Survival Tips and Tricks when traveling on foot

Discussion in 'General Survival and Preparedness' started by melbo, Nov 9, 2010.

  1. melbo

    melbo Hunter Gatherer Administrator Founding Member

    Use a small can for a stove by removing both ends and then punching air holes around the rims with a P-38 can opener. Fuel can be either heat tabs or cardboard or wax.

    If the canteen cup is used for heating meals, soap the outside of the cup before placing on the fire. This will aid in the removal of soot and carbon deposits.

    Utilizing empty No.10 cans, a small stove and frying pan can be constructed.

    These items can be used several times before throwing them away

    Cheese spread can be added to spaghetti, bean or meat entrees

    Cream substitute and sugar can be added to hot chocolate to improve consistency and flavor.

    Cream and sugar or hot chocolate can be mixed into a thin paste to make icing for cake or nut roll

    To make fruit cobbler, add several packets of sugar, a couple packets of cream substitute, and two crushed crackers to hot fruit and stir.

    To aid in applying camouflage, rub mosquito repellent on your face first

    Tie a knot in the end of a boot lace to use in cleaning rifle bore.

    Cleaning patches can be used by threading onto the lace

    Two sticks can be stuck into the ground and boots slipped over them at night to keep out insects and small animals

    If using a sleeping bag without a tent, set up bag under low hanging vegetation to prevent dew and condensation from forming on your bag

    When crossing streams, observe first for activity, then send out man across to check area. Then cross the rest of the patrol, with each man taking water as he crosses. If in a danger area, have all personnel cross before taking water. Treat all trails (old and new), streams, and open area as danger areas.

    During rest halts don't take off your pack or leave your weapon alone. During long breaks, such as noon chow, don't take your packs off until your perimeter has been checked for at least 40-60 meters out for 360 degrees. During breaks throw nothing on the ground. Either put your trash in your pocket or spray it with CS and bury it.

    While on patrol, don't take the obvious course of action and don't set a pattern in your activities, such as always turning to the left when "button hooking to ambush your own back trail.

    A dead enemy's shirt and contents in pockets, plus pack, if he has one, are normally more valuable than his weapon

    Practice proper RON (remain overnight) procedures when your team is training, even if you are on the rifle range. Take advantage of all training opportunities.

    Select a tentative site for your RON, from your map, at least 2 hours in advance

    After passing a suitable RON site "fish hook" and move into your selected position so that you can observe your own back trail

    Packs should not be taken off until after dark

    When deploying the team for RON, place the point man in a position opposite the most likely avenue to approach to lead the team out in case of emergency

    Do not send radio transmissions from your RON site unless they are necessary.

    Be prepared to move if you send radio transmissions

    Prior to dark, the team leader should tell each man the primary and alternate rally points

    One half of the team should have their compass set to the primary rally point and the other half to the alternate.

    If the enemy comes from the direction of the primary rally point, the man with the azimuth of the alternate rally point set on his compass can lead the team out

    A buddy system should be established in case casualties are taken at night.

    Each man will take care of another man and his equipment if one is wounded, injured or killed

    The pack or daypack can be used as a pillow, however, ensure that the carrying straps are in the "up" position for easy insertion of the arms in case of rapid withdrawal

    Know what your next days plans are before settling down for the night

    All team members should be awake, alert and ready to move, prior to first light

    Another check of the perimeter should be made 40-60 meters for 360 degrees prior to moving out of the RON

    Never eat chow or smoke cigarettes from your RON position.

    The odor of food and tobacco gives your position away

    Be alert when leaving your RON.

    If seen, you will probably be attacked or ambushed within 300 meters

    Do not always move into RON or take chow at the same times everyday.

    If the enemy has seen you, he will take note and plan an ambush for you

    "Before all else, be armed."
    Niccolo Machiavelli

    I don't remember where I found this but just stumbled across the txt file.
  2. Witch Doctor 01

    Witch Doctor 01 Mojo Maker

    Use a rubber band around your zippos or any metal sided (slick) sided items this will help keep your zippo's in your pocket...

    Use a no 10 can to roast your whole chicken... place a sheet of aluminum foil on the ground... use a forked stick to insert in your whole chicken, season your chicken , place the stick in the ground and place the can over the chicken... take coals and place around the can and on the top of the can... wait around 45 minutes to an 1 hour and remove your can and eat your chicken...
  3. SLugomist

    SLugomist Monkey++

    " ...spray it with CS and bury it...."

    Why do you spray with CS?
  4. Witch Doctor 01

    Witch Doctor 01 Mojo Maker

    CS will deter dogs
  5. SLugomist

    SLugomist Monkey++

    Ahhhhh haaaa, thanks
  6. chelloveck

    chelloveck Diabolus Causidicus

    It will possibly discourage more than dogs

    It may discourage tracker dogs, but perhaps any critter that will dig up food scraps, thereby exposing your RON location, and giving trackers some int as to numbers, and possibly how well you may be fed, and who you are...particularly if you have any consistent predictable trash signatures. Burning the food remnants inside any tins and crushing them will save digging too big a hole, reducing the possibilities of detection by the unobservant / untrained rube. It will also reduce interest by vermin.

    Burn, bash and bury (or carry out) was the motto of Diggers. (just do the bashing quietly....if you cut both ends open of cans thay crush very easily.)

    Later on I'll add to the list of patrolling techniques that I had learned and practiced over the years
  7. AbbyGrant

    AbbyGrant Monkey+

    This is my first post on these forums so hope you don't mine me asking something I have been thinking about for a while.

    What if anything can you do to minimise food odour when cooking?

    I know from experince that you can smell food cooking from campsites often long before you would see them. Realistically if you were travelling for any period of time or living off the land you would almost certainly have to cook at some point.
  8. bravo61actual

    bravo61actual Monkey+

    good questian abby. i dont recomend using CS.
  9. toydoc

    toydoc Monkey+++

    You might do what you would do in bear country. Cook and maybe consume away from your campsite.??
  10. AbbyGrant

    AbbyGrant Monkey+

    That's a good point Toydoc - I guess being in England I've never had to consider the issue of attracting unwelcome wild animals - in other places this is something thats not new.
  11. Quigley_Sharps

    Quigley_Sharps The Badministrator Administrator Founding Member

    When we bury a pet in the mountain region we sprinkle cyan pepper on the dirt about a foot below the top and add a couple inched and repeat until finished. never had a bear or a coyote dig one up, before that they would.
  12. Nadja

    Nadja RIP 3-11-2013 Forum Leader

    I have read a lot of good advise here. Mellbo, are you sure you weren't a D.I. I once worked for ? LOL
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