Just picked this up today. I know how to take it apart and put it back together so far. It's big and mean looking... I have an 8mm bbl as well as the .308 bbl. I'm going to add the Crank Fire adapter tomorrow and head to the Range Tuesday morning. If anyone knows where I can find the FM, TM or Depot manuals on this thing in pdfs, let me know. fun fun fun Oh!, check out that serial number
I broke my new gun today... Linked up 300 rounds of 8mm, Loaded up my daughter and some snacks and went to the range. Crankfire worked like a charm for 18 rounds. Then I broke a case off in the chamber and also broke the rivet that holds the 8mm cartridge stop to the sideplate. That will get Welded in place this time around. I also need to order 8mm and .308 broken case extractors... I suppose the headspace could use a click or 2 of adjustment. It was a blast for a few seconds
Um, did you try to use the periscope yet? Might be some interesting contortions unless it has a remote trigger ---
Has a remote trigger but the tripod wasn't originally set up for the 1919. It says HK on it but I'm not sure what it went with. I'll ask him what Tripod it is. Yes, phishi. It's actually looming in the loft right nw so all who walk through the front door can see it...her idea on where to store it. And, D came home last night for a few hours and really loved the BFR as he called it.
Here is a pic of the 6 lobe Crank that I installed this morning. 6 shots per revolution at 78 rpm will come close to the FA cyclic rate of 480 per minute
If you're over there asking questions, talk to Raven, Numbnut, or F-Troop and tell them Preacher said to take care of you.
Melbo I am guessing your tri-pod is for an MG3 (if H&K marked) or originally for a MG42. Wonders of German manufacture no doubt.
sweet rifle, i love the spade grips on the back, i want to change my a6 to have those. The rifle stock on it is pretty pointless but my has a bi pod. not sure what i like more. I can look at pics of those all day.