The Cleverlys This goes so far past Wrong that it circles clean back around to Right. YouTube - Walk Like an Eqyptian
You gotta be kidding me! Seriously, normally I am no fan of "Bluegrass Music". These guys are loaded with talent, and cracked me up. I watched about a 1/2 a dozen of their videos before I came back here. THANKS !!!
NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO Nein!! and in any other language, "no!". Horrible.. just awful.. horrible. Under no certain terms should Rock, Metal or Heavy Metal be covered in Blue-grass, country or any other genre other than it's original. I feel sick .. so I'll tell you how I really feel later..
I saw Hayseed Dixie (sounds like AC/DC, get it?...) at the bike run in Cherokee, NC a few years back.
well at least it was creative.............Music doesnt have to be good to be music.......Everybody remember NSYNC or the backstreet Boys..........and even Hayseed beats them hands down
the drummer in the first clip looks madder than a sack of ferrets! by the way this is the finest blue grass ever: YouTube - Constant Sorrow lol!!!!!!
I love the Cleverlys, Hayseed Dixie, and Pickin on Floyd (does bluegrass covers of Pink Floyd). Anyone that can find fault with that is not a musician and probably doesn't have the acumen to understand music beyond turning the volume dial up.