Census rights

Discussion in 'Freedom and Liberty' started by fortunateson, Aug 13, 2010.

  1. bnmb

    bnmb On Hiatus Banned

    Geeezzz...US sure has some pretty weird laws in my view...
  2. Seacowboys

    Seacowboys Senior Member Founding Member

    Yep. We've become so damned politically correct that there are now laws for every possible contingency. There are even laws for stuff that might possibly happen or could happen, if the planets are aligned just so. I used to laugh when someone mis-quoted a Supreme Justice is saying "We are a nation of laws..." now, I want to cry.
  3. Seawolf1090

    Seawolf1090 Retired Curmudgeonly IT Monkey Founding Member

    Bane, we have some of the silliest and stupidest laws imaginable. Some date from another age, and were simply never taken off the books. They remain unenforced - until some overzealous city or county politician or sheriff wants to use it to harass someone.
    For instance, here in sunny Florida, I cannot tie my elephant to a parking meter! I mean, DANG! Where else can I park him uptown!? :rolleyes:
    In another state, women cannot legally parachute on Sunday......

    So, to see Census Workers (who see themselves as 'Government Employees or Agents') using the law to harass people who have already followed the stupid law - yep, it gets mighty irritating! You do the right thing, send in the danged form - and for months they bang on your door wanting MORE info.
    It's all about CONTROL....... [own2]
  4. bnmb

    bnmb On Hiatus Banned

    foosed OK...I meant it was weird that if you sprinkle them, they can sue you..Here if you even try to file complaint about something like that, first the lady at the court archive is going to kick your butt, then the court cops will kick your butt, if you try to hire a lawyer, he'll be also doing some kicking...Now, if you pull some HIGH strings to even manage to get to court, the judge will definitely throw your ass out of the window...4 stories high....
    But now...Parachuting on Sunday??? No elephants on parking meters???
    WTF!!! Who even made these laws??? And who approved them?!
    Whats next? No shapeshifting or wormhole traveling every seventh second of the third hour or the first day of the ninth month? And then they call me an alcoholic... sheesh!... [booze]
  5. fortunateson

    fortunateson I hate Illinois Nazis!

    They're sue crazy here.
    About 12 years ago, I worked for a guy who had gotten sued for escorting one of his neighbors off of his property.
    The lady always walked through his flower beds. One time, he was out working on his lawn, when he saw her do it, so he confronted her.
    She wouldn't move, so he took her by the arm and gently but firmly pulled her off of his property.

    Guess what? She sued. He hired a lawyer to defend himself. The first thing his lawyer told him was: "Now we have to be careful. You DID touch her, so we may not win this."

    Nice huh?

    He eventually won, but here's how they get you: No decent hard working person is going to want to get involved in that kind of a fight and risk everything. Think about it: He put a substantial part of his livelihood and savings at risk for a few flowers.
    That's how they're able to push US around when the punks who live off of govt. dole get to do whatever they want.
    It's called having nothing to lose.
  6. bnmb

    bnmb On Hiatus Banned

    Dude!...now I'm like amazed! Touching? Touching! I would have hit her with a shovel! She won't move from MY property? Hehehe...[booze]
    And if "ïnat" gets me, I'll torch her along with the court!
    Here, unless you put her in a hospital with fractures, or kill her, she can't sue you! If suing here was like in US, we would eat, sleep and live in the courts!
    I don't know if you ever heard of it, but in the Balkans we have this mental state I don't know how to call in English...probably closest would be like stubborness, although it's not quite it...This is most pronounced in Serbs (waaaay on the top), then Macedonians, then others...Serb word is "ïnat", Macedonian is "inaet".
    That thing causes people doing anything at all, risking loosing everything, but not giving up an inch and proving they are right or that victory is theirs...at any cost! Like..I'll die, but I'll make sure you wish you did too..

    Imagine a general of small army fighting enemy over 3 times more powerfull...
    June 15th, 1389...60.000 Serbs against over 180.000 Turks. Battle lasted long time... Serbs had 12 knights. One of them Milosh Obilic, decided to win the battle..The "ïnat" is at play for Serbs! Turks were led by Sultan Murat I, ruler of Turkish Ottoman Empire, Serbs by Tzar Lazar Hrebeljanovic. Serbs didn't have a real chance there, so Milosh goes to the Turkish lines and declares that he wants to surrender. Since he is nobility, a High Knight, he must surrender to the Sultan personally! Big mistake! The moment he is brought before the Sultan, he pulls a well hidden dagger and guts him like a pig! Cuts him completely open from groin to the throat! He is seized and decapitated, but even though all Serbs died, they managed to take down over 100.000 Turks, and by killing the Sultan, they effectively stopped Ottoman expansion into Europe. Tzar Lazar was also killed in the battle.
    They all died, but won the battle...
    So, never underestimate "inat"!.... [beer]
  7. fortunateson

    fortunateson I hate Illinois Nazis!

    Yeah. I've got a bit of "inat" in me. But it gets me into trouble.

    Have you ever heard the expression. "Pick your hill to die upon"?

    I plan to save up all of my "inat" for the day when they try to take my guns ;)
  8. bnmb

    bnmb On Hiatus Banned

    Hehehe...The main purpose of "inat" IS to get you in trouble, AND to get your enemy in MUCH greater trouble!
  9. Seawolf1090

    Seawolf1090 Retired Curmudgeonly IT Monkey Founding Member

    That's why our government is so corrupt and screwedup - they are all Lawyers, the lowest scum on Earth (with apologies to any legal beagles HERE...), and they made a career out of helping lazy good-for-nothings sue innocent folks who happened to have been successful and had money and property. So they get 'elected' to higher office and can screw over ALL the people! Great scam, if you have the strong stomach and total lack of scruples for it. :rolleyes:
  10. kellory

    kellory An unemployed Jester, is nobody's fool. Banned

    "Imagine a general of small army fighting enemy over 3 times more powerfull...
    June 15th, 1389...60.000 Serbs against over 180.000 Turks. Battle lasted long time... Serbs had 12 knights. One of them Milosh Obilic, decided to win the battle..The "ïnat" is at play for Serbs! Turks were led by Sultan Murat I, ruler of Turkish Ottoman Empire, Serbs by Tzar Lazar Hrebeljanovic. Serbs didn't have a real chance there, so Milosh goes to the Turkish lines and declares that he wants to surrender. Since he is nobility, a High Knight, he must surrender to the Sultan personally! Big mistake! The moment he is brought before the Sultan, he pulls a well hidden dagger and guts him like a pig! Cuts him completely open from groin to the throat! He is seized and decapitated, but even though all Serbs died, they managed to take down over 100.000 Turks, and by killing the Sultan, they effectively stopped Ottoman expansion into Europe. Tzar Lazar was also killed in the battle.
    They all died, but won the battle...
    So, never underestimate "inat"!..." We would call this a Pyrrhic Victory.
  11. chelloveck

    chelloveck Diabolus Causidicus

    More in the nature of a Cadmean victory than a Pyrrhic one. Pyrrhus's tactical victories lead to strategic defeat. The Serbian force, although utterly destroyed, was a strategic victory, achieving the strategic objective of thwarting the Ottoman expansion to the West through the Balkans...

    Cadmean victory - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

    Pyrrhic victory - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
  12. kellory

    kellory An unemployed Jester, is nobody's fool. Banned

    Never heard of Cadmean, but seems to fit. i referred to Pyrrhic, as in "we will take the ba#$@rts with us."
  13. Tikka

    Tikka Monkey+++

    After she keeps on knocking; wet your hair, strip and wrap a towel around you. Open the door and say look lady, maybe you are willing to ask me questions but I am not willing to stand here wearing a towel to answer them.

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