Falcon, buddy, I was seriously thinking about quoting the passages from the Bible here and posting videos from "Jesus camp" and other Christian fundamentalists and radicals, showing what Christian relligion is like. If you compare the two religions, there's not much difference between them...But, obviously, I'm wrong... I don't see the point of going through all this anymore, and since it's clear to me now that US will have to get into an allout war with Muslims, I will refrain from posting any more posts about this subject. So, you're all right, and I'm wrong...And following the old proverb: If you can't beat them, join them, at the end, I'll say this...Kill all the muzzies!!! Bomb them to hell!!! Burn their stinking Qurans!!! Is this better now? Don't you all just like me little bit more now? Cheers!
No matter what you say, Bane, Macedonians are the best bakers in the world. They sold out to the Indians who now own most of the Dunkin Donuts!
Actually, I meant allout civil war...And with a Muslim president, US Christians might be in more trouble than they know...
There is no true litmus test. However...they can and will lie to protect Islam and to spread Islam it is called Al Taqiyya (The Holy Lie). I posted this on another thread...but here is a good place for it too: YouTube - Taqiyya - Lying For Islam
Yeeesss...I'm sure he's a Christian! Can't you tell by his Christian, Biblical name: Barack Hussein Obama...Didn't one of the 12 aposthles had the same name?... Saddam Hussein was also Christian... Funny that all of his names are of Arabic origin...but we all know that Arab nations are all pure Christians, so...no problem there... And BTW.... Lucas Smith -- Kenyan Birth Certificate The Mystery of Barack Obama Continues | Western Journalism.com Cheers!
I do not under estimate them, their militancy, or their ability to create awesome harm to others on all fronts. I do not under estimate their numbers, organization, or those who would sympathize with them or their cause. It would be a deadly fight and one that we could possibly even lose. But, I for one am tired of being the targeted, tired of watching every where I go for terrorists, and tired of our men coming home in body bags. They are about to get a war if they keep it up. Two can play that terrorist trick. They have taken advantage of our laws about long enough. We have turned the other cheek far too long. "Bring it on" is a term I do not like. I say, when the time comes--take it to them----totally and on all fronts, in their back yards, and where ever they are.
The kenyan is on record (voice and video) stating he is Muslim, and is proud of his Muslim heritage. Good enough proof for this old dawg....... The whole 'Christian Church' thing was an attempt early on to make the pretender a more palatable candidate to sleeping American voters who don't take the time to LEARN the background of someone they vote for......
... You don't know what "kenyan" or "kenjan" means in Serbian language...It means "sheetted on, buryied in sheet"...
Playing devils advocate here (mostly out of curiousity).... do you capitalize christians? If so then you your above statement is invalid because the christians have advocated first strikes against many... Native Americans included.
I'll agree that christian nations have advocated and pursued first strikes. But not to my knowledge in recent times, and I'm less sure that Christianity (as a religious belief) itself has ever declared either a nation or religion to be an enemy and attacked in the name of God since the Crusades. I'll cheerfully accept correction. (Spellcheck insisted that Christianity be capitalized in this instance.) Islam, or at least radical elements with no national boundaries has declared that non-muslims are to be killed. Or so it seems.
Ron Paul is right on with what he said, as this country is a free religion country. And private property rights should allow this. You can't have, " have your pie and eat it to" Either everyone (US citizens) have the rights granted by our constitution or none do. Is it in bad taste? F bad taste, Freedom protects those that would say or do something in bad taste. It is also ok for those that disagree with this, to protest it. If Obama is muslim or christian, it's a non issue. If he lied, then it is an issue as your religion is a non issue in this republic, however lying shows no credibility, a bad trait for an elected offical. More people have died in the name of (someones) god than we can count. And actually Indians did some first strikes on settlers, obviously to protect themselves and their lands. However the near complete genocide of them was called "manifest destiny". You may not know this but Hitler Idolized this, how the US managed their inferior race issue. Also, Poland was not an ally of the US. Germany merely wanted their Pre-ww1 boundaries back, the polish corridor. Once Hitler saw how easy his inferior force with combined arms, defeated the numerically superior polish. This emboldened him. Now remember he only declared war on Poland. England and France then declared war on him. As the english and french positioned, attempting to move forces into Denmark and Norway. He was tacticallty forced to invade denmark and norway to protect his northern flank. He then moved on France and if he hadn't of failed at dunkirk may have had the peace he actually sought, as he wanted the soviet union dead, anti commie and eastern expansion. After the french campaign the Germans disbanded many divisions. He only invaded yugoslavia because the english and french made a coup in yugoslavia to install a pro western government. This screwed barbarossa by delaying it ~2 months while he took them out. Thus not making it to moscow before the fall rains and heavy winter. As well as the italian incompetence in their campaign against the greeks, which he had to commit forces to cover the southern flank. I could go on. anyhow. It is true the religion of christianity has not "declared war" or "jihad" since the crusades. However the "genocide" of the north and south american natives were in the name of the christian god and this happened after the crusades. Also christian nations do not need religion to "rally" their people to fight. The muslims still use this concept. Thus, since they are using their religion as the recruitment tool, then their religion should be a target. Just as one would bomb a munitions factory to stop the capability of a country to wage war, to achieve ultimate victory you must completly destroy a race, nation, peoples means to wage war. So since a country, or agencies of muslim faith utilize religion to recruit, then this device must be destroyed in order to secure victory. However in the United States, US citizens enjoy the RIGHT to exercise their religion on their private property or on public property with the OK of the state.
I guess the conductor will play the music (hating brown skinned people or anyone different than us) long enough till we get to the crescendo (that is where we come to agreement that we need to hate some brown skinned people) so we can justify a war. Over what? was it really Arabs who killed 3000 people on 911? Does it matter if there is any building made for another's superstitions (religion) any where? It's a prize fight. Who do you cheer for? Nothing more than a distraction or a set up for the next false flag operation the government decides to use to distract us from the real problems we face. If they can get us to believe that any of this stuff matters, then while we are occupied arguing over which brown skinned people to hate, they will and are robbing us blind. My .02 cents Dan
Thanks for the calm outlook friend. It made me recall something I'd seen just the other day that shifted my reasoning around this very 'hot topic'. No words are required if you just peek at this link, There Already Was A Ground-Zero Mosque -- On The 17th Floor Of The World Trade Center It made me sigh with shared suffering...
From "South Pacific"-- You've got to be taught To hate and fear, You've got to be taught From year to year, It's got to be drummed In your dear little ear You've got to be carefully taught. You've got to be taught to be afraid Of people whose eyes are oddly made, And people whose skin is a diff'rent shade, You've got to be carefully taught. You've got to be taught before it's too late, Before you are six or seven or eight, To hate all the people your relatives hate, You've got to be carefully taught! +++++++ On the other hand, some lessons are self teaching and come much later in life. I don't think the lessons are completed yet, but for sure hate is one we are learning.