So that little experiment that happened during the Clinton administration didn't happen. There are still some places in this country that you can't legally own the type of firearm that you which. I'm saying if the federal government sees fit to outlaw all firearms which are semi-auto in operation what would be the type you would use to defend your rights.
If the Federal Government decided to outlaw the semi-auto operation firearms, and demand all of such make were turned in, they would end up with a bloody shooting war on their hands. Doubt me not, the people's feelings on this matter are well documented. To quote Thomas Jefferson: and also: And last but not least: I think that says it well enough.
I swore an oath to support and defend the Constitution against all enemies foreign and domestic so I agree with all the thought contained in this post. I will not meekly submit to laws passed by man to deny my rights. In answer to the original poster, I would retain my bolt-action rifles, revolvers, single & double barrel shotguns, muzzle loaders (rifle & pistol), and archery gear. Why? Simple design, ultimately reliable, and you can load virtually any cartridge with black powder that you can make. I think the best overall weapon would be a good lever-action .22LR because while it may not have long range capabilities ... getting shot at with any caliber will make a man keep his head down and 10,000 rounds is a small, easily hidden package.
This is what I was wanting to know. I didn't want to get into what I hope and pray never happens, just what would the regular person fall back on to get the job done. THANK YOU.
I am quite sure that if that ever did happen there would be states that would succeed from the union so I would head there first and formost. but if there were guns you could carry mine would be a Henry lever "big-boy" in .44 magnum, along with a double hip rig with smith and wesson .44 mag revolvers.
We'd welcome anyone to the Republic of Texas LOL! BTW - Rictus is a troll and a bit of a well, my mother always said if you cannot say anything nice, don't say anything at all.
If Texas succeeds I'm sure Oklahoma will too we most likely head to oklahoma but If I live in texas it would be near Waco, at least I could help my uncle ted.......LOL I wish........................
Hmmm - back to the question asked at the start of the thread, there are a number of pump action and lever action centerfire rifles that could be effectively employed in a tactical situation. In Great Britain, which has just such a ban in place, there's a company that makes AR-15s where the action is worked by rocking the pistol grpi forward and back. DPMS also makes a pump action AR, as well.
They've already taken our true military weapons access, which the 2nd "defends" (full autos, heavy ordinance) They are slowly advancing technology so that (WW1 tech) semi auto weapons will be ineffective in a generation or two And people are talking about how to downgrade themselves if they lose even more of their inalienable rights? The correct question should be... "how much more are you going to take?"
Hmm - full auto is overrated as to its effectiveness, IMHO, and heavy weapons arguably so. It may just be my Marine background speaking - but an effective marksman like a civilian hunter who can hit with his rifle is far more effective than most Soldiers armed with automatic weapons. A 1700s technology musket can take out a 21st century Soldier just fine, if appropriate tactics are used. And my semi only M14 and AR15s can most definitely make a major impression on any invading military force - a fact I also keep in mind should my National Guard unit ever be called upon for domestic law enforcement duties. I should specify that I'm a proud Oath Keepers member - and worked in NO post-Katrina as a contractor. So long as I can influence it, never again will we use National Guard troops to try to disarm law abiding Americans.
Hear, here... It is "My" opinion, that there is NO, and will NEVER be, a justifiable senerio, where civilian LEOs need to have, or use, Automatic Weapons, PERIOD. As far back as I can remember, (50+ years) there has NEVER been a Civilian Law Enforcement situation, where FullAuto Weapons, were needed to end the situation. The ONE time I can remember, was the Los Angels-ass Bank Heist gone Wrong, where the perps had AK-47s, and Full Body Armor, and these guys were finally taken out, by "Seized" .308 Nato Bolt Action Long-guns, and issued 12Ga. Shotguns, using Slugs, to the unprotected appendages. (head shots) The rest is fueled by LEO Hype, and television. (which isn't REAL, contrary to popular belief) YMMV..... "Seized" simply because the LEOs went to the local Gun Shop and TOOK (appropriated without doing ANY federal Paperwork, and that is a CRIMINAL Federal FELONY OFFENSE) the required Long-Guns, and ammunition, that finally put down the perps, because they were never issued the requisite weaponry, in the first place.