Peak Oil- what it is and how it will impact your life

Discussion in 'Peak Oil' started by Minuteman, Aug 4, 2005.

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  1. ghrit

    ghrit Bad company Administrator Founding Member

    You're fine, fpg. Consistent with what is obvious to folks that are actually awake which you seem to be.
  2. RightHand

    RightHand Been There, Done That RIP 4/15/21 Moderator Moderator Emeritus Founding Member

    I enjoyed your comments fpg. Minuteman would be proud. Carry on
  3. fireplaceguy

    fireplaceguy Monkey+

    Thanks, guys. What happened to Minuteman, anyway? I read this entire thread when I first joined and I sure like his work...
  4. bnmb

    bnmb On Hiatus Banned

    WOW!...Easy there fellow...Don't bite my head off! It's not my fault that you are in the state you are....And I couldn't care less about your oil, or your wars...All I said was that oil will never run out...actually, I didn't say that, Russians did...Personally, I would like to see oil disappear tomorrow, that would force people to start using alternate technologies.
    And you're guessing wrong...I most certainly do not live in US....
  5. RightHand

    RightHand Been There, Done That RIP 4/15/21 Moderator Moderator Emeritus Founding Member

    Minuteman relocated with his family about 2 months ago to accept a job overseas. He has limited internet access but checks in with us when possible. Those of of who have known him for many years miss him a great deal.
  6. RightHand

    RightHand Been There, Done That RIP 4/15/21 Moderator Moderator Emeritus Founding Member

    Unfortunately, you may someday get your wish. You are certainly not the only person in the world population who clings to an opinion that runs contrary to facts and science.
  7. bnmb

    bnmb On Hiatus Banned

    Facts and science are not set in stone, they are relative as anything else is...Few hundreds of years ago it was well known fact that earth is flat...then it was well known fact that we must use oil to run the planet, even though Tesla proved them wrong...then science said that COP>1 is impossible, and is also proven also said Talidomid is safe, wrong big time!...then science said to treat oil spills with Corexit...then science said aspartame is safe...then science said Ractopamine is safe...should I go on?
    There are lots of alternative energy research in the world...the problem is that individuals do that research without any funding at all...the biggest problem is that all that alternative energy would be free for all, and BigPower certainly doesnt like that!
    I follow alternative energy very close and I do my own experiments.
    It's really ridiculous when "science" says there is no free energy, although they know they're wrong! We are swimming in oceans of space energy, but "science" refuses to research and utilize it...
    If oil is gone, they'll have to!
  8. RightHand

    RightHand Been There, Done That RIP 4/15/21 Moderator Moderator Emeritus Founding Member

    Just because I dismiss your opinion on peak oil, don't assume there is not full support of alternative energy. The members of our SM community actively and aggressively research, support, and participate in alternatives to our reliance on oil. I would go so far as to say most of us would prefer to be able to live without the necessity for oil in our lives and do what we can to prepare for the day, and teach our children to prepare for the day, when oil will not be available in quantities that will support demand which is the essence of the peak oil crisis.

    You are entitled to your opinion that the earth will endlessly provide a free flow of oil that can be processed at a cost that will make it available to the masses and the problem is merely the greedy oil companies. I disagree. As it has been pointed out, a great deal of the natural oil resources cannot be processed without prohibitive cost so as we move forward, oil may be available in some quantity but the day will come when demand exceeds our financial ability to access it.
  9. bnmb

    bnmb On Hiatus Banned

    Apparently, you misunderstood me (actually, I wasn't clear)...when I said that oil will never run out, I didn't want to say that it will always be available, no matter the cost...
    I'm actually sorry that oil will not run out (I really hope it will), because I believe that oil is actually the root of all evil on our planet...
    And I believe that BigOil is aware that oil will never run out, so they're not only not investing in alternative energy, but they are actively trying to prevent it...
  10. RightHand

    RightHand Been There, Done That RIP 4/15/21 Moderator Moderator Emeritus Founding Member

    Allowing for the fact that you have said you do not live in the US, English may not be your first language which might account for the fact that your response makes no sense and you contradict yourself within your statement.
  11. bnmb

    bnmb On Hiatus Banned

    How so? How do I contradict myself? I'm not sure I know what you mean?
  12. RightHand

    RightHand Been There, Done That RIP 4/15/21 Moderator Moderator Emeritus Founding Member

  13. fireplaceguy

    fireplaceguy Monkey+

    Thanks. Hope he has time to check in on this thread now and then!
  14. fireplaceguy

    fireplaceguy Monkey+

    No worries. I had no evidence you even had a head!
    Funny - you seem so passionate...
    Hmmm - let's see:
    Sure looks like your words, unless someone hacked your account with intent to embarrass.
    A (weak) citation of proof, not a quote.
    Your own words, again, unless that hacker's still at it.

    Then this:
    and this:
    If you really believe evil starts and stops with oil, you need to do further reading. In my all too frequent conversations with people like you (the ones who think oil is the root of all evil want it to dry up/disappear overnight) I find an underlying dislike of mankind, and a desire to see humanity suffer for what you believe are our sins. In reality, the abrupt disappearance of oil would lead to suffering and death on a scale that would likely surpass any in history. Wishing for such a thing is a strong indicator of mental illness.
    This statement is based on an "earth is flat" level of ignorance. Oil companies have invested a lot in alternative energy. Heard of BP Solar? That's just one example. Last I checked, BP actually SELLS those modules. They sure aren't trying to prevent people from installing them.

    I wonder how one who believes in the perpetual availability of oil would see any need for alternatives, anyway. Can you explain that???

    And, if alternatives replaced oil, wouldn't THEY become the root of all evil?

    Thank God for small favors.
  15. bnmb

    bnmb On Hiatus Banned

    Ah, I see...I didn't want to say it will always be available for public to buy, and not available as still existing on Earth...BigOil is aware that it will always exist on Earth...
    Is this OK?
  16. fireplaceguy

    fireplaceguy Monkey+

    It was a widely held belief that the earth was flat, based on insufficient information. This should not be confused with fact or science.
    Like it or not, the infrastructure we have in place requires oil. There is a fact to acknowledge.
    No, you needn't go on. You've demonstrated beyond any doubt that you cannot distinguish business interests backed by government power (called a cartel) from actual unbiased science, which you have not cited yet.
    Yeah, sure, no funding at all. Crap - right here in my back yard is NREL - the National Renewable Energy Lab. It's government funded, and the lights are still on. They do all kinds of research into alternatives, and would have achieved real prominence before now if they would only chase after the right holy grail. And that's the tip of the iceberg. Governments and companies everywhere are throwing big money at alt energy research (and they might be doing research because we're running out of oil!). "Only individuals do research, without any funding at all???" What a moronic statement.
    Do you grow what you smoke?
  17. bnmb

    bnmb On Hiatus Banned

    ROFLMAO!...and I seem passionate?!? For which oil company do you work? Analyzing every word I said? problem. I did say that oil is never going to run out, but i just said what Russian scientists said...I didn't invent that. Underlying dislike for mankind??? Are you serious?!?!
    And you love mankind so much that you run around the world killing people over oil? And I dislike mankind? Are you saying that oil is a blessing for the mankind? Polluting air, water and food? Killing oceans and wildlife? I'm sorry, but I'm not the one willing to do anything to anyone in order to suck up as much oil as possible. You wonder how one who believes in the perpetual availability of oil would see any need for alternatives? Well, BigOil most definitely doesn't! They haven't invested one cent in research of new power sources! Even if they do, they will come up with some scam to exploit people even more! I don't think they would want to build a device that could supply free energy from the Universe!
    And for your information...At the beginning of the 20th century, all vehicles were battery operated! Electric vehicles!
    You say thank god for small favors? thoughts exactly! Thank god!
    I better stop before I say something that might offend the decent people on this forum...
    Since I didn't attack you personally, and this is second time you are being rude and personal, in future, please restrain yourself of any comments about my posts or my way of thinking. If you do not, this might well develop into a flame war, and I might post something offensive to other people here, and I don't want that!
    I don't think anyone wants that. So, I'm asking you politely to leave me alone. Thank you.
  18. bnmb

    bnmb On Hiatus Banned

    fireplacegay, you are obviously trying to insult me on purpose. I thought that forums like this were a place for people to say what think and feel...apparently, you are here to insult people who have different opinion...How old are you? 15-16? Are you even capable of civil conversations, without insulting people? Or do I bother you for speaking the truth? Maybe it bothers you that I'm not american like you?
    Whatever it is, I couldn't care less...LOL
    And give my best regards to BigOil bosses....
  19. RightHand

    RightHand Been There, Done That RIP 4/15/21 Moderator Moderator Emeritus Founding Member

    Let's try to keep this on topic and avoid the personal confrontations - everyone
  20. fireplaceguy

    fireplaceguy Monkey+

    No, you insult yourself. I'm just holding up the mirror, which you're free to stop polishing at any time.
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