What do you think your chances are of heading to the hills ?

Discussion in 'Back to Basics' started by Nadja, Sep 29, 2010.

  1. Nadja

    Nadja RIP 3-11-2013 Forum Leader

    Well, since you live in Iowa, I really don't think you would have to worry to much about running into a griz., and by the way up in Idaho, Wy. Mt. Wa. etc a 400 lb griz would be considered a runt. How about 800 lbs and up ? They are so fast there would be no need for extra shorts, cause f he wanted you you would be got !
  2. Disciple

    Disciple Monkey+

    Ah yeah I know I'm not good bear bait lol.
  3. Nadja

    Nadja RIP 3-11-2013 Forum Leader

    OK, a servere ice storm hits the n.e. and Canada is also engulfed in it. About 4 states power is down. They are trying to redirect it and now Jellystone is erupting . No grid, electricity, gps, gas stations, and oh yeah, it is really getting cold. When would you pull the plug, decide it is time to head to the Hills in your minds ? What would you try and take with you ? Where will you get fuel for your car/trucks ? Food ? All the stores are closed down, gas stations empty and powerless, and the roads are not only parking lots, but iced over as there is no snowplows clearing a path for you to drive on. There is also a 4' snow dump greeting you. Now , really where and how are you going to go ?
  4. Witch Doctor 01

    Witch Doctor 01 Mojo Maker

    Break out my rocket stove and brew up a cup of joe and thank God i live in the south...;):D
  5. BadgeBunny

    BadgeBunny Monkey++

    Brutally honest ... I don't think I have told you guys the story behind my decision to become more self-sufficient. Let's just say that it took the DH a while to get me around that corner but now that I have seen the light, well ... no time like the present as they say ... No sense in doing it if you are only gonna do it half-way.

    I am just grateful that he didn't compromise his feelings on the matter and continued to "do that thing he does" while waiting for me to come around. Otherwise what turned out to be simply an inconvenience might have turned into something much more serious.
  6. Nadja

    Nadja RIP 3-11-2013 Forum Leader

    It is never too late to come around to a safer way of thinking. Welcome aboard the survival path.
  7. oth47

    oth47 Monkey+

    I had a rough childhood and I learned a lot about living off the land.I learned that fish don't always bite,squirrels are hard to hit with rocks,and you can't live on hickory nuts and wild onions.These Dan'l Boone/Rambo wannabes that are gonna head for the hills will quickly find out that it's not as easy as tv makes it appear.I live in a small Tn town and I'm preparing the best I can..I might make it for a while on my own in the wilderness,but with a wife and 2 young granddaughters,no way.
  8. horology

    horology Monkey+

    All In ?

  9. horology

    horology Monkey+

    All In ?

    Having been off the grid and living in a very remote place for the last 5 years I can tell y'all this, you are either "All In" or "All Out".

    We have opened up our 42 acres for people of like minds. But if you are keeping one foot in the "real" world and then try to put only one foot in the Off the grid, preppers-type world, you're only kidding yourself. The effort and resources needed to become "self sufficient" are much more than most people give thought to.

    So if you think that having some MRE's and a couple of cases of water makes you prepared, please rethink your plans.
    I got an email from a man in Baltimore who is selling the contents of his house to get enough money together to get a camper top for his pickup so he can camp in the national forest. He knows that at this point in the game the only move is "ALL IN" or plan to have to kill his neighbors when the time comes.

    If you have not made plans.........................

    HAVE A PLAN TO GET OUT OF CITIES AND BURBS WHEN THE TIME COMES!!!! (and that time is coming real soon!)

    IMHO war is just days,weeks, at best months away. Today doing some chores around the ranch I looked up an noticed 20 jets running afterburners, some coming from Kirkland AFB, some from the south Maguire AFB. The Sky was and still is full of military jets, and when they run afterburners they streak the skies -- not chem trails, but real con trails.

    This is a sinciere plea -- if you're thinking about getting ready some day...........................that day has come -- if it is not already too late.

    Not trying to be an alarmist, just honest. We often meet people who are looking to "BUG OUT", most are at best tacitly sold on gettting ready. If you are ONLY TACITLY sold on gettng ready, I have a good suggestion... Party your ass off, starting right now. If you plan to stay on the Titanic till the band goes under water, at least order some Don P and fish eggs.

    Peace Dan
  10. Cephus

    Cephus Monkey+++ Founding Member

    That would be an AMEN !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  11. Dracomeister

    Dracomeister Monkey+

    Am I ready? NO!, Am I getting ready? YES! Will I be ready when the time comes? God, I hope so! Building our "Retirement" home we decided on log construction with a full pre-cast concrete basement in the middle of our 60 acres about 25 miles from the nearest moderately sized town. When we finish (hopefully by text Spring) we plan to move all of our "survival" gear to the new place. My biggest worry is that when the time comes we may not have enough warning to get there before the balloon goes up. We watch, we prepare, we learn, we hope, more than that we can not do.
  12. Nadja

    Nadja RIP 3-11-2013 Forum Leader

    Aha, I see some of you are really getting serious about getting out of dodge or bugging out to the hills. This is a really good place to ask questions about anything you want to know. No one person has or ever will have all the answers, but with the combined numbers of all of us, we should be able to come up with some reasonable type of answers. As Horology has stated, it is not and will not do to be a part time bugger outer. If you wait until the last moment the odds are so greatly against you on even making it into the hills. And you will for sure NOT be prepared when and if you do make it.

    Here is a good thought or project for all of you planning to head to the hills. Ok, lets say you have a general idea of where you intend to bug out to. Why not do yourselves a large favor and get the closest zip code to said area, then go up to any weather .com and type in your zip code ? Then see if you can find the weather on the first and fifteenth of each month for same area.
    Tully Mars likes this.
  13. arleigh

    arleigh Goophy monkey

    There are a few reasons to bug out.
    Fire. the approach is inevitable and there are no services the can do any good , leaving is the only choice.
    This kind of preparation should be a part of every house hold . unless you've built the home impervious to fire and have sufficient alternatives to breathing clean air.
    Flood. another approach that staying is not an option , your land is threatened and either your swimming or boating out of there. unless your house is significantly above the flood level .
    Atomic bomb, EMP, under ground preparations are the only solution to this problem, seeing there will be nothing to run to.
    Pandemic. Quarantining the house/property and avoiding all out side contacts; I figure safer than contacting some one out side, that is infected, fleeing the authorities.
    Riot, if you do not stay and fight to protect your own, every one looses.
    A group that is organized and has both inside and out side forces , has a better chance than every one caught inside and under siege.
    Martial law. if your out and about, the military or LEO will either round you up and lock you up or shoot you on site don't expect them to behave the law, if there is any ." Katrina " facts are facts.
    Earth quake only, people usually help one another during this kind of event however it will depend on the severity and duration of the event. If your goods are buried under the rubble your've got a lot of work to do. if the earth quake includes a fire to your stuff you are at the mercy of FEMA if it exists.
    An EMP is probably the worst, because there will be a long standing hope the power will be coming back on, and people will, as in an earth quake help one another expecting help to arrive soon. When all resources are spent then things get really ugly.
    If you planned to run , so did several thousand other people, think they will live off the land or plan on raiding to survive.
    We have more guns now than ever , and even fearful angry, petulant, liberals are armed making things even worse.
    We've already seen for years, how they riot and willing to threaten others lives to get their way. Post SHTF it's be worse.

    I have spoken to my neighbors , they are armed and some what prepared for moderate disasters . Personally I count on several things happening at the same time requiring every one to be involved using accumulated skills . not running away.
    techsar and ghrit like this.
  14. ghrit

    ghrit Bad company Administrator Founding Member

    FEMA exists to assist the state govs, not the individual. You can see where that is heading ---
    DKR likes this.
  15. mysterymet

    mysterymet Monkey+++

    Its heading right to the gov operated fema work camp...
  16. arleigh

    arleigh Goophy monkey

    I was implying the idea that during a significant disaster not even FEMA would exist.
    One of the reasons this and sites like it exist ,is because FEMA has proven to be a typical government FLOP.
    Katrina proved the incompetence of government agencies in a disaster
    If things continue, as the bad are cops giving all cops a bad name, this will reduce their acceptability in public, no one will believe their authority, especially in an apocalyptic event.
    Who is to be believed ?
    Any moron can get a uniform and guns, and pretend to be any thing they want ,and if enough people are fooled ,a lot of damage can be done.
    People will need to be well organized with solid communications, and know their neighbors and what to expect out of them .
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