Any members of Alpha Rubicon

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by fortunateson, Feb 1, 2010.

  1. RouteClearance

    RouteClearance Monkey+++

    Sure did not take that long at all. Now I will definitely avoid Alpha Rubicon like the plauge.

    Kevin, I have been a prepper for over twenty years, and belive me when I say that I have tested knowledge, tools and gear more than you can imagine, and that includes a tour of duty overseas. Do I consider myself a survivalist because I survived the greatest test I have ever faced for the entire 15 month tour as both a Combat Engineer and an Infantryman? The answer is a very loud yes. Now, this may make me a fanatical in the eyes of the "AR", but oh well. I will stay here at the monkey were I am welcomed with opened arms.

    As the saying goes, "There's a place for everone", and the AR is not my place.
  2. kevin

    kevin Monkey+

    91B here..(91W now?) 1986-1996. Mostly with infantry. One stint with some gun bunnies in the 1st Cav.

    Fanatical? No.
  3. fireplaceguy

    fireplaceguy Monkey+

    At the Rubicon, if you're with the "in" crowd, your excrement smells like fresh cut clover - even when you're so obviously full of the real thing:

    You heard? That's called hearsay. Inadmissible, and for good reason. There goes your precious facta non verba, right down the toilet...

    In the same paragraph:

    Really? Then why don't YOU live by it?

    ??? Are you referring to War ???

    Which would leave you with nothing to say here.

    There are smarter people than you over there, Kevin. Get a ghost writer for your next attempt at character assassination. Who knows? Eventually, you may be able to miss your own feet.
  4. fireplaceguy

    fireplaceguy Monkey+

    Still no regrets, but I am reminded of how often they browbeat people with this facta non verba schtick, while violating the doctrine whenever it suits their own purposes.

    With that memory refreshed, I wish to retract my recommendation that anyone join up at that place. Sorry if I led anyone down that path.
  5. kevin

    kevin Monkey+

    Touché. Kind of anyway...
    I’m assuming that what I heard was accurate. And I could argue that this angry retort might be evidence of what I said. I also never said that what you were asked to leave for was right or justified; only that it happened.
  6. Clyde

    Clyde Jet Set Tourer Administrator Founding Member

    Interesting thread.

    Let's not get into a "this site sucks thread or that site sucks thread". There is wisdom in a free board as well as a membership only board. Many members here started in a strong handed board which led to the creation of this board by Melbo.

    As soon as this ramps up, we will have a bunch of A/R'ers joining and this thread will become a flameout. Each site serves a purpose for it's members. In the end, its the guy who owns the domain and runs the site who makes the rules. To Each His Own.

    I highly recommend this site for those who want to continue the discussion. Help us all by helping yourself.
  7. Minuteman

    Minuteman Chaplain Moderator Founding Member

  8. ghrit

    ghrit Bad company Administrator Founding Member

    spurt [fnny]

    That said, all intelligence is good intelligence, so long as military intelligence is left off. If the protagonists take a civilized approach, we'll all learn something.
  9. kevin

    kevin Monkey+

    Roger that.. I always liked Phil.
  10. fireplaceguy

    fireplaceguy Monkey+


    By now there is plenty of info here, and I'm satisfied that my points have been amply illustrated. I went to sleep last night thinking I had made my final post on the matter, but I just can't let this bit go unanswered:

    I'll chalk this notion that I'm angry up to the great failing of the internet, which is that you cannot hear or see the person you're talking with. Just to set things straight: I'm smiling. When one trumpets "facta non verba" but operates on hearsay, assumptions and innuendo, the joke's on them.

    And for the record, I wasn't asked to leave. I told War (publicly, on the financial board) that if he couldn't deal with me more honestly he needed to ban me. I gave him the opportunity to be a stand up guy or throw me out, and he delivered exactly what I expected.

    In the scheme of things, that was a long time ago. It's history. It's always interesting to dredge up and revisit a memory, but that's done as well. I won't respond to you again - at least in this thread.

    I wish you the best, Kevin. Our country needs all the prepared people it can get. It's not my board, but I'm sure the founders would agree with my wish that you stick around and participate productively in the rest of the forums. I'll be happy to have a dialog with you on any survival topic, anywhere else on the forum.

  11. survivorman

    survivorman Monkey+

    I am really interested in becoming part of the Alpha Rubicon family. Does anyone have any information on membership,I am very heavily into ALL aspects of prepping and have been very dedicated to this life for a long time. I also have prior military service; and am very disciplined and trained. I would appreciate any feedback on this request thank you for your time... survivorman.
  12. BadgeBunny

    BadgeBunny Monkey++

    LOL, my God, the things you can find on the internet!!

    My husband and I were also Rubicon members for a while ... a very short while. While I did meet a few fine individuals scattered amongst the "group" here in Oklahoma/North Texas, the vast majority of the people we meet were legends in their own minds who had no problem whatsoever greatly exaggerating the truth, even to the point of outright lying.

    We went to one particular couple's homestead several times over the course of about 6 months or so to "help out" with chores they simply could not get done themselves (just not enough time in the day, ya know ...) Last time we went out my husband and I and another fella spent the better part of the morning felling a huge dead tree, cutting it up, splitting and stacking the wood from it. I went inside to get everyone a drink and found the couple inside ... her "doing laundry" (basically staring out the back window watching butterflies) and him asleep in an easy chair.

    On top of all that this particular fella had a criminal record ... he had plead GUILTY to sexual charges. When I pointed this out to the upper echelon of AR (with proof of what I had found in PUBLIC records) I very quickly became an outcast.

    We had also been told my members that not long before we joined a Rubie formed a group, had people "store" items at his place and then ... opps ... everything went missing ... Quite the bruhaha ensued, I guess. I am guessing this is still a problem as the most active members here in Oklahoma were all about requiring certain items be stored at their places (just in case, ya know) for a nominal fee (for their trouble, ya know) and for REQUIRED work days each year (because it is impossible for them to get all the basic work at their places done themselves, ya know).

    The most interesting thing about this entire experience was that while I was "not fit" to be Rubicon material they wanted (and even expected it seemed) my husband, who is a LEO) to remain a member of the group and continue to participate. But of course he would NOT be able to include me in any Rubicon events nor was he to discuss the Rubicon with me.

    We don't play like that ...

    There is plenty more I could say but these were just the highlights of our little adventure. However, as others have pointed out here, YMMV. I would suggest very strongly though that you enter the Rubicon with a very jaded eye and do background checks on everyone you come in contact with.

    Finally, I would have to add that fireplaceguy's experience with War was pretty much spot on to the experience I had with him. I can only imagine what was posted inside the Rubicon walls after we left ...
  13. bnmb

    bnmb On Hiatus Banned

    I was reading this thread, and after a while all that rubicon stuff seemed more and more familiar...and then I realyzed I read this in Lights Out...that boss dude that had his own private organization? I mean, seriously...if SHTF happens some day, instead of people cooperating on their own free will, they would rather be stucked in some organization with superiors or officers? A new SHTF neanderthal army unit? All that "fit and unfit"to be "rubicon" material stuff...What if top dogs decide some day, in the middle of SHTF that you just became "ünfit" for disobeying the top dog? Then what? Other "fit" rubys kill your ahss off? There were many organizations like that through the centuries...HitlerJugend was one of them, SS was another, communist party was another...
    So, let's see what one would get if he proves himself to be "fit"for rubicons....
    First, as I understood, you get the privilege to throw your SHTF money at them, then you get tested covertly so they can determine if you are too smart, thus unfit for them. Then they interpret the news for you in a fit way, so that you do not try and use your feeble intelligence for more than striking two sticks together hoping to see smoke. Then, if you become rubie, you are officially a prepper, not survivalist, because survivalists are the fringe lunatics. Then they offer you the peek at their treasure chest, which you can use only if you put in more than you took out...are these guys banksters? Hmmm...
    Then they tell you that they are the god given smart bunch, and the rest of fringe lunatics community are stupid, know nothing and never got out of their homes, and that they all use "unproven and untested" methods...and maybe unauthorized by the almighty rubicon preppers royalities?
    Since all the other lunatics are not only stupid, but also illiterate, computer-dumb neanderthals, the almighty rubies will generously sell the knowledge their poor groupies seek...even though that knowledge is everywhere and freely available for anyone that wants it. But beware! If you're caught reading, or god forbid, using unapproved knowledge or techniques, you will be proclaimed unfit and kicked out of their personall kingdom! It's always your fault that you're kicked out! You were either too smart and dangerous, or too smart and dangerous! Maybe you were too smart and dangerous?
    If they were able to post that crap-gem, they are able to do anything!
    Knowledge? The monkeys here have more knowledge than rubies even while they are asleep, drunk or even dead! Anyone that claims ownership and exclusivity over knowledge, can't pursuade me that he really has what I need!
    They have several gigabytes of texts and materials? I alone have over 40 terabytes! I have hundreds of thousands of books, software, movies, songs, etc...And I give it freely to anyone who asks...after all, I am commie thief, and that's what us commies do!
    From what I saw and read so far, those people have absolutely no basic respect for anyone but themselves! They don't even respect their members, and constantly try to keep them in some state of obedience and fear! If SHTF, I would like to be as far away from them as possible! Heck, I'd even go to Mars!...or kick their buttts to Yoranus!...pardon...Uranus...
    No respect, no cooperation, no friendship, no chance!
    And finally...rubicon? And which one of them over there is Cezar? ...I feel kind of Brutish today... :D
  14. Falcon15

    Falcon15 Falco Peregrinus

    Amen, amen. If it walks like a duck, quacks like a duck, and swims like a duck, it is not a fish. I smell Waco on the air. I checked into the Rubies. Got some really interesting ideas, new approaches to problems, etc. Nothing earth shattering or revelatory to me. Nothing to gain for my <acronym title="Preparedness">prep</acronym> dollars. I'd rather be here anyhow. Great community, excellent people, who even IF we don't see eye to eye, we still get along. @ Kevin - prior service or LEO status means exactly squat. I've known a lot of phenomenal people in my years as a sailor, and I have a lot of friends who are LEO, HFS officers, FBI etc. whoop dee-do. They are, regardless of their training, humans. There are good people and people I would not hesitate to put a bullet in to protect my friends or family from. That includes former military personnel. So when the [shtf] I'll not be too concerned about being all alone in the big bad world. I will observe, patiently wait, and if I need to, spread a little protection for my family in the form of a .30-06 from 300 yards. I am sure there are plenty of Monkeys, who in the long scheme of things would not hesitate to lend a helping hand, or gun, or fact there are a couple of folks who would have open invites to my ranch if they were in my neck of the woods when TSHTF and needed a safe haven to gather themselves and from which to head back to their place. IN CONCLUSION - [rnt] I'll spend my $5.00 a month into my <acronym title="Preparedness">prep</acronym> fund, enjoy & participate in the free, open contribution forum here, and not get sucked into a Jim Jones mentality organization, thank you very much. God bless and keep you and yours.
  15. Longbow

    Longbow Monkey+

    I was a member years ago

    Lasted about 7 months on the AR. It was ok, but war didn't like my comments and I questioned one post. Then I was banned/locked.

    I got back in the next day when I was in Ohio, and had a good laugh at all they said about me. Came back as a third member when I was in KY and then they had some security breech and they all freaked out, members quit and I lasted a few more days. I think it was 2007 when I was last on the site.

    I'd not join it again......Love the photos of war and his posts on dating.......
  16. -06

    -06 Monkey+++

    Was a member for a short while but tired of the regimen before long. I am a prolific poster but do not like being ordered to do so. Nothing there that you cannot find here or most any "survivalist"/pioneering site. All one has to do is ask or check the archives.
  17. melbo

    melbo Hunter Gatherer Administrator Founding Member

    I know another forum that tells it's 'higher' members where to post and what to say. Funnels set out for member donations, etc. I still have every instruction given me...
  18. ghrit

    ghrit Bad company Administrator Founding Member

    Would Remember that too, had I stuck around long enough.
  19. RightHand

    RightHand Been There, Done That RIP 4/15/21 Moderator Moderator Emeritus Founding Member

    I love your "pioneering site" reference -06. Those are the exact words I have been trying to convey to my non-prepper associates as try to awaken them from their slumber.
  20. bnmb

    bnmb On Hiatus Banned

    Hmmm...I'm thinking of opening my own site...I wanna be a leader too! I'll take some cool nick like "Genocide", or "Slaughter", or "MegaLeader", or "War", wait...that one's already taken...or "Bane"...oooppsss...have that already...anyway...

    I'll call it "Commie Pirate's Preparedness Lair"...Anyone interested in being insulted, spit on and abused while handing me their cash, please apply now. In return, we offer you constant bashing, first class insults and access to stuff you're too stupid to find yourself on the net. Major condition for fitness evaluation and possible membership: IQ must be around 65 or less. The lesser the IQ, the faster the acceptance. All members are expected to glorify the leader, pour their cash in and do as they are told. Any deviation from the rules or attempt of self-initiated thinking, as well as any hint of criticism or disagreement with the almighty leader, will be punished by expulsion, ban, badmouthing, international slandering and even firing squad. I would thank all the prospective members, but I just despise them so much that I'd rather spit on them...

    I wish you misery and have a lousy day!

    Your Almighty Leader

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