So I ran some of the Winchester military grade 00 through my 590A1 today. Ouch. Feeling it for sure. Also picked some 1oz #6 Win 2-3/4 DR.EQ. 3-1/4 and it didn't recoil nearly as bad as the 00. But hey it's 1/4 the price sooo.... Thing shoots like a dream out to 40yds with a satisfactorily tight pattern. I can't find anything that states whether the heavy barrel on the 590A1 is just cylinder bore or if it's the improved cylinder bore. Wouldn't want to use anything other than 00 or slugs if I had to shoot much over the 40yd line though. I want to try some sabot slugs and some plain non-rifled slugs soon. I need to find a 1oz slug mold so I can roll my own. Slug pricing is stupid high! Byte PS That whole 'bolt must be open to insert mag' crap with a Saiga has maybe changed my mind about wanting one. Especially if they don't even come with a last round hold open! Crazy design. I am used to no hold open with my AK's. Still a very fast reload if you've trained for it. If the bolt needed to be held open to accept a full mag, however, the AK wouldn't be the most prolific military rifle on the planet.
Have a look over at the HandloadersBench. There are a couple guys that know things about heavy loads over there.
Jeff and I are talking about taking ours with 20 rd drums on a dove hunt. That 3-rd plug thing doesn't apply many places south of the border.
Yeah without the LRBHO, if you aren't counting every time, CLICK, dang it. missed pigeon. I think there are a few guys that have made "last round bolt hold openers" that are for sale for the S-12. You'd have to check the S-12 forum, though. Dinzag arms, Tromix maybe After your mag spring gets broken in a little, you can insert full mags while bolt is closed. Ya just have to insert it a little different, but it'll work.
There is a company out there I think its alliance has saiga conversions with 30 rd drum magazines. Maybe it would not be a good defensive shotgun but brother it would be one hell of a Duck/Goose gun. It would be like putting up AAA fire.