I understood that, but then we have a drier and that's how my wife does it for long keepins. I think she plans on planting some and trying to save some over. Don't know why it shouldn't work. Onions even come up the second year here if they get missed.
Some days the jokes just write themselves.... Off another board I'm on where people are arguing about Buffett's politics and not attending his shows because of his beliefs.... LOL!
Old song by Jimmy...with new lyrics....he did it yesterday at the show in Gulf Shores.....I was there with about 34,999 of my best friends... This is "just because...." <embed src="http://media.mtvnservices.com/mgid:uma:video:cmt.com:536045" type="application/x-shock<img src=" http:="" www.survivalmonkey.com="" forum="" images="" smilies="" smi12-2.gif="" alt="" title="<img src=" smilieid="241" class="inlineimg" border="0">" smilieid="241" class="inlineimg" border="0" height="319" width="512">-flash" FlashVars="dist=www.cmt.com&orig=&vmoid=" allowFullScreen="true" AllowScriptAccess="always" base="."> The link may work better...I guess I didn't do the "embed" thing just right...oh well. http://www.cmt.com/videos/misc/536045/when-the-coast-is-clear.jhtml
Today when I stepped in a hole while wearing heels, twisted my ankle, and fell to the ground, all I could ask was "please don't let anyone see me".
I cannot tell you how many times that has happened to me, usually at the "rich" bank or grovery store.
Dog Days of Summer are here.........or else she's just Dog Tired......Anne Bonny turned 11 mos old today! How did I ever live without this baby girl??
Why is it that those who preach about global warming have a bank account balance as big as the planet?
Well..no more preaching...They openly admitted it was a "mistake"...The satellite was "broken for 15 years"...
I have had lots of them. Only thing is I am afraid if I voice them outloud, or write them down where someone can see and read them, that the State will send those big guys in the white lab coats to catch me and put me in the "I love me Jacket", before they carry me off to a rubber room again. So I guess I will keep my mouth shut, not use my old name, and quietly hide in plain sight, all the while laughing out loud in my mind that I fooled those fools, and they said I was crazy! .... oops did I say that out loud?????
Or.... come for me you suckers! It's a good day to die. I am ready! I have made peace with my God. Bring it on! Let the games begin.
Orrrr...DO YOU FEEL LUCKY, PUNK??? WELL? DO YOU??...and finally: I'LL BE BACK! ... ...yes, I forgot: MAKE MY DAY, PUNK!!!...
Why is it when you think you've remembered where you put it you can't remember what you were looking for?
That just shows that you suck at multitasking, and I'm an authority on that! I can't even remember why I was looking for the thing I forgot what it was and where I put it...But that is not a reason not to drink up!...
I managed to get to Harper’s Ferry, <st1:city w:st="on">Manassas</st1:city>, and <st1lace w:st="on">Antietam</st1lace> battlefields. With all we know now, and the size of war theatres since WWI, it is extremely difficult to imagine how small the actual battlefields were in the Civil War.