Is this the beginning of SHTF?

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by bnmb, Sep 19, 2010.

  1. Falcon15

    Falcon15 Falco Peregrinus

    Longer. The "kings" of the new feudalistic states will have much more powerful weapons, suppress the serfs much harder, and like the church of the middle ages, ensure "dangerous" knowledge is kept to the select few. In this case America (Rome) will fall, and the Barbarians (Commies, Muzzies) will enter the arena, and the once proud Romans, and world for that matter will fall under their yoke. *sarcasm* We know how <b>tolerant</b> Chairman Mao's boys and your average fundamental Imam is. */sarcasm*
  2. fireplaceguy

    fireplaceguy Monkey+

    Just watched the first forty minutes of the vid. I think this guy's ideas are dangerous.

    He has no problem with fiat money so long as it's issued by a government and not by a central bank. Well, sure, it would be nice to not have debt based currency. But fiat money is still fiat money - who's to say the government won't manipulate the currency just like bankers do?

    He also made a couple serious mistakes interpreting the constitution, at around the 28 minute mark. For starters, he said the constitution is vague about letting the government print currency. It isn't vague at all. They can only COIN money. (The founders had HAD IT with printed money by the time they wrote the constitution.) Did anyone else catch that? And can anyone identify the other mistake?

    I wonder if Denninger knows what kind of video his interview is playing in, and if he agrees?

    One thing I know for sure - a $20 gold coin could buy you a nice suit or a good rifle 125 years ago. It still will today. No fiat currency on earth has held its value like that over the last 125 years, regardless of who printed it.
  3. CRossBugout

    CRossBugout Monkey+

    Ugly is coming soon...

    When I'm buying bulk I try to get out during the day...I find that there are fewer people in the stores to give me questioning looks or ask questions.
    And I'm thinking this trainwreck is about to hit some rocks on its way down the canyon soon- people are starting to notice- but I have no doubt most of them are going to wait too long. This is going to be UGLY!...
  4. Gray Wolf

    Gray Wolf Monkey+++

    Has anybody ever come across the phrase "Not worth a Continental"? It's a Revolutionary War era term describing the value of the fiat money issued at the time.
  5. BAT1

    BAT1 Cowboys know no fear

    The branch is fixing to break, all will fall, except those who built nests elsewhere.
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