bet it will be when David OK's the proof and sends it to the printer.

    There are close to 200 members entered so far.
  10. neilfj

    neilfj Monkey+++

    A real book? I'll have to make sure I remember how to work it.
  11. WS6_Keith

    WS6_Keith Monkey+

    Awesome, finally! LO was a great read the first few times on my computer...can't wait to get a hard copy!
  12. trg-s338

    trg-s338 Monkey+

    Waiting for the kindle or book. Want in on the signed copy contest too! Thanks for the pdf version on AR15 a while back.

    AZJEFFRO Monkey+

    I would love to get my mitts on a copy !!!
  14. Goldwampum

    Goldwampum Monkey+

    Me too. Great!!
  15. Wild Trapper

    Wild Trapper Pirate Biker

    Hi GW, ell tee dan here.

    OH Yeah, me too!
  16. Goldwampum

    Goldwampum Monkey+

    Ah good to see you are here LT. Or WT in this case. [winkthumb]
  17. Dvorak

    Dvorak Monkey+

    Would love this, it is easier to get friends and family to read books than PDFs!
  18. Beat Trash

    Beat Trash Monkey+++

    Have been away from preparedness web sites for a while. I've read LIghts Out a few times. Glad to see it's finally in print.
  19. HamGunner

    HamGunner Monkey+

    Me too. Love the story... reading it for the 3rd time now. :)

  20. Bogie

    Bogie Monkey+++

    Love the book, got a number of people to change there opinions by reading it as well. cant wait to get real copies.

    Count me in.
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