How many of you fantasize about TEOTWAWKI?

Discussion in 'General Survival and Preparedness' started by Akheloce, Dec 17, 2009.

  1. cdnboy66

    cdnboy66 Monkey++

    Fantasize...?? no
    Fear?...a little, maybe a lot
    Prepare for?....trying to.
    The hard facts are that it will never be enough if it really goes sour.
    I am like many and am loath to give up my creature comforts.
    I am also like many who deem myself to be willing and able to face many challenges.
    To face does not always translate to survive. Even people with vast amounts of experience can make mistakes and those are sometimes duhh moments that become fatal.

    It is interesting to see how much "awareness" has become stylish since Hollywood had made it fashionable by the multitude of disaster films.

    As to how it will become TEOTWAWKI....only time will tell and you can not possibly prepare for every scenario

    The reality is that whatever your fantasy entails, if it helps you to make preps that will benefit you then it is probably a good tool for you to use.
    However; if your fantasy is to be the superhero savior of the neighbourhood and you think you can become that by osmosis, you will probably face a rude awakening and become a statistic.

    Having said all that, the first prep is was and will be...who you will answer to after your last breath.
    Survival of the grandest scale TEOTWAWKI is only temporary.

    just my $.02
  2. bjr711

    bjr711 Monkey+

    hummm-it's very hard work growing, harvesting, preserving all of the food you eat. Not to mention boiling all of your water to drink--washing clothes by hand (they don't last long when you beat them with rocks). Not to mention making everything you wear from nothing but some plant fiber or fir. And all the wood you'd need to keep warm. The only TEOTWAWKI scenario I would be comfortable with is the world ends and all the department stores, groceries, sporting goods stores, hardware stores, etc. are left intact without any looting--probably won't happen like that.
  3. -06

    -06 Monkey+++

    Was raised on a dirt poor farm where we raised most of our food. Things we did not raise we bartered for. Fantasize -NO - prepared for, hopefully yes. We have ample food, water(and purification), shelter, arms, com, first aid, and equipment to survive a long long time even if there is a total collapse. I certainly do not hope to see something happen that will require the use of them. I hope they rot from lack of use but I seriously doubt that happening. I see no way the economy will survive as we presently know it. As the inflationary spiral gets cranked up I fear it will escalate expotentially just as it has in some other countries.We think we are immune to such tragedies because we are such a large country and so rich. Paw used to say-- no creek ever runs so full that it doesn't run dry. Hopefully we are ready for a long dry spell. Hope all here are also. If not then start now.
  4. SLugomist

    SLugomist Monkey++

    nibiru is one "explanation" for the cycle of mass extinctions. as this "dark" planet circles in a presumed 23-28,000 year orbit, it creates such upheavels on earth when it passes that it wipes out pretty much everything.

    There really isn't much to do to preapre for this. As it would be more destructive than a full scale nuclear war. This would be more like bend over and kiss your Arse goodbye.
  5. bnmb

    bnmb On Hiatus Banned

    I've done some research on this Nibiru thing...What first sparked my interest was a small 2-3 minutes piece on Discovery channel...I think they call those pieces cameos or something...small piece between longer programs. There was this piece with old, retired Russian kosmonaut...he spoke how they were treated as heroes in USSR, they were given parades and medals, and now they are forgotten. Then he said something I found unexplainable...He said that Earth is a place where visitors from other worlds come, and that they visit us every 3600 years! I was like...WHAT?!?!...the piece ends with him rowing a boat in a lake singing some old Russian song.
    I saw this piece like 10 times after, same first i thought I misunderstood, but no. Anyone of you saw this piece? Anyone remembers this?
    So, I started searching Internet and then ran into Sitchin and that's about it...
    I guess the time will tell....
  6. Detentus

    Detentus Monkey+

    I don't fantacize about what life would be like in any scenario. Fantacizing seems a bit romantic and wishful that something would happen, doesn't it? I do wonder what my initial steps would be in any scenario, particularly an economic collapse. I think this is more within the realm of possibility than an asteroid or some Venus-like planet thing.

    I've prepared the best I can and have ensured that we have adequate supplies to see us through the long haul. I can't say it would be enough, but we've done the best we can.
    Just imagining the millions who would lose their lives is enough to turn off a fantasy.
  7. Rourke

    Rourke Monkey++

    To answer the originally asked question - YES - I do fantasize about TEOTWAWKI. I do for a few reasons:
    - First, I envision conditions so I can consider required preps to counter those conditions
    - Second, it motivates me......plain and simple
    - Third, and this is a distant 3rd - I think of my preps and how they will be used. Maybe that is about the same as #1 - hmmmmm.........

    Many people, mostly men - fantasize that they are that leading character in an action movie blowing people away left and right to save the hot women being held captive - who of course will fall in love with the man once rescued. Now.....this doesn't mean that the person fantasizing actually wants to go out and kill people - it is a fantasy - that's all. Now - last part of the fantasy I won't comment on.

  8. dragonfly

    dragonfly Monkey+++

    Not too long ago, ( last month) I was told in no uncertain terms, that I now I live like it's post apolcalyptic! ( visitor) I take that as a compliment!
    I do sleep on an army cot, have done so for a LONG time now, ( about 12-15 years), and do laundry the hand way with the old "corky" plunger and a set of 3, 5 gallon buckets! In fact, I got my clothes so much cleaner, my son, and my roommate, now do it the same way...saves soap and money! Besides half the time the laundry acroos the street the washers dont work, or are full of tar, concrete, and such things! I use the inexpensive solar dryer, and unless it's raining, your clothes are drier, faster, and smell better, than running them thru the commercial dryers here! Uv light is good, ( but will fade your dark colors in a heartbeat!). Honestly I am not all about hunting for my food, all I'd get around here is a few stray dogs and cats! Nah, I like the meat market at the local grocery store....Just stay away from the salmonella and e-coli tainted meats! Fruits and such are nice to have, without waiting several months to harvest them too! Now if things do go "south", I'd be in a real hurt...I'm a soda-holic! Gotta have those brown, sweet, carbonated, liquids....I call it energy in a bottle! Love that sugar!
  9. bnmb

    bnmb On Hiatus Banned

    Well...put some uranium in the water, and you have energy in the bottle...Not healthy, but still energy...Same thing with the darn Cokes, Pepsi's and other crap that makes you fat and sick...not to talk about the teeth...sodas are god given for dentists...sometimes I think dentists pray Öur holy soda thats in the market....". They use orthophosphorus acid in of the strongest and worst acids for the teeth. That acid is used in detistry business for making molds and false teeth and stuff... Not to talk about weight gain. Drink sodas, gain weight...I sometimes think they put something in them to make them addictive...But, everybody knows I'm paranoid... :D
  10. dragonfly

    dragonfly Monkey+++

    Not so paranoid, if you look back at coca-cola!
    Coca leaves were used and darned addictive!
    Now about those sodas....yeah they will add the weight considering the amount of sugar in just one 12 ounce serving can! ( 2 cups?)
    Worse, is the phosphoric acid, as it causes kidney stones!
    They "used" to sell 'root beer concentrate' to make your own brewski's, with sugar ( of course) and brewers yeast! Ya gotta love it!
    Nowaday's some one came up with the slaes pitch that sassafras tea causes certain cancers! So, now you cant even buy the dang raw sassafras here anymore either
  11. Detentus

    Detentus Monkey+

    I think it's safe to say that most of us would be inconvenienced in one way or another. I'm a woman and maybe women feel differently, but while it would force me to assess the situation(depends on scenario), I'm well on my way to be prepared. I think in terms of the utter panic and chaos that most would experience and that's something I don't feel good about.
  12. -06

    -06 Monkey+++

    Detentus, that is all one can do. Just be as prepared as possible in all areas. We have been having gatherings in NC/SC twice a year for exactly that reason. This fall's is mid Oct. and we will be covering canning/drying/reloading/animal cleaning & preparation/ shooting (accuracy and point)/ unarmed self defense/ and always Dutch Oven cooking contest. Sometimes we have compass courses and all kinds of related "classes". If our nuke expert is in town maybe he will do another fall out class. We learn lots, eat very well, and have fun with the family. After all, that is what we are prepping for-the families survival and overcoming obstacles. If you are in "striking distance" and can make it just PM for details. Everything is free except $5 for the cabins and a bit for food. As always the kids are free(LOL, can't have them). We have been having these gatherings for many years and it is like a big family reunion. Who knows when we may need each other and the knowledge learned.
  13. Detentus

    Detentus Monkey+

    06, I wish MA had something like this. I really need to learn how to cook in a Dutch oven. I just bought one a few months ago, but I've been so busy with the vegetable garden, I haven't had time. I'll have to print up more recipes for this, but I do have some good ones for yeastless bread, etc.
    I'm taking stock right now of what our needs will be for the fall and winter. The husband's almost finished building a firewood shelter that will hold about 4.5 cords of wood.
  14. Monty

    Monty Monkey+++

    You hit the nail on the head, if things take a turn for the worse you'd be looking at securing your AO 24/7/365. I've spent enough time on gaurd duty and working third shift that i've been up 24-30 hours straight, and it's no picinic. Once you crash you opening up your self to all kinds of bad things. I've realized that and between my wife and I it would be 12 hour shifts UGH. I'm looking to expand my sheltering of family members but I'll have to feed them also which goes around the visious cycle of safety+ security - the extra food being consumed.

    Lots to think about, not just beans and bullets all the time.

    just my .02
  15. fortunateson

    fortunateson I hate Illinois Nazis!

    They do cause kidney stones. And IMO High Fructose Corn Syrup is bad stuff. Turns my stomach upside down.
    Yeah - it's natural, from corn... then they treat it with enzymes and fermentation - not so natural any more.
    Sodas from health food stores often contain old fashioned cane sugar. I've also heard that Coke bottled in Mexico is made with sugar as well. Some bodegas here in the US carry it.

    Anyway, there's another issue that most people don't know about.
    Consuming that much acid will leach calcium from your bones and muscles. If you have tight muscles all the time like I did, you need to cut down.
    Tooth and bone fractures are another symptom.
  16. bnmb

    bnmb On Hiatus Banned

    Right fortunateson...Plus all that acidity in the body makes it perfect breeding ground for cancers and infections...
  17. jim2

    jim2 Monkey+++

    I've had a few nightmares about it. Not looking forward to something like this at all. I'll fair well Lord willing, but it's not something I want my family and friends to suffer thru.

  18. Brokor

    Brokor Live Free or Cry Moderator Site Supporter+++ Founding Member

    Not to mention the Monsanto bio-engineered resistance to insects; corn is scientifically and genetically altered to have rare soil/bacteria cells spliced into its genetic code to repel the bugs...

    If bugs won't eat it --why should humans?
  19. Gator 45/70

    Gator 45/70 Monkey+++

    After surviving it seem's all my life hurricane's,I have seen just how fast people turn on each other and how fast your ''neighbor's'' will attempt to rip you off.....
    Better to be prepared for youself and family vs.the rest of the pack....Just my 2 cent's worth and i live in south central La.
  20. bnmb

    bnmb On Hiatus Banned

    True...whether you live in LA or EU or Mars, if SHTF happens, all bets are off. Probably only close family ties would survive...probably... :rolleyes:
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