Ron Paul said what: !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Discussion in 'Freedom and Liberty' started by -06, Aug 31, 2010.

  1. ghrit

    ghrit Bad company Administrator Founding Member

    The biggest problem with this muslim/islamist mess is that they don't represent a government of a territory, it's a belief system, very wide spread. It's hard to make a glassine desert of a belief. Compounding that is the two sided part, one really is peaceful, the other cuts throats. The thing is, both are playing from the same book, and it is MAN'S interpretation of the words written that drives the whole problem. There is a large portion of muslims that will tell you that the Koran and the Bible both lead back to the same God, and the only real difference is in how that God is worshiped.

    Wolfie says, "Bane, I do not hate or castigate you for your beliefs - a lot of Americans believe the same. And that is our freedom, to have our own beliefs and opinions."

    Nor do I. We Yanks don't have nearly as good an understanding of how things were under communist domination than you now have of us since the wall came down, and you still don't have the details (as WE know them, anyway) using the media as a source. I hold out some hope that in answering your questions, you get a better feel of western thinking. Also, I have to say that this forum has a view that is not necessarily shared by all Yankees, but for sure it's a large portion.

    No, the Nazis didn't attack us, BUT they did attack an ally. Whether or not we had a formal alliance with Poland or Britain in 1939, I don't know. But clearly we did later with the Brits, and Poland with the Russians. What is a military alliance? It's a declaration to the rest of the world that if you hit my friend, you hit me at the same time.

    The same might be said with the Korean enterprise, tho' the circumstances are a bit different. That was NOT a US vs. NK (surrogate communist) debacle, it was a UN "police action" to contain NK. So, no, there hasn't been a direct hit on the US by a communist nation, and there would never have been, given the MAD doctrine. (Which card was almost played in the Cuban missile crisis.)

    So, no, a muslim nation has not attacked us. There are probably some islamist nations that would like to, but obviously won't. That won't stop them from planting seeds of hate in fellow believers and supporting (materially and financially) operatives that, like the Twin Tower operation, will do us harm in the name of killing infidels. Al Khobar, the Cole, the Stark fall into that category, and if you think for a second those operations are less than a declaration of war, you need an adjustment. But again, who do you hit at? As soon as some "nation" admits to the acts, the process of it's demise is set in motion. You notice, I'm sure, that no such "nation" has stepped up and said, "We supported and originated those attacks."

    You ask, "Does this mean that I, as a socialist and Atheist, should not be allowed human freedoms?" Well, no, it doesn't. You have those same rights as all should have. Don't omit the idea that with those freedoms comes the responsibility, AND that your freedom to swing your arm stops just before my nose begins. (I don't understand your capitalization of atheist, it carries no connotation such as Baptist, Shinto, Buddhist, or others. Atheism is a non-belief system, isn't it? The others are beliefs, as are those derived from the Koran. Where is our Chaplain on this topic?)

    (My failure to capitalize muslim and islamist is deliberate. I cannot hold a belief system in any esteem when it advocates first strikes against other beliefs and the destruction of nations. It is an insult, and I hope they take it as such.)

  2. bnmb

    bnmb On Hiatus Banned

    I do agree with the first paragraph Ghrit...It is the interpretation...

    As for the Nazi's, I do understand all that allies stuff, but just remember that US joined the fight after it was attacked by Japanese, 2 years after the beginning of WWII! If Pearl Harbor didn't happen, who knows if US would ever join the fight...

    What I find amazing is that I heard no logical reason given by anyone in the US, for the reason WHY Muslims hate US? I heard once some ridiculous claim that they hate US because they envy its freedom and democracy!
    What is the reason AlQaeda is calling for a holy war against US? When did it all start and why? Finally, who made them and for what reason?
    Why would some countries be planting seeds of hate in fellow believers and supporting (materially and financially) operatives that want to attack US? If the only reason was killing infidels, why US, why the strongest enemy? Why not Japan, India, Switzerland or any other non-muslim country? And why in such weak and ineffective way? Can anyone believe that US can be defeated by dozen suicide bombers or few terrorist attacks??? And since no nation ever came up and said "we organized an attack", doesn't that give US the perfect opportunity for attacking anyone at will just by accusing them of anything, like in the case of Iraq?

    You further say
    that with those freedoms comes the responsibility, and that the freedom to swing your arm stops just before someone's nose begins...I totaly agree with this, but what kind of responsibility did govt showed to countries they destroyed? Did their hands stopped, or did they crush the heads of sovereign nations and innocent people?

    You also say that you cannot hold a belief system in any esteem when it advocates first strikes against other beliefs and the destruction of nations...OK...I can relate to that, but when did something like that happen?
    Afghanistan and the ruling Taliban didn't attack anyone! And they obey Sharia law, the most extreme form of Islam!
    Iraq attacked Iran and Kuwait, both Muslim countries, and was at active war with Iran for 25 years! So, what Muslim country ever attacked another non-muslim country for reasons of killing infidels or attacking other beliefs?
    It is all propaganda and lies! Do you really believe that some poor farmer in Afghanistan or Iraq is plotting conspiracy to attack and conquer non-muslim world? With what? Terrorist day dreaming? Dozen poor people doing suicide bombings?

    The reason I write Atheist with capital letter is because Atheism is NOT a non-belief system. I just believe in other things and values, but I don't believe in all-powerful, almighty, divine, hypothetical creature called God...The word Atheist actually means "no gods" in Greek...I do believe in mother nature and her laws.
    I don't want to insult no least not until they insult me first...

  3. Seacowboys

    Seacowboys Senior Member Founding Member

    Bane, it surprises me how much I agree with most of what you are saying and the small part that I do not agree with is insignificant to the conversation. I do not wave my flag and cheer-lead for our children fighting wars in foreign lands for cheap oil or some other military-industrial reason nor do I pro-pend that this nation is great because of some unidentified genetic something or other that only existed to the last generation of immigrants. I will lead cheers that our Republic has survived as a bastion of FREEDOM for over 200 years that stands above all else and that this Republic was defined by our Constitution and that I have sworn an oath to defend this Constitutional Republic against all enemies, foreign and domestic. If my brother should, for what ever seemingly justifiable reasons, decide to exclude those liberties, then he would immediately become one of those domestic enemies. I do not like the fact that someone would choose to build a mosque near the WTC. I do not like the fact that I may well have to loose life, health, family, or property because of some misguided message from Mohammad but I would equally hate to suffer the same loss from Baptist, onward Christian soldiers. In spite of these fears, I still will fight to preserve the rights of ALL to worship as they choose, to pursue happiness, life, and liberty. If they should abuse this wonderful Freedom and cause harm, then I would kill them.
  4. bnmb

    bnmb On Hiatus Banned

    AMEN my friend...! AMEN!
  5. jorgealarcon

    jorgealarcon Monkey+

    I Agree with Paul

    What happened to religious freedom in the US?
  6. OzarkSaints

    OzarkSaints Monkey++

    [freedom] [applaud]
  7. -06

    -06 Monkey+++

    Bane, I appreciate and applaud your sentiments but your historical facts are not quite accurate. We have been attacked since before the Lockabie bombing that killed 279(?) people. It has been a constant assault by muslim terrorists for the last 35-40 yrs. I have never heard an official apology from the muslims for any of them. On the contrary we have inmans(muzzie priests) right here on our soil calling for renewed efforts against us, our way of living, our political system, our religion, and our lives. I for one am fed up with allowing such to go on. We have the right of free speech here in the US of A but when poisonous snakes come around my house I get rid of them. Make no mistake---------they will be to fight------and the sooner the better as they are getting stronger every day. Their intent is to convert us or kill us in the end. islam is not JUST a religion. It is a social, political, and lifestyle system fully intent on controlling everything it touches. islam means submission--if you do not then---------------
  8. bnmb

    bnmb On Hiatus Banned

    The question is who bombed Lockerby? It would be OK if someone said ÄlQaeda did it! But here we are talking about "Muslims"! All of them? It would be OK if you would say Iraq did it, or Iran...but the hatred here goes against ALL Muslims, the entire religion! Since US attacked and destroyed Iraq, should Iraqi's now hate and attack ALL Catholics?
    You say you didn't hear apology from any of Muslims...Would you accept apology from Muslim from Ethiopia? Or Muslim from US? You can't put over 1 billion people in the same bag and call them extremists and terrorists just because you don't agree with their religion! What's next? 21st century Crusade wars?
    What about Turkey? Turkey is Muslim country, yet has full democracy, international laws, etc...Are they terrorists also?
    Any living being responds to threats and assault the same way..If you destroy man's country, kill his family, what do you expect from him after? It's normal for that person to strap a bomb and blow himself up along with the people he sees responsible!
    I said it before, I'll say it again...It is all propaganda! We are being manipulated by a gang of fracking bankers and politicians for their own greed!
    If people decide to stop listening to war mongering propaganda and try to meet and talk to people from other religions and backgrounds, they will see that we are all the same beyond our "religions"....Do you understand now why I'm Atheist!
    If anti-Muslim movement starts in US now, where do you think it will lead? Only one place possible...war! Imagine pressure and attacks start building in US against US Muslim citizens...Arsen, murder, beatings...what response would you expect from Muslims then?
    The way I see these things is that people have two choices...Either stop listening to propaganda, and start thinking for yourself, OR let war mongering, hatred politics fill our heads with crap and go into a dirty war where everyone is a looser, except for bankers and politicians who will celebrate population's stupidity....
    I for one, am not buying their hate crap! I'm not their puppet, and I can think and decide for myself!
  9. -06

    -06 Monkey+++

    Being an atheist does not give one the excuse to turn his head from facts just because of youthful ideology. No one wants peace more than the average soldier. No one likes getting shot at or shot. One of my "bestest buddies" had 27 operations on his face and upper torso from a "bouncing betty" (anti personel mine). No one likes being mangled by war's tragedies. Put myself in a muzzies mind--OK, I am brought up from birth with hatred for Jews/Americans(primarily Jews), my parents(and everyone else) constantly talk about wiping the planet of them, my friends at school talk about ways to sabotage them, instead of playing ball we practice obstacle courses and tactics, instead of a ball and bat to play with I learn to field strip an AK-47 blindfolded, instead of wooing a bride I go to training camps to learn hand to hand and knife fighting, and before I am 25 yrs old I learn how to fly and steer a plane into thousands with no idea you are even angry with them.
    Now, put yourself into their place and see what you come up with Bain. Then see who hates who. Sir, you know nothing of hate the way they do it. Theirs is a seething burning vengeful and unforgiving hatred that should scare the whatever out of you. On a side note--if an atheist in Turkey you would last a very short period of time. You would either bow to the muzzie faith or face their vengence on non believers. If you do not believe it please run over and "give it a shot". Let me take out a nice life insurance policy on you first please.
  10. bnmb

    bnmb On Hiatus Banned

    Whar exactly do you mean "youthful ideology"??? First of all, I'm over 40 years old, and second, Atheism is not an ideology, it's just another word for person who doesn't believe in god or gods, nothing more!
    No one wants peace more than a soldier is true, I agree there.
    Where did your friend catch the jumper mine? US? Abroad?
    You say you put yourself in "muzzies" place...What country or nation "muzzie" is? Brought from childhood with hate for Jews/Catholics, or Israelis/Americans? Did you ever ask yourself why? Do you really think that they discuss in their schools how to rid the world from Jews? Instead of sports they train with guns? And why? Is it maybe because of Israelis who keep killing them for 50 years aided by US, and in the last 10 years they've been actively killed by US? Is it maybe because they don't have schools or books anymore after decades of bombing and killing? Could it be because almost everyone of them lost a mother, father, sister or a brother in Israelis or US attacks? Why don't Muslims in Turkey, or in Germany, or Switzerland, or Muslim citizens of US plan and execute attacks against Israel or US?
    It is true that I don't know anything about hate the way they do, but they have every right for hate, and I don't! If you were constantly attacked, bombed and your family and friends killed in all kinds of attacks, wouldn't you have an extreme hate against your invaders and opressors?
    Your side note is completely missed! I'm going to Turkey on 10 days of my holidays every year! We have a lot of Turks here too! They all know I'm an Atheist, and have never said a single word to me all these years! Hundreds of thousands of Christians go on vacations to Turkey each year! I just don't understand where you get all these ideas from???
    Apparently, the propaganda machine is doing a terrific job here! By choosing to put all "muzzies" in the same bag, you show that you don't respect people from Muslim religion, and you have a lot of them as your neighbours and even maybe friends!

    If you insist on talking about facts, lets talk about facts!

    1. Israel is in war or conflict with neighbouring Arab states from the moment they proclaimed their state in 1948.
    2. Since the beginning, Israel is fully supported by US with weapons, logistics and anything else needed.
    3. After 31 years of US assistance in Israel wars, occupations and murders, first attack on US embassy in Teheran occured in 1979, with all 66 hostages released by attackers without casualties.
    4. Israel attacks Iraq in 1981 and assassinates Sadat the same year.
    5. Israel invades Palestine in 1982 and keeps fighting PLO until 1993, civilian casualities are huge!
    6. 1983 Islamic Jihad forms and starts attacking US compounds in Lebanon and Kuwait and abroad from 1985 untill 1988 as retaliation for US actively helping Israel.
    7. 1993 truck bomb exploded in NY, WTC, alleged "birth" of AlQaeda.(CIA)
    8. 1998 attacks in Kenya and Tanzania on US embassies, first time Bin Laden is mentioned and nobody knows who he is.
    9. 2000, USS Cole damaged in Yemen
    10. 2001, US invades Afghanistan.
    11. 2001, 9/11 WTC is staged, officially AlQaeda, prelude to war.
    12. 2003, US invades Iraq, no WMD's, Iraqi infrastructure obliterated.
    13. From 2003 to 2010, 18 attacks where Americans were involved among many others, and deadliest attack since 9/11(!), killing 8 Americans, of which 7 were CIA!

    ALL attacks from 1993 to 2010 allegedly made by AlQaeda!

    Now lets see the casualties!

    In ALL attacks from 1979 to 2010, where Americans were involved, died 561 Americans (almost all military, except Lockerbie an journalists), and most of them killed from 2001 to 2010. In all those attacks died 3 times more other, non-US citizens! ALL of Americans died abroad, except 6 killed in 1993 WTC truck bomb. And 169 people were killed in Oklahoma and 3000 in 9/11 WTC attacks, but NOT by Muslim terrorists or AQaeda!

    In Afghanistan 1277 US soldiers were killed 2001-2010, and 20.000 Afghans, of which 12.000 civilians, and that is the lowest estimate!

    In Iraq 4416 US soldiers were killed 2003-2010, and 900.000 Iraqi's!!! Of those 870.000 were civilians!

    Are these facts enough for you? Even if the numbers were half than these, it's still understandable why there is hate in their hearts, don't you think?
    If I put myself in their place, I can understand their anger and hate, can you?
    The problem is in the picture US displays to the world! On one side the world, and the Arab countries, see all the democracy, human rights, animal rights, rich movie stars, Holywood glamour, free speech, free elections, US leaders freely chosen by democratic people on public elections, all presented brightly in the media and propaganda, AND on the other side they are bombed and killed and raped mercilesly every day, they go hungry and poor and they are dying from all kinds of stuff, while oil companies suck their resources dry, and US soldiers searching their houses and traumatizing their women and children! And they can't understand WHY is all that happening to them! Who is there to give them comfort? A radical Sharia-law-obiding priest? What do you think?
    And since they are poor, simple, uneducated people, they believe that all people in the US completely agree with the US govt actions and atrocities, since the US people freely chose their leaders on free and democratic elections! And on top of that, US is the biggest Israel supporter and ally! What a combination!

    Do you understand now why they hate all Americans? Do you understand why people in other countries don't like Americans? Do you realize that I have a problem convincing my friends here that US people do not agree with the govt, and that most of them would like their troops back? Here they also see only the propaganda and media poisoning and also ask why don't people change the govt if they don't agree with govt actions?
    Just how do I convince them that govt and banksters do as they please, and that US people can't stop them? If I cant convince people here, how in the world would anyone convince a poor, simple Afghan or Iraqi farmer?
    I'm not stupid or naive, and I do not suffer from "God dogma", and religious boundries and propaganda. I don't swallow media and political lies, and try to squeeze them as facts. And I'm certainly not your enemy. I don't hate you and I'm not planning to kill you. And most important, I don't work for any government! And I'm also not a "muzzie"... :)

    My very best to you and your family...
  11. Falcon15

    Falcon15 Falco Peregrinus

    New here to the Survival Monkey forums, but not new in dealing with Islam. So here you go, my .02 even if you do not see eye to eye with me, fine. In the country of my residence, Texas, I mean state, it is not a crime to have an opinion. I am not going to hash this out here because I write about stuff like this in my blog. If you are at all open minded, and wish to read about Islam, what it's true intentions are and my take on the Ground Zero Mosque, read my blog posts in order:
    Post #1
    Post #2
    Post #3
    Post #4 (Intermission)
    Feel free to read those and say what you will. If you don't read those blog posts at least watch this video:
    YouTube - Three Things About Islam

    For those who read my blog posts, thank you and the final part will be posted on 9/11. Just an FYI: I was in New York on 9/11/01. It is a day I will never forget.
  12. Quigley_Sharps

    Quigley_Sharps The Badministrator Administrator Founding Member

    Thanks Falcon, great post. I'm going to share it.
  13. Falcon15

    Falcon15 Falco Peregrinus

    Thank you for the compliment. I hope this helps anyone understand an average Joe's feelings about a "controversial" issue. Nothing is simple anymore.
  14. bnmb

    bnmb On Hiatus Banned

    This is all good and well, but the video presumes that ALL Muslims are radicals and they all work together to bring Sharia law to rule the world, which is nonsense...It states that every form of government must be eliminated, and yet ALL countries that practice any form of Sharia laws, still have governments! And no country in the world is practicing strictly and only Sharia law. Since the establishment of Islam, some 1400 years ago, no world conquering attempt was ever made, but Christian Crusader Knights did invade Arab countries trying to "free" Jerusalem.
    Bear in mind that very few people on this planet are radical religious zelots, and the prevailling majority are balanced religious people of many different religions and atheists! Just look historically how many deaths were caused by Christianity! Look at the bible...How many people in the bible are killed one way or another by god?
    When first call for Jihad was made by Islamic Jihad organization, it was called for destruction of Israel, as invading enemy, and not for world domination!
    If we want to discuss fundamental truths about Islam and try to put Christianity next to it, they both seem to have same objectives, but just different wording in the books. And how many Christian fundamentalists and zelots exist today, all over the world? The point is that just because a book says something, it doesnt mean that all members of that religion should and would follow it to the letter! It is just the opposite! Only the minority of them are radicals!
    And as for Zero Mosque, from the plans I saw, there's an old mosque just around the corner from 9/11 site, and the plans show the new site very far away from WTC place!
    So, why are people even mentioning Zero mosque? For all the kicking and screaming I thought that they were going to built it on the very top of WTC towers! And finally, what connection do Muslims have with 9/11? They didn't destroy the towers, Bush did!

    Another point, when exactly did suicide bombings against US start and where? In 1983 bombing of US embassy by Hezbollah! Before that, they were bombing each other 3 years earlier! In 1980 was first modern suicide bombing by 13 years old Iranian kid blowing up Iraqi tank! And latest suicide bombing was today, killing 14 people in Pakistan, all Muslims! If you check statistics, in all suicide bombings in total over 80 percent of victims are Muslims!
    The video posted above is professionally made, extremely suggestive, with video effects that are used in subliminal practices. The posters say about themselves that "The White R0ses are located in Europe. We have no religious affiliation and are not members of any political party", and yet have only one propaganda video in English and German, and first linkers to them came from Israel! And they took a name of anti-Nazi resistance group fron WWII!! ROFL!
    And we're supposed to take them seriosly and ignore their little failed propaganda attempt? ...LOL...

    Everyone is entitled to their opinion, and everybody will be held responsible for their actions, sooner or later...

    I for one am not going to be dumbed down by any govts propaganda and war mongering! As I said before, I'm nobody's puppet and I know what's wrong, whats right, what's justice and whats bullsh.t...This last paragraph pertains to govts, not you I'm not misunderstood...
    JM2C here...
  15. Quigley_Sharps

    Quigley_Sharps The Badministrator Administrator Founding Member

    Smiley or gang rape take your pick
    As the saying goes, the foolish innocent girl caught exposed is offered a choice, gang rape or a smiley. It is supposed to be a well known punishment doing its rounds across cultures.
    "The German journalist Udo Ulfkotte told in a recent interview that in Holland, you can now see examples of young, unveiled Moroccan women with a so-called "smiley". It means that the girl gets one side of her face cut up from mouth to ear, serving as a warning to other Muslim girls who should refuse to wear the veil. In the Muslim suburb of Courneuve, France, 77 per cent of the veiled women carry veils reportedly because of fear of being harassed or molested by Islamic moral patrols."
  16. bnmb

    bnmb On Hiatus Banned

    True, those things happen, but not in every Muslim country and not all the time...And 77% is not 100%...If they were cut and tortured as a rule, it would be 100%, no doubt! But being insulted or ridiculed is not the same as being physically injured or murdered....
    Different cultures, different religions, different people, different laws. Who are we to say what's wrong or right? Why would I attack someone because he has different religion, or beliefs or traditions? Unless any fundamentalist of any religion or culture tries to forcefully apply his beliefs or religions on me, I have no problems with him doing whatever he wants...
    To each his own....
  17. Clyde

    Clyde Jet Set Tourer Administrator Founding Member

    [woot] Macedonians lost their balls when the Greek Empire collapsed. You guys are great bakers, though.

    The point is, they are forcefully applying their beliefs and religion on others. I can picture you standing over some young, scarfless girl as she is getting gang raped as you wrap yourself in the garb of "unless it affects me, to each his own." Your indoctrination is complete.
  18. Falcon15

    Falcon15 Falco Peregrinus

    Alrighty, you did not read my blog posts, but watched the video. Fair enough. I am going to answer each section as I see it needs answering.

    Actually there are five (5) countries under 100% Shari'a law (Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Bahrain, Yemen, and the United Arab Emirates). There are an additional fifteen (15) countries that practice 100% Shari'a with additional, country specific laws, or a dual law system. So that is twenty (20) countries under full Shari'a, fifteen of which have additional, country specific laws!

    Fiqh, or "jurisprudence" interprets and extends the application of Shari'a to questions not directly addressed in the primary sources, by including secondary sources. These secondary sources usually include the consensus of the religious scholars embodied in imja and analogy from the Qur'an and Sunnah through qiyas. Shia jurists replace qiyas analogy with ‘aql, or "reason". While different countries and cultures have varying interpretations of Shari'a, it is still Shari'a.

    This is patently false. Study History carefully and you find:

    In Sub-Saharan Africa, the Sahelian Kingdom expanded Muslim territories far from the coast. Muslim traders spread Islam to kingdoms across Zanj along the East African coast, and to Southeast Asia, and the sultanates of Southeast Asia such as those of Mataram and Sulu.

    <After the Mongol Empire destroyed the Abbasid Caliphate, following the Battle Of Bagdahd (1258), they conquered Muslim lands but soon converted to Islam, beginning an era of Turkic and Mongol expansions of Muslim rule into Eastern Europe under the Golden Horde; across Central Asia under Timur, founder of the Timirud Dynasty; and later into the Indian subcontinent under his descendant Barbur, founder of the Mughal Empire. Meanwhile in the 17th century, Barbary Corsairs were conducting raids into Western and Northern Europe, as far as the islands of Britain and Iceland. Eastern Europe suffered a series of Tartar invasions, the goal of which was to loot, pillage and capture slaves into jasyr.

    The modern era (which began in the 16th century and lasted until the Industrial Revolution) saw the rise of three powerful Muslim empires: the Ottoman Empire of the Middle East and Europe, the Safavid Empire of Persia and Central Asia, and the Mughal Empire of India.

    Stop right there. Lets address the first section of your statement. Granted never is 100% of any religion following the "radical" path. However, if it quacks like a duck, walks like a duck, and looks like a duck, it sure is not a fish.

    The Crusades. The Inquisition. The Reformation Wars. Pogroms against the Jews. Abundant examples can be cited of atrocities committed by people identifying themselves as Christians against entire communities and nations. In defending jihad (holy war), Islamic scholars point to episodes of Christian slaughter. But these examples are not analogous to Islam's jihad as historically practiced.

    First: Muhammad, both in his life and his writings affirmed jihad as a strategy for expanding the faith. Jesus did not. Rather he taught "Blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall be called the sons of God" (Matthew 5:9). When the Christians Crusaded against the Muslims they were acting against their Savior and his teachings. It was not a just war. Muslims fighting against the kafir are obeying their warrior-prophet and his message.

    Second: New Testament Scripture never advocates jihad (holy war) on any other group. In fact it anticipates that persecutions will only happen against Christians.

    Third: The Qur'an and Hadith traditions lend credence to the Muslim militancy that, through the words of Muhammad, sheds innocent blood for the cause of Allah. Jesus fulfilled Old Testament laws in his own, personal sacrifice on the cross, thereby placing punishment for sin upon himself.

    Fourth: Except for isolated heretical groups, Christians have learned (albeit far too s-l-o-w-l-y) from their bloody history. Muslims continue their onslaught in numerous nations, including Sudan, Saudi Arabia, Iran, Indonesia, Bangladesh, Nigeria, and Pakistan. In fact, Islamic militancy continues to gain momentum.

    Fifth: With the rare exceptions of rare revenge killings in Pakistani refugee camps, modern examples of warring in Christian areas pit Christian groups against each other not outsiders. Irish Protestants fight Irish Catholics. Christians do not use war to expand political boundaries, believing that they will thus expand the kingdom of God. Further, examples of violence are aberrations in an otherwise peaceful Christian world. On the other hand, militancy remains the norm in conservative Islam.

    Here, circled in red is the proposed Ground Zero Mosque Site (photograph taken three [3] days after 9/11):

    Only two city blocks from Ground Zero.

    The Jihadists have been saying we (the United States) are the “Great Satan” for as long as we have been a world power. This is not a mission to destroy Islam, it is a cry for decency, consideration, and outreach. The message we are conveying is this: Our dead, all of our dead, Christian or Muslim do not deserve a monument to Islam, the very religion that drove and motivated the perpetrators of the criminal act of the bombing, to loom over them. It would be tantamount to building a Catholic Church 600 feet from Auswitz . For Muslims, a Mosque was always a place to pray. It should not be a way to make an ostentatious statement. Ground Zero shouldn't be about promoting Islam. It's the place where war was declared on us as Americans.

    To quote Raheel Raza and Tarek Fata of the Muslim Canadian Congress:

    “We Muslims know the ... mosque is meant to be a deliberate provocation, to thumb our noses at the infidel. The proposal has been made in bad faith, ... as “Fitna” meaning "mischief-making" that is clearly forbidden in the Qur'an.... As Muslims we are dismayed that our co-religionists have such little consideration for their fellow citizens, and wish to rub salt in their wounds and pretend they are applying a balm to sooth the pain.”

    We are not asking that there be no Mosque built, but rather, change it’s location. Be transparent about the funding. Most of all we are asking for the Islamic community to give the respect and dignity due those who were killed in that horrendous attack, be they Christian, Muslim, Atheist, Hindu, Buddhist, Agnostic or any other religious denomination. Respect the dead. Help the wound heal. Bridge the gap. Extend a hand of understanding. However you want to word it, this is not a rallying cry to strip anyone of any rights, this is a cry of despair and disbelief.

    Here, my friend, this statement belongs in the tinfoil hat lounge. What connection did they have you ask? Read:

    First a little flash back in time to the video released by Al Quida just after the 9/11 attacks and what Shaikh Usamah Bin Ladin says (I will interject and comment with a preceding hyphen [-]):

    First he opens quoting the Hadith:

    "I was ordered to fight the people until they say there is no god but Allah, and his prophet is Muhammad "

    -Chilling words, if you ask me.

    Bin Laden continues:
    "Some people may ask: Why do you want to fight us? There is an association between those who say: I believe in one god and Muhammad is his prophet and those who don't [the dialog becomes inaudible for a moment] Those who do not follow the true fiqh [emphasis mine, trans - fiqh = jurisprudence]. The fiqh of Muhammad, the real fiqh. They are just accepting what is being said at face value.

    -At this point he happily recounts indications that the bombing had increased awareness of Islam worldwide, and was possibly one of the greatest events in Islamic "evangelism" in recent days:

    "Those youth who conducted the operations did not accept any fiqh in the popular terms, but they accepted the fiqh that the prophet Muhammad brought. Those young men (...inaudible...) said in deeds, in New York and Washington, speeches that overshadowed all other speeches made everywhere else in the world. The speeches are understood by both Arabs and non-Arabs–even by Chinese. It is above all the media said. Some of them said that in Holland, at one of the centers, the number of people who accepted Islam during the days that followed the operations were more than the people who accepted Islam in the last eleven years. I heard someone on Islamic radio who owns a school in America say: “We don’t have time to keep up with the demands of those who are asking about Islamic books to learn about Islam.” This event made people think (about true Islam) which benefited Islam greatly."

    -He also spoke of the cold calculation that went into the attacks, his estimation of casualties, even the timing between the two impacts, with great pleasure:

    "we calculated in advance the number of casualties from the enemy, who would be killed based on the position of the tower. We calculated that the floors that would be hit would be three or four floors. I was the most optimistic of them all. (...Inaudible...) due to my experience in this field, I was thinking that the fire from the gas in the plane would melt the iron structure of the building and collapse the area where the plane hit and all the floors above it only. This is all that we had hoped for."

    "The difference between the first and the second plane hitting the towers was twenty minutes. And the difference between the first plane and the plane that hit the Pentagon was one hour."

    -For a full transcript and a very real reminder of exactly the joy, praise and exultation that occurred feel free to read the full transcript (english translation) here.

    Bombings are just a recent convolution of terroist tactics. It is an attack intended to kill others and inflict widespread damage, in which the attacker expects or intends to die in the process. Terrorists use other tactics, such as kidnappings, executions, hijacking, the list goes on and on. Muslim against Muslim internal warfare is not uncommon, nor is it going to ever end, due to the schisms between beliefs, clans, countries, philosophies, etc. As you read above, the Quar'an is an absolute document, and any who change/alter/reinterpret/apply it differently than another Muslim is wrong and needs to die.

    The information is easy to understand. If you wish to refute the information as presented, get your copy of the Quar'an, read it for yourself, with an objective viewpoint, and make your own decisions. Additionally, study Shari'a Law. Familiarize yourself with the tenets of this ideology. It is laughable that you would denigrate a group of people because they offer a video in multiple languages and that some organization linked to them, which had a questionable name. Personally, I think it is very poignant that and Israeli group holds enough pride in their heritage to proclaim that they are anti-fascist, and took the name of a Nazi resistance group from WWII.

    If you are only basing your rant on "what you have heard", rather than informing yourself, you are not qualified to make any statements of absolutes. As for the "failed" propaganda attempt: would you rather a former Hamas terrorist tell you like it is? I have access to those videos as well. Take it from the sources I am offering, this is a well informed source, it is accurate, and it is a short video.

    Amen to that. However, I will keep my firearms loaded and my preps ready because it will be sooner rather than later.

    Rather than refute the propaganda, as I have been doing with Islam, many turn away and accept what they are being told, because it is easier. Ignorance is a weapon in the arsenal of Islam. This is another tactic, less threatening than bombs and guns. It is a slower advance, and the name of this weapon is Blind Tolerance. I tolerate those who pose no threat to me, my family, my country, and our freedoms.
  19. Seacowboys

    Seacowboys Senior Member Founding Member

    My entire point is that even though our enemies might take advantage of the rights that define our nation, it is still what defines us and we cannot afford to make exclusions because of the abuses. For every one person that uses our system to attack us, there are a million that that do not abuse the freedoms that define our nation. My signature line pretty much sums it up.
  20. bnmb

    bnmb On Hiatus Banned

    First of all, I don't really understand what Macedonian balls have to do with Greek empire? Macedonians are separate nation, they are not Greeks. Alexander the Great (or else known as Alexandre of Macedonia) was kicking Greek butts, sooo...??? And yes, we are great bakers, cooks and we love to cook our own homegrown, clean, non-monsant food! Are you jeallous?

    And as for the picturing me and all that crap, I could also picture you bombing the girl and the rapists, and their families, and then plundering them blind, while I'm wrapped in my garb! And I can picture you afterwards bombing any country you please in order to forcefully apply your "values"!
    Vivid imagination is what makes humans creative!... [booze]
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