What do you think your chances are of heading to the hills ?

Discussion in 'Back to Basics' started by Nadja, Sep 29, 2010.

  1. Witch Doctor 01

    Witch Doctor 01 Mojo Maker

    *tosses 2cents on the floor*

    I’ve been through three military survival courses in Alaska, Washington state, and Panama and the most important thing I learned is:<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com<img src=" />

    Survival is 90% mental there are many folks who entered survival situations with everything except a portable log cabin and died... others who had nothing but the clothes on their back survived... If a individual has the mental strength and motivation to survive they can do it for a short term.... those with the mental toughness and some knowledge/ingenuity can last a long time and come out in the same shape or better than they went in...
  2. oldsoldier

    oldsoldier Gadget Master

  3. bnmb

    bnmb On Hiatus Banned

    Yup...as a former soldier, I totally agree! Nothing beats a cart of knowledge and truckload of will to live and fight!
  4. happyhunter42

    happyhunter42 Monkey+++

    If this is the scenerio then someone my name the piece of ground they find your body on after you. You know, like Donner Pass. If you are not prepare before you get to the hills your fighting a losing battle.
  5. ozarkgoatman

    ozarkgoatman Resident goat herder

    If you knew me you wouldn't have to ask. But to answer that #&!! YES !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! [2c]

  6. ozarkgoatman

    ozarkgoatman Resident goat herder

    I've told my wife if I die and she needs meat I'll p/oed if she doesn't eat me!!!!!!!!!

  7. Nadja

    Nadja RIP 3-11-2013 Forum Leader

    Thank-you for your honest opinion. This is the point I was trying to get across, especially to all the arm chair comandos out there. This country is all about the white stuff in winter. Not many places are totally exempt. I would really like to see them realize it now, before something does happen , rather then grab their bob's and "run to the hills" Living out of your bob in summer conditions would be very tough for the average person, who is used to calling out for take out, or poping a pizza in the microwave oven. I truly believe that over 99% of the people would actually be much better off, just bugging in as running to the hills would almost certainly mean a slow and bad death. They need to no more then try walking across a fresh 4' snow fall, and carry their bob's , also all the guns and ammo they seem fixiated on and try and find shelter, food and even a fire. What I really see happening, is they may live for a day or too, under those extreme conditions, and when their bob's run out of food, they will lay down and die. If they would be totally honest with themselves, they would instead start prepping at home or an in-laws farm or something like that and actually survive what ever is coming our way. But, in order to do that, they have to change their frame of mind. Survival will always start there, not guns.
  8. hedger

    hedger Monkey+

    Nadja's Right: The Hills Get Very Cold

    Somehow, there is a persistent fantasy that refuses to acknowledge reality: The mountains (Rocky Mountains) that some refer to as "the hills" are much cooler than other areas during summer and they get WAY COLDER in winter.

    Along the foothills just east of the Rocky Mountains here in Colorado, we had wind gusts of up to 75 miles per hour for the past couple of days. If you were among the mass of folks who think that you'll "just head for the hills" when the SHTF, how will you be prepared to deal with that kind of regular weather challenge??? If you are not both extremely prepared and highly trained, how in the world will you cope, let alone survive?

    I believe that the most obvious common denominator of Alas, Babylon and One Second After, is that there will be an early massive die off of many of those not killed by a SHTF event.
  9. bnmb

    bnmb On Hiatus Banned

    OK...Here's what I did...I used to go to picnics with friends around the city and around the country (Macedonia, remember? 200km border-to-border?). That gives me good opportunity to look around for caves and natural shelters. So, I have about 4-5 locations picked where one could bugout if must. I'm not planning to bugout unless nuked or similar! So, if you do your research and homework when times are fine, your chances increase few folds. I would never go blindly into unknown mountain or dense forest. Caves, holiday houses, water sources, food sources, rivers, lakes, etc...Look ahead of SHTF where you can bugout with high survival probability.

  10. ozarkgoatman

    ozarkgoatman Resident goat herder

    Agreed. I was reading something the other day that said there were perdictions of a 90% die off if the eletricity went out for 12mo. in my personal opinion I think that the lions share of that would be in the first 3mo.

  11. BadgeBunny

    BadgeBunny Monkey++

    That would be me ...

    And no I do not ... :D
  12. hedger

    hedger Monkey+

    90% Die Post SHTF

    I had not read that 90% number that are expected to die if we lose electricity for 12 months, but I would not dare to challenge it.
  13. Pax Mentis

    Pax Mentis Philosopher King |RIP 11-4-2017

    Yes I dread going out to start my car when it is cold, wet and nasty. Given the option, I will remain inside by the fireplace with a good book or my laptop.

    And yes, I figure I would have about a 50-50 shot at survival in the "cold wet and white hills"... based on training, experience and skills. But that doesn't mean it wouldn't be way down my list of preferred options...that is why I live in a more mild climate and have a good base with 2 backup locations nearby.
  14. bnmb

    bnmb On Hiatus Banned

    Hmmmm...90%...isn't that a bit too much?...I mean...is humanity that incompetent? If they said 50-60%, I could agree, but 90?
  15. Byte

    Byte Monkey+++

    It's my personal opinion that the initial mass die off would approach the 95% mark and it'll start within the 2nd month and wind down into the 6th. Some variation may occur dependent upon the time of year. If crops are in the field when the initial event happens it'll push the time table back by maybe 2 months. If it starts in Dec-Feb the mass dying might even start within the first month. I stand by the 95% total die off in the first year, however.[nutkick]

  16. Nadja

    Nadja RIP 3-11-2013 Forum Leader

  17. Nadja

    Nadja RIP 3-11-2013 Forum Leader

    BadgeBunny, being honest with one's self will do more to save you then all the equipment in the world. Here is a thought for you and your Badge person, you may think about obtaining EMPTY sand bags, and then just storing them, and add to that a 30.00 dollar trailor of sand. Like your going to build a sandbox etc.
    Then should the time arise, you can fill the sand bags and begin stacking them on the INSIDE of your walls. They will stop almost any cartridge coming your way, add lots of insulation and also provide a level of security that most people will only wish for. Once you do make it out of the city in the future following the "Badge's" retirment then you can build , buy or whatever type of place you wish. But for now, just think of the added security a couple of hundred sand bags full against the walls would add to your sleep at nights. Just a thought. Nadja
  18. ghrit

    ghrit Bad company Administrator Founding Member

    +1. Be aware of the additional weight on the structure when you start stacking bags.
  19. Nadja

    Nadja RIP 3-11-2013 Forum Leader

    Ghrit, you caught me good. Opps ! Lets clairfy this a little better shall we ? If you have a concrete slab house, then inside will be fine, however if you have a foundation house or to say a raised floor,then you would need to stack them outside the walls on the ground etc for safty The weight would as Ghrit corrected me crush a wooden raised floor.
  20. Disciple

    Disciple Monkey+

    You Know I wasnt trying to be a smart-a$$, I was being upfront and truthful, a little phaciecious, No A rattlesnake 9 times out of ten you just never know. But Now a wolf or pack of wolves, Who in here wants to take on a bear, I mean in event it ever does happen I'm planning on carrying a Dpms lr-308, And I'm a pretty god shot ,But I frankly don't want to get up close and personal with a 400 lb grizzly, Nobody can carry that much Charmin or that many pairs of fruit of the Looms. i mean hey I'm just saying.
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