Water storage

Discussion in 'Back to Basics' started by bnmb, Aug 6, 2010.

  1. bnmb

    bnmb On Hiatus Banned

    Yup...In cities storage is a problem...Even though I do have a yard around the house, I wouldn't dare to put my containers outside...On first sign of SHTF, I'm turning one room into a storage and putting both 1 ton containers inside...
    BTW...Where are you from Srbenda? Are you of Serbian origin?
  2. Srbenda

    Srbenda Monkey++

    Ja ni Srpski, moj jenna od BEG.
  3. SLugomist

    SLugomist Monkey++

    also distilled water has no resistance to microorganisms. At a major food producer we were not allowed to use DI (distilled water) for taste panels, as there could be a micro count. As to the mineral issue, I've heard both sides, but am inclined to believe that there would be no harm in drinking it, unless of course there was a high micro count.

    some Sources:



    DI H2O is good for batteries.

    Most desalinization plants add back minerals as the water is so pure it tastes funny to the people.

    1 gallon of water weighs 8.322 pounds, 250 gallons = 2080 lbs, or 1 ton.
  4. SLugomist

    SLugomist Monkey++

    oh if you want to DE-mineralize yourself, drink diluted solutions of Phytic acid. That will certainly do the trick.

    Also Phytic acid can help chelate any heavy metals you may have ingested.
  5. Srbenda

    Srbenda Monkey++

    Better have something solid for that to sit on. :shock:
  6. SLugomist

    SLugomist Monkey++

    3 feet of water will also stop a rifle bullet.
  7. Falcon15

    Falcon15 Falco Peregrinus

    Geez guys...I was taking east street...Calcium Hypochlorite - AKA pool shock. Cheap, easy to handle, readily available, and easy to use, and NOT HAZARDOUS (except to maybe stupid sheeple).

    A 1 pound bag costs about $3.00, and treats (at full strength) *drumroll* approximately 11,500 gallons of water!. The up side is that it is a powder, and lasts forever. It weighs a pound, but you can get a 5 bag box from Wally World for about $12-$15 (that is enough powdered chlorine to disinfect approximately 96,000 gallons of water). It never goes bad (liquid chlorine eventually loses its effectiveness, as the dissolved Chlorine Dioxide evaporates into a gaseous state, and the fumes are explosive, not to mention a gallon jug of the stuff weights, what? 8 pounds?). Also, stored at 50-70 degrees Fahrenheit the shelf life of liquid bleach is 6 months. Every year after that it degrades by 20% until all you are left with is salt and water. Storing at temperatures much higher than 70 degrees Fahrenheit could cause the bleach to lose its effectiveness and degrade more rapidly. However, if you require 6% sodium hypochlorite (full strength liquid bleach), you should change your supply every 3 months.

    Using granular calcium hypochlorite to disinfect water is a two step process.

    * To make a stock of chlorine solution (do not drink this!) dissolve 1 heaping teaspoon (about one-quarter of an ounce) of high-test (78%) granular calcium hypochlorite for each two gallons (eight liters) of water.
    * To disinfect water add one part of the chlorine solution to 100 parts water to be treated. (1 gallon "bleach" disinfects 100 gallons water)
    * Let the mixture sit for at least one-half hour before drinking.

    Just an FYI - there are 96 teaspoons (approximate) in one pound. That is 19,200 gallons of treated water in one tiny pound of this stuff. Using it at the strengths for shocking a pool would result in a dead survivalist.

    Well, Boil your water first, to kill the lively critters, and settle the particulate. One $12.00 box of this stuff is enough to make 96,000 gallons of "bleach" treated water. That is a pretty sweet deal if you are in a place where you have access to water, don't have room for huge containers, and still want clean drinking water. Plus, you can take this with you if you have to bug-out or leave your <acronym title="Bug out Location">BOL</acronym>. It is extremely portable and easy to use.

    [stirpot] I'll just disinfect my water as needed. That way I stay fast and light and am less of a target for the MBZ's who may see or hear about a huge water cache.
  8. bnmb

    bnmb On Hiatus Banned

    Ja sam Srbin iz Makedonije...Pozdrav tvojoj zeni i celoj tvojoj familiji! SSSS!

    You do know what Srbenda means? It's a synonim for Big or Great Serb!... ;)
  9. Srbenda

    Srbenda Monkey++

    D, ja sam American Srbenda!
  10. bnmb

    bnmb On Hiatus Banned

    ;) ... Hehe...You've got the best of both worlds!

  11. Cephus

    Cephus Monkey+++ Founding Member

    I have no problem with water ,have my own well and pump ,but I d see a very interesting thing the other day and it could be used in a wooden crate if one were so inclined .

    WaterBOB®: emergency drinking water storage
  12. ghrit

    ghrit Bad company Administrator Founding Member

    How deep is your well? Can it be pumped by hand, or do you have backup power for it?
  13. Cephus

    Cephus Monkey+++ Founding Member

    I have two wells one I can pump by hand and I have a generator for the other that runs off the tractor PTO .
    I'm the proses of getting a solar system together I found an inverter that may work for what I want .
    But I don't know much about them ,if you do let me know !!
    This is the one I'm looking at !!
    <b>5000/10000 Watt Power Inverter, 12V DC to 220/240V AC in 60Hz with Free Wireless Remote Control</b>
  14. melbo

    melbo Hunter Gatherer Administrator Founding Member

    It does look interesting. I'll try to find a link to a nice stainless manual pump that I mused over a few years ago.
  15. Nadja

    Nadja RIP 3-11-2013 Forum Leader

    You can now buy black Krylon paint that if you scuff the white plastic container with 0 grade steel wool, to make sure it is clean and abrasive will allow you to paint the entire outside of the barrel and thus prevent uv from entering the water. Hardware stores
  16. Nadja

    Nadja RIP 3-11-2013 Forum Leader

    Around here, people buy smaller invertors to run there homes on and then simply buy what is commonly called a "step up transformer" which steps up the power from 110 volt to 220 volt. Since you almost never run your well more then a few hours , it works pretty damn good and sure costs a lot more then the invertor your talking about . Xantrax makes them and several other companies as well.
  17. tacmotusn

    tacmotusn RIP 1/13/21

    I think you might have been referring to one of these.
    I have a neighbor with the Simple Pump as a backup for his normal 220vac submersible, for use when we have power outages from huricanes and such. He also has a solar array and the solar 12vdc gear motor for this pump. I am very impressed with his set up and will copy it as money becomes available.
  18. Longbow

    Longbow Monkey+

    we have a 1/2 acre pond

    two wells and two weeks of water stored
  19. Nadja

    Nadja RIP 3-11-2013 Forum Leader

    Bane, we also have those and by looking around have found that a lot of them are for storing and transporting very bad chemicals. Anything that is stored in them has a tendancy to be absorbed by the plastic itself, and if it is dangerous, will slowly release into your water supply. Be very careful when buying them to be sure that they were for food grade items only.
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