A 15 year old kid gets 20 years in jail for killing a fracking DOG?!?!?! WTF??? Teen gets up to 20 years for killing dog with hammer - Daily Tribune: Breaking news coverage for southeastern Oakland County, Michigan
I didn't even bother to go to the link. I am not saying I agree or disagree. What I am saying is, that statistically, his actions would indicate very possible future killings of humans for fun. If he was a close neighbor, and I had young children, I would probably feel relief.
Sorry Tac, but I just can't see the relevance here...It's incomprehensible for me to think that if a kid kills an animal, he'll be killing people next! What about the kids that go hunting or fishing? Are they all going to be future people killers? And if he tried to eat that dog, would it be OK then? Future crime prevention method? Minority report movie? I'm sure that if he killed a man, he wouldn't get 20 years! That kid is a human being, for crying out loud! Of course what he did was wrong, but 20 years and ruined life for a fracking dog??? The dog owners can buy or take another dog from the animal shelter, but his parents can't buy another child! For me, this is outrageous and absolutely unacceptable! And that's justice? That "law", or whatever they call that BS is clear indication that human life is not worth more than an animal's life! If something like that happened here, the kid's parents would be ordered by the court to buy a new dog for the owners, and that would be end of that! Geeeeezzzz...
"3 to 20" for a B&E (per the article) is far different from "up to 20" for killing the dog. (Therein lays the rub when scanning headlines.)
... it wasn't the killing of the dog they charged him with, but I'm sure that it didn't help any. Sounds like he had a weapon and upon breaking in perhaps he did away with the dog because it was deemed a threat to his operation and not because his intent was to kill the dog? Hard to say; there's not more detail on what his motive was for the B&E. If his intent was to kill the dog, then yeah.. that's just sick. If his intent was to steal valuables and he killed the dog in the process, then I'd say he's just a regular criminal.
I don't understand...Here when they sentence you, they give you precise time...what do you mean 3 to 20??? So, how many years did he get??? This was first: A 15-year-old boy who broke into a Kentwood home and killed a family's dog with a hammer has been sentenced to spend up to 20 years in prison. And then: He got three to 20 years on a home invasion charge... I don't get this....what did he get???
You're experiencing the media spin that has infected the so called journalists in this country. Saying 3 to 20 for home invasion doesn't illicit the same response as "a 15 year old gets 20 for killing dog"..
I just don't get it...Even the headline said for killing a dog...I'll just stop reading anything and stop posting anything...I'll never be sure I understood anything correctly...
Of course it did. It worked, didn't it? It got you to talk about it and to think that he got pinched for killing an animal when that is not the case. You just got caught up in 'Headline Spin'... it's how they draw you into the story.
Chances are pretty good that the actual sentence handed down was a bit more precise, and has some details that will cause the sentence to vary. That "3-20" range is because the journalist that penned the story was too lazy to get the facts right. To answer your question, we can't tell from the newspaper article. (But I'll bet he serves the minimum of 3, and maybe gets time off for good behavior.) So go ahead and continue reading; just be aware that headlines are designed to grab attention, and the details are often grossly different. (But I think you know that.)
LOL .... what's the matter Bane? USA confuse you? Welcome to our world. Read 1984 by George Orwell. It's the government. It's all about smoke and mirrors and confusion. Common sense is not common any more. All is not as it seems. Little is. Remember we have 70% of the entire worlds lawyers to figure it out and explain it to you..... for a price. . as to the dog killing. as I said I didn't check the link, but statistically children who torture and kill animals and serial killers have a lot in common. Killing a dog with a hammer in this case may have been done with a hammer out of necessity due to the position he put him self in. But, you have to admit, killing a dog with a hammer could not have been easy, very effective, or humane. . and 3 to 20 years with good or gain time could be as little as 18 months less any time served prior to trial sentencing. with major over crowding in our bulging prison system and liberal judges, even less time is possible.
Huh...do you understand now why I declined all job offers from abroad? I woud fit there like a glove on a foot...things are much simpler here...
Ah but you missed the chance of a lifetime. We would have corrupted you within 6 months easy. You would have been ruined for life....lol
Travel and work out of country broadens your view and knowledge of the world in a larger context and helps you determine the relationship of both you and your homeland to the rest of the world. A sheltered mind is a closed mind. Simply viewing the world through the eyes of others does nothing to add to your education.