Gulf coast evacuation?

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by USMCwife, Jun 13, 2010.

  1. gravelgurdy

    gravelgurdy Monkey+++

    My guess for what it is worth is the Buses actually belong to Uncle Sam, ie; Fema. The white vans as well. Everyone was so critical about response times on Katrina, and pointing fingers in all directions as to whose fault this and that was. I see this as government spending much the same as all those trailers they hardly used to try and be prepared for the worst. I believe it is a benign wasteful use of taxpayer dollars for a purpose that could have been accomplished in other ways.
    If they are in your area, a look at their license plates, and a photo would be quite helpful in clearing a little of this up. It's amazing what the sky is falling crowd overlook. Of course, they may have no tags. That fact as well would lead to answers from the local or state police, if you could frame a question so as to not seem belligerant, and just trying to be helpful.
  2. ghrit

    ghrit Bad company Administrator Founding Member

    Project gulf impact appears to be a branch of some other loose organization documenting all sorts of stuff related to environmental problems, not only in the gulf but world wide. For example, today's news item about 27,000 abandoned gulf wells might well have originated with them. And, of course, the article headline uses adjectives making it seem like a disaster already (even tho' there appears to be unsupported but potentially accurate data in the article.) The vid was produced randomly, made no attempt to dig out facts, just a mystery that could have been solved by stopping and taking a pic of the plates and a phone call (as gg suggests) to the local constabulary. That qualifies as pot stirring so far as I'm concerned, and the intended use for this documentation is unclear. I'm not going to bother chasing down the upper levels of PGI, and I don't care who funds it. Someone else can point the finger at Soros or Brad Pitt.

    FWIW, those buses are a common standard configuration that government and quasi government organizations use. The military, FAA, schools, and (GASP!!) prisons use them to move people around. I would not be the least surprised if FEMA or some other dot guv operation decided to use them for worker transport as CRC indicates. Not at all a bad idea, thus spake me, and maybe me only.

    Watch the government vehicle auctions when this dies down, if you ever wanted to own a bus.

    What was the belligerent question?
  3. Seawolf1090

    Seawolf1090 Retired Curmudgeonly IT Monkey Founding Member

    The most interesting and believable part culled from that website (PP):

    While rumors of a planned evacuation remain unconfirmed, there is no doubt whatsoever that the Obama administration has ruthlessly placed the importance of exploiting the crisis above and beyond any attempt to fix it.
    The government is using the disaster to push its nightmare “green economy” agenda by invoking the crisis as a poster child for the dreaded carbon tax. The worse the situation gets, the more political capital Obama accrues to denounce oil companies like BP and call for dependence on oil to be reduced by hiking gas taxes. Of course, most people remain unaware of the fact that companies like BP were amongst the founding members of the cap and trade lobby and have been the staunchest promoters of the man-made global warming scam.

    The coyotes are running the cleanup for the bloodied henhouse......
  4. Tango3

    Tango3 Aimless wanderer

    Makes perfect sense to me "C" I think they are involved with something like that after all the side marker lights were on in this video...they were getting ready to go some where or just came in from some where.:D
  5. CRC

    CRC Survivor of Tidal Waves | RIP 7-24-2015 Moderator Emeritus Founding Member

    I've seen the buses....I've stayed in a hotel where over 180 guys working the spill are staying...My friend's husband drives one of the "White Vans" to pick the bosses up.....
    One of the daily labor companies here sends buses from HERE to go to Pensacola every day, 170 mile round trip....and the buses look just like that...
    I've read the letters from the company...and they talk about being at "Ground Zero of this catastrophic event that will be felt and talked about for many many generations"..and yes that's a direct quote....There's more, but I don't think I'm supposed to have that letter...[peep] Maybe. It could have happened.

    Next time I go to Pensacola, I'll go look at them...I took the course...Got my Haz Mat certificate and will go help the Wildlife people....They've already contacted me...That's all I can do right now...

    Well, that, and go see Buffett this weekend in Gulf Shores to help stimulate the economy over there....[whistle2] Yeah, that's the ticket...Stimulate the economy.
  6. Seawolf1090

    Seawolf1090 Retired Curmudgeonly IT Monkey Founding Member

    Kinda brings home the Buffet song about "the party at the end of the world!"
    Even IF the oil doesn't hit most of our coastline, the wreckage of our local economy and tourism industry will be extreme.
  7. CRC

    CRC Survivor of Tidal Waves | RIP 7-24-2015 Moderator Emeritus Founding Member

    I was wondering if he'd do "Party at the End of the World" this weekend...But I'm thinking more "Gulf""Pascagoula Run", etc.....I do love that song though! :)

    YouTube - Party at the End of the World
  8. Seawolf1090

    Seawolf1090 Retired Curmudgeonly IT Monkey Founding Member

    My all-time favorite Buffet song is "A Pirate Looks At Forty"..... I can really identify with it! [winkthumb]
  9. ISplatU

    ISplatU Monkey+

    "forced evacuations will occur."

    According to Smith, government officials from various departments based along the Gulf Coast, all requiring anonymity due to suppression and subsequent persecution if they are named, have stated that forced evacuations will occur. This concurs with insider information Wayne Madsen provided related to the plans for all Gulf States to be evacuated, a matter withheld from the public in strictest national security secrecy mode.
    Smith said that numerous government workers, doctors, scientists and other agency workers from “all over the spectrum” have said that they hear that there will be forced evacuations. This is part of the Gulf military operation toward “Full Spectrum Dominance.” (See: Gassed in the Gulf: Toward Full Spectrum Dominance, Dupre, Examiner, June 15, 2010)
    “The problem these people are talking about is the the evacuation planned is not friendly. It is forced evacuation,” Smith stated. “They are going to do a 4-5 state evacuation with FEMA in control.”
    The UN buses in various locations along the Gulf Coast are worrying Smith according to his report.

    This is a small part of this link!!
    Censored Gulf evacuation news: Aid for Americans fleeing chemical rape « LABVIRUS.COM
  10. ISplatU

    ISplatU Monkey+

  11. SLugomist

    SLugomist Monkey++

    From TROPICAL DISTURBANCES, not oil spills.


    There won't be any mass or forced evacuations.
  12. Wild Trapper

    Wild Trapper Pirate Biker

    Exactly, all coastal areas have evacuation plans in place for that purpose. If they planned to evacuate people because of the oil spill, it won't come unless people start dropping dead from breathing the air. The oil is not the real problem for humans. YET! [stirpot]
  13. Seawolf1090

    Seawolf1090 Retired Curmudgeonly IT Monkey Founding Member

    Just the thought of any FedGov agencies trying to pull Bubba and Leroy from their homes here in the Deep South...... Ain't gonna happen. The dead FEMA and UN personell would litter the land.

    And to think I would walk away from my job and life of twenty years based on some "might be" and "maybe" on a couple YouTube vids...... uh, not hardly.

    We Preppers are always ready to BO temporarily in case a big storm comes - but I always plan to come back and resume my life. IF the "Big Toxic Gas Cloud That Ate The Gulf" becomes reality - THEN we leave. Not before.
    Heck, I think folks living in the shadow of Mt. St. Helens and Yellowstone are crazy...... but I don't scream for them to evacuate 'just because'. Each of us makes their own choice. [winkthumb]
  14. ISplatU

    ISplatU Monkey+

  15. ISplatU

    ISplatU Monkey+


    Well, the time has come for me to apologize for all the fear I brought to thoes who live in the gulf.

    I really belived it was going to happen and the main time frame has passed, so I am sorry.

    I am glad it has not happen yet, but I am not happy that I scared some people.
  16. Seawolf1090

    Seawolf1090 Retired Curmudgeonly IT Monkey Founding Member

    Ah, but it's still early in the game. Hurricane season has only begun, and the latest BP bumbling has yet to be tried and failed.

    Keeping a weather eye peeled down here!
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