No Comment! Obama Issues Executive Order Mandating “Lifestyle Behavior Modification” | Executive Order-- Establishing the National Prevention, Health Promotion, and Public Health Council | The White House
Nah. This is doom: YouTube - Government Using Google Earth To Loot Destitute Americans - The Alex Jones Show
Wasn't that Brokor's house in the ad? Man. That ad is just the naked arrogance of government. Well, I've got news for them. People aren't shivering in fear at that commercial. They're damn pissed off. This attitude is going to backfire on them. Meanwhile, I'm having a "shed" built on my land that is rather large for a shed and looks a whole lot like a cabin.... Of course, I'm not pulling permits, because it's a "shed" right? I mean, unfinished, up on blocks, built by a shed company... I half expect to get a letter in the mail, but only if they're not so overburdened and underfunded to find it. I'll take my chances thanks very much.
Typing words and even speaking will become fines (corporation taxes levied on the people): YouTube - Max Keiser: The American Empire is Done! - The Alex Jones Show 1/3 Oh yes. There really is no end to the greed.
I've always thought that people on public assistance should at least have to have drug tests. But this goes a little further than that.
There's some ironic humor in the fact that they're now discarding all pretense of fairness. They used to say: "We have to tax your car because it uses space on the roads and we need to pay for that space and build more roads and ... bla bla bla" Now it's more like: "We have to tax every fart that you squeeze out because.. Aw JUST BECAUSE WE CAN. SHUT UP AND PAY!"
I especially enjoy the excuse: "because everybody else pays it." Reminds me of property tax. If I own the property, hold the title --what right does the state have to tax me? Because they never tell you that slaves can't really own property and the state owns it while you are reduced to being a mere user. Tax to the landlord. Serfdom. Slavery. "Oh, it pays for schools!" Shut up.
That's technically correct. It is a holdover from feudalism via (I think) English Common Law. IOW, you're a serf. They don't teach you that in school, do they? There's something called allodial title which allows you to own your property free and clear, but it's very rarely used. There was a push for it in Las Vegas during the 90s because people were complaining that their property taxes were skyrocketing. After political pressure, the govt. agreed to take a lump sum of x years of future property taxes and grant homeowners allodial title... Then they quickly changed their minds. Allodial title - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Yeah, I remember good old Michael Badnarik in his constitution class talking about allodial titles. It just means "highest form" of title, none higher. Most Americans own real estate, not property. Real estate is the house "up", but the land belongs to he who holds the most persuasiveness, i.e. FORCE. And typically that is the state and the gestapo. Ruby Ridge, Waco, the list goes on. I think I still have old senate documents copied from microfiche from back in the 50's and 60's marking the communist invasion of America. In it they list the tenants of the communist manifesto, and one of them is the abolition of private property --and I still use the same language from that report when I speak of the issue. When I say "reducing citizens to mere users", I mean exactly what the senators warned us would happen if the corpolitcals and bankers got their way. In order to eliminate the RIGHTS of the people, the first thing government had to do was eliminate private property --because all rights are only exercised when in conjunction with property. Whenever there is a question of validity to an argument over rights, the first point that must be made is "who owns the property", because the traditional property owner in America makes the rules --he is "king" as Badnarik stated. If for instance I walked onto public property and wanted to burn town square, it would be illegal because I do not own the property. It belongs to the public, i.e. the people respectively. Now, if I wanted to go home and burn my own house down, I could. And if I wanted to shoot some Sheriff for trespassing --I could. He holds no right over me on my own property. It's simple, really. Most people don't even understand because they have never been taught about property and rights. We entered the industrial age, and people moved closer together. The definition of "property" slowly became a gray area. Laws and regulations were updated, the constitution made into an historical attraction and little more, and "codes" quickly became the standing version of legality.
Oh, but it's not really "your" life, now is it? Social Security. Debt obligation number one. The People are property of the system which bred the debt --willingly offering themselves and their children (blindly of course) to the debt-based system as collateral on the greatest usury scheme the world has ever seen. JOHN SMITH - on a birth certificate is not "John Smith" the man, it is the title of the "person", i.e., fictional property of a corrupt corporate scheme we share with our traditional counterparts from Britain.
More DOOM: YouTube - Former Pakistani ISI Chief Hamid Gul: "God Help America!!" - The Alex Jones Show 3/4 CIA Admits to Faking Bin Laden Video: And finally, ULTIMATE DOOM: YouTube- The Secret Government
Yup. MORE DOOOOM! LINK: Immigration, United States Citizens, and Freedom Normally under the Fourth Amendment of the U.S. Constitution, the American people are not generally subject to random and arbitrary stops and searches. The border, however, has always been an exception. There, the longstanding view is that the normal rules do not apply. For example the authorities do not need a warrant or probable cause to conduct a “routine search.” But what is “the border”? According to the government, it is a 100-mile wide strip that wraps around the “external boundary” of the United States. As a result of this claimed authority, individuals who are far away from the border, American citizens traveling from one place in America to another, are being stopped and harassed in ways that our Constitution does not permit. Additional info: More than 2/3 of the United States population (nearly 200 million people) lives in this Constitution-free zone. Nine of the ten most heavily populated metro areas in the United States are in this Constitution-free zone. Twelve states fall completely within this zone, including the so-called Free State of New Hampshire. NOT land of the "free".
Alex finally covers the "Meat and Potatoes" of the whole deal after all. I must warn you, at about 8 minutes into this first video is when the real story begins. If you are in any way on shaky foundation right now --please do NOT watch this. If this doesn't make you angry beyond limits, I don't know what will. If you watch this, pay attention. And do not panic. The situation we are in is terrible. This matter is not to be taken lightly. Total Mafia Style Takeover Part 1: (@ 7:50 the story begins) YouTube - Total Mafia Style Takeover of The Country Has Begun - Alex Jones Tv 1/4 Part 2: YouTube - Total Mafia Style Takeover of The Country Has Begun - Alex Jones Tv 2/4 Part 3: YouTube - Total Mafia Style Takeover of The Country Has Begun - Alex Jones Tv 3/4 Part 4: YouTube - Total Mafia Style Takeover of The Country Has Begun - Alex Jones Tv 4/4 Jones jumps around a bit, but if you watch closely and be patient, he pretty much nails it. I wish he could stop going on with his random tangents, but try to focus on the main story. Full spectrum dominance: YouTube- Could The Globalist & CIA be Setting up Obama JFK Style? - Alex Jones Tv