Lights Out by Halffast - signed copies - David Crawford

Discussion in 'Survival Reading Room' started by melbo, Mar 25, 2010.

  1. oscar615

    oscar615 Monkey+++

    I would like to win a copy. Please sign me up. It would be helpful to have non preppers read and hopefully help to show them the error of their ways.
  2. ChrisNuttall

    ChrisNuttall Monkey+++

    Count me in as well. What do we have to do?

  3. melbo

    melbo Hunter Gatherer Administrator Founding Member

    Post in this thread.

    I received an email from Halffast this morning and he promises an update soon.
  4. rexmo

    rexmo Monkey+

    Me too!

    I'd like a chance...
  5. Byte

    Byte Monkey+++

    Great news! Looking forward to reading this in published form.

  6. Cooker

    Cooker Monkey+

    Me too please :)
  7. Gafarmboy

    Gafarmboy Monkey+++

    purchase maybe...

    I would like to purchase a signed copy if at all possible.

    Be Blessed, Be Vigilant
  8. sstrauss

    sstrauss Monkey+++

    Will the final version also be available in electronic form? I would love a paper copy, but ebooks are much easier to read (bad eyesight)
  9. eggs

    eggs Monkey+

    count me in too, I'd also like the chance to win.
  10. melbo

    melbo Hunter Gatherer Administrator Founding Member

    Update 9/28/2010: I received an email from Halffast recently and he told me that he's nearing the end of the final edit for publishing. He's a little behind on his target and was beating himself up over commas and other uses of the English language. If everyone could post a quick note in support, I think we can get him to finish this task!! David should be checking in here again soon.

    I'm working on getting a bunch of copies on top of the 20 for those that want to purchase them.
  11. ChrisNuttall

    ChrisNuttall Monkey+++

    I am more than happy to proofread in exchange for a copy.

  12. Idahoser

    Idahoser Monkey+++ Founding Member

    Well, if it'll help, I sure am pulling for him!
    If you're trying to get a count, I want to buy two copies right off the bat, signed or not. If I win one as I said I'll donate it back to the forum to auction for profit.
  13. ghrit

    ghrit Bad company Administrator Founding Member

    Win or lose the draw, I'll do the same. (Win, two go to auction.)
  14. usaflagtag#1

    usaflagtag#1 Monkey+++

    Just a reminder - I still want to purchase a copy of "Lights Out".
    I would also like a chance to win one, but either way, I want one asap. :D
  15. Tycer

    Tycer Monkey+

    I'm in for two please.
  16. melbo

    melbo Hunter Gatherer Administrator Founding Member

    Draft version of the book cover:

  17. Idahoser

    Idahoser Monkey+++ Founding Member

    "the internet cult classic"

    how true
  18. Halffast

    Halffast Wannabe Hack Moderator Emeritus Founding Member

    Lights Out update

    I know many of you want to know where we are in regards to getting Lights Out into print. I haven’t been very forthcoming, not because it’s some big secret, but because I have already missed two deadlines. I don’t want to make any more promises that I can’t keep, so I have kept my mouth shut and my head down working on the book. However, I know I owe you all an update.

    Before I start, let me say that I am truly blessed to have the support and encouragement that you all have given me. Without all of you, there would be no book to publish. Thank you from the bottom of my heart, and a very special 'Thank you' to Melbo for all he has done to promote and share the book!

    I am almost finished with what I hope is the last major edit. The editing has turned out to be exponentially harder and more time consuming than I ever expected. I have spent more time editing many of the chapters than it initially took to write them. And I am not the only one working at this. Several friends and family members have helped me go through the manuscript and fix the problems with it. They have all spent their own time editing, and there is no way to ever repay them.

    I hope to finish this pass of the editing within a couple of weeks. Then I will start laying out the book in printing format. I don’t expect that to take too long, but I didn’t think the editing would take this long, either. Once that is done, we will get some proof copies and go through them before the book is finally released.

    My goal is to have a paperback and Kindle version available around Thanksgiving. Again, I can’t promise, but I’m doing everything in my power to “Get ‘er done!”

    I will continue to inform you as things progress, and I hope that the updates come much quicker as we get closer to being finished. Thanks again for all of your patience, and I hope this will be a product that we can all be proud of.
  19. ChrisNuttall

    ChrisNuttall Monkey+++

    I do have some experience in proof-reading if that is any help.

  20. Quigley_Sharps

    Quigley_Sharps The Badministrator Administrator Founding Member

    This is great news David , thank you I will be looking forward to seeing it.Keep up the great work.
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