Guys, everything is cool, no problems...we are here to learn from each other, so if we bump heads now and then it's no big deal...I just wish we could discuss all this in person...over a gallon...or two...
Yup. you would like to read Ayn Rand I am certain of it. "The Fountainhead" would certainly suit you I really appreciate your understanding, too. I for one do not "know" your experiences. Therefore, I enjoy the chat we do have on the forum here. Gotta disagree there. I am proud to say that I would rather die following the fullest pursuit of my heart in defending liberty than to live one second as a servant to tyranny. But I am American, after all.
I enjoy it too friend.... Soooo...what you're saying is that your prisons are completely empty, and your cemeteries are full?... I tend to disagree here...I would rather THEY die while I'm following the fullest pursuit of my heart in defending liberty than THEY live one second while I'm a servant to tyranny. But I am Bloodthirsty, after all.
No such luck - there WILL be people. They will struggle in a new Dark Ages of slavery, poverty and lack of education. It would be interesting to see what the NEXT great civilization looks like in a few hundred years....... What will THEIR historians and archeologists think as they unearth our plastic landfills?
You just had to kill my dreams?... They'll probably think that we were so primitive that we didn't know how to work with metal...
Yeah. I find it strange how the Egyptians and the Hittites were seemingly eradicated by the "Sea People" in quick fashion...and how little we know now? It's still mostly a mystery. Plastic can be quite a mystery, actually. Our buildings mostly resemble historic monuments of the past, and what may be modern is quickly being blown up, so...we would look like a people who lived vicariously through a mixed up sense of history, almost eclectic even. A cornucopia of fun.
I don't know if anybody can read this, as I am uncertain if the link will work: Humanity: a moral history of the ... - Google Books but page 132 is fantastic because it shares a lot of wisdom and insight. Actually the whole book does. Also another good read:
Brokor and BNMB, Don't take my posts as patriotic. The US is a socialist state. Not much different than Europe other than healthcare and VAT tax. We will have those and all will be equal. The only people who are making out are the central bankers. They are the benificiaries of the overspending of the .gov. The result is the enslavement of the people. Either way we are enslaved and that is the crux of my anger. I would still rather live here than in any communist country.....Thank God Bernanke wasn't at the gun range today. Clyde
Clyde my friend, don't take life too seriously...We are all here today, and gone tomorrow. We all know what needs to be done, but none of us can do it alone...errors were made on global level long time ago, and there's nothing we can do here and now... That's why we are here, on this forum. To learn how to take care of ourselves and our families not IF, but WHEN be as self sufficient as we can. Personally, I'd rather live in Star Trekk time, but...
In some ways, so would I. Obviously the show is fiction, but it does remind me of the ideals being carried out today in a few places. The part they never tell you is "how" they got where they were in their advanced, global society. Babylon 5 was another sci-fi show along the same lines. The only difference between the two shows, is that Bab-5 had more conflict with Earth which parallels our own position. How many had to die and suffer under tyranny for the people of the world to finally unite in the Star-Trek fantasy? The greatest problem we face is that which is inspired by fear. FDR wasn't just a puppet for the globalists, he was a visionary, too. But, is that same fear a result that deserves to be acknowledged? I believe it is. The world cannot go from liberty-oriented and diversely carried out automatically to full-on happy, peaceful socialism and technologically advanced (as many already know). There must be a transition period. I do not place my trust in corporations and governments. Right now, the bankers and their counterparts are in total control, shaping the world into their Star-Trek fantasy of the future. But, I wonder if each person involved truly sees the inhumanity of it all? I wonder if they can see where this is all heading before that final pinnacle of enlightenment and peace can be reached? Again, the transition phase is ignored. Billions will suffer and die, and I believe that we will end up sacrificing our humanity in the vain attempt to save it. Just as a means to show some perspective, I will add the following: In a world where socialism reigns, there will be no need for firearms, no justifiable reason to hate other people, no religion, no disease left untreated, and humanity will "live long and prosper." The opposite applies to the extreme reverse; in a free, liberty-oriented world, there will be weapons and hatred and contempt, and people will be left alone to freely worship how they choose. Each pays his/her own way in life, the weak and poor will continue to die and the wealthy and hard working will benefit from technology and modern medicine, extending their life span. Now, since we are currently in "transition", we find ourselves in between. I can scrutinize each of these two concepts in support or in denial of either one. The hinge-point rests on FOCUS, i.e. perception of where my intentions rest. 1) In a free society, each person may possess and exercise his/her freedoms so long as it does not harm another person or their property -this is the foundation of liberty which relies upon private property ownership and sensible, minarchist style governance. Anything outside of this would be extreme, and detrimental. It isn't perfect -it isn't meant to be. It was the belief of an age that has passed. 2) In a socialist society, each person has the basic rights of a human, with exception to the right to defend ones self against aggression. The ruling body, or "State" will determine how it is best to defend its citizens. The government itself becomes very large and controlling in order to manage the responsibilities that would otherwise be left to individuals. Dissenters are dealt with until all that remains is an obedient, non-violent working class. The benefits of this type of society is that healthcare and education would be provided by the State, all are to be treated equally. Naturally, this type of society was never meant to be perfect either. The final solution to any and all of our inherent problems is realizing that we have never really experienced a world-wide program with either the (liberty model) or (socialist model). It is the missing link. The keystone in the arch. Most likely, humanity faces utter annihilation. It is because we cannot appreciate greatness in our midst that we do everything we can to destroy it. Option one or option two on a global scale will undoubtedly be perverted into becoming an oligarchy or fascist empire, and this despotic version of ruling will only serve to bring about radical transformation with oceans of blood as testament to mankind's indifference to greatness. Some will continue to hope that our true nature will shine through and bring about an age of reason and enlightenment. Are they all wise prophets or deluded visionaries? Only the future will tell us this answer.
Oh, but they DID tell us! The Vulcans landed and gave us new technologies and new hope...What I would like to see is Sci-fi turning to Sci-fact... Sooo...where the heck are those aliens? (...and I do NOT mean illegal aliens).
lol yes, indeed -but the Vulcans landed and announced themselves only after the humans had established a one world order.
I knew it was conspiracy! Even damn Vulcans are working for NWO! Damn aliens! And I'm paranoid?!?!....