Aliens don't exist, and this is possible? - Clouds Can Communicate, Scientists Say So, it's impossible that aliens exist anywhere in the universe, but clouds on earth are intelligent and communicate?...I hear my car calling, I'll be right back...and my wife's stew was protesting cause she put too much salt...
Well, that would explain all that noise we call thunder! Must have great service with their elecrical connections ( lightning!) After all my stomach communicates with me on a regular basis... FEED ME,...... I'M HUNGRY!
ALL things in the natural world react to outside stimulus, even the unliving. "Communication" is for the living. Next these eggheads will tell us the ripples in the beach sand are the ocean 'talking' to us....... Far too many "New Agers" in the 'scientific' world today. We get enough of this junk science nonsense from the Global Warming cabal. FOX News does their readers a disservice dredging this crap up from the murky depths of what passes for 'journalism' nowadays.
Yeah?? What about the undead? I heard they communicate telepathically. Zombies, RISE!! Your day has come!!
Totally possible! I mean, if clouds can do it...and it's "scientifically proven" ... Where's my "Zombie survival book"!...have some reading to do...
Sorry, Ghrit - Madame Speaker has total control of America's zombie hoard...... how do ya think she got the bozo elected...?
And you do, do you not, remember what state Ms. Botox (allegedly) represents? And with all the mindless numbers on the coasts, mustering them up could not have been too serious a problem. Just promise them food, and they will rally.