Gulf coast evacuation?

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by USMCwife, Jun 13, 2010.

  1. ISplatU

    ISplatU Monkey+

    This is the sad truth.
  2. Seawolf1090

    Seawolf1090 Retired Curmudgeonly IT Monkey Founding Member

    I had never heard of BIN before, and simply cannot put any stock in what they say - they have no "bonafidees" built up yet.
  3. ISplatU

    ISplatU Monkey+

    I have never heard of them before either.

    The only reason I keep posting "news" from the internet is because I heard from a source I trust about the evacuation, and there is a media block on the story, or it is bogus.

    Now if it is true, I want as many people informed as possable. If it is bogus I have a big apoligy comming on here in about a week, or more.

    This is the week, today, that the source said it was likely to happen.
  4. Hispeedal2

    Hispeedal2 Nay Sayer

    Uh... told ya. Still sticking to there is no evacuation coming. So far I am right.

    As for ISplatU....

    Anytime something posted on the internet is started:
    The thing that should immediately pop into your head should be:
    Schizophrenia - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
    Thoughts of grandeur are symptoms of several psychological disorders. That's why I don't jump on the tin foil bandwagon on most forums. I am grounded in reality.

    Are you kidding? This statement is an oxymoron. You really shouldn't believe everything that is on the internet. This thread is another one of those things you probably shouldn't believe.

    Proving a negative is a ridiculous requirement. The way this works is you prove the positive. As of now, none of your statements have proven to be correct. Not one. About the only leeway I would give you is that troops are mobilized to help. As in US troops. In the wake of Katrina, there was a whole host of lessons learned on response to natural disaster (or man made). Of those, the most important is the National Response Plan (NRP). You can read about NRP here: DHS | National Response Framework
    Even more in depth here:

    Now for the tin foilers that believe the US MIL will be integral to the hostile evacuation of the coastal areas :rolleyes::

    I know the tin foil hatters will swear that the evil military, working for the tyrannical evil dictator that really runs everything, is going to use this as a method to swing votes in the next election for CA or as an excuse to declare martial law. Unfortunately, that is contrary to the published NRP and military doctrine. If you will read the last link on the NRF, there is only one Emergency Support Function (ESF) that US military can lead. That ESF is #3. That's right, the US Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) has the lead on Public Works and Engineering. The reason is clear... no repeats of Katrina. There is no other ESF that will ever be lead by the US military. You will denote that Public Safety and Security is headed by the DOJ, where it rightfully should.

    The bottom line: the military will be there, but not for the reasons that tin foilers believe.

    (Any US Mil personnel can read more about Civil Support Operations by accessing FM 3-28.1 here : 41_Series_Collection - Army Doctrine and Training Publications)

  5. Seawolf1090

    Seawolf1090 Retired Curmudgeonly IT Monkey Founding Member

    Well, on my commute to work this AM, the MSM radio news reports the EcoNazis are seeking a Federal injunction to stop BP from burning the oil, because it is endangering and burning SEA TURTLES!!! Yep, I reckon they figure it's okay to let the oil hit the beaches, wreck the economy and industry (and sea turtle laying grounds...) - gotta "Save the turtles!"

    Stupidity knows NO bounds.......
  6. CRC

    CRC Survivor of Tidal Waves | RIP 7-24-2015 Moderator Emeritus Founding Member

    I need to stay out of this thread....I was over in Pensacola last weekend, and saw a dead Sea Turtle...and call me an me whatever you want...It made me cry. Just stood there in tears....I picked up tar balls...I saw the sheen of the oil on Saturday....and the green of the dispersant on Sunday....I smelled Oil...not salt water..when I was down there.....and it's headed here next....

    I've lived on Salt Water all my life...I was born on an island, grew up on the peninsula..and have lived on 3 other islands, and now right on the Gulf.......I grew up believing that the cure for anything is Salt Water...whether it's sweat, tears, or the Sea......
    I live on salt water...I play on salt water...and I eat out of the Sea..It's my church, and my playground....The farthest I've ever lived from it was 8 miles...

    What people don't seem to get's not just the's the long term effects of the dispersant and the oil,'s the coral's the fish...the sharks....the plant's the whole freaking eco system here...They've blocked St Andrews Bay here..only one entrance, so maybe..just maybe...the estuaries with be protected here. Other cities aren't so lucky...Riding along the Gulf is so not what it used to be a couple of months ago.....Different feeling totally...

    It's going to get way worse before it gets better...and people inland are going to feel it too...

    I'm angry, and I'm sad...and a host of other emotions.....I have letters from a company subcontracted out by BP...and I won't put it all down here what it says...but they do say this will be "talked about, and felt, for many many generations".....

    Until then, I'll do what I can. Help out where I can.....I'm signed up for the HazMat course...and will do what I can to protect where I live....until I can't.

    Whew....I feel better.
  7. Hispeedal2

    Hispeedal2 Nay Sayer

    I can understand how you feel CRC. I sure don't want to see any dead sea turtles. Or any dead animals for no reason. I can also see Seacowboy's point of view. I was never a fan of putting loggers out of business for the sake of a spotted owl. Of course, an oil spill has a bit more of a long term effect than cutting trees.

    I don't know what the answer is. I wish we had a seriously comprehensive energy policy. That would take a real government and real work. Health care for the masses was more important than ending two wars in the ME, ending our future involvement in the ME, and stopping something like this from happening. I had a glimmer of hope for a second when gas was really high a couple years ago. Everyone was mad for a month and there was some big talk... not a lot of action.
  8. CRC

    CRC Survivor of Tidal Waves | RIP 7-24-2015 Moderator Emeritus Founding Member

    I know they can't stop the burning...and I know we have to choose which evil is the worst in the long run......I know all this, intellectually.....

    But emotionally is a different story....;)

    And I really do feel better. Just saying how mad I really am. Sometimes you just have to say something....or type it in this case...just to feel better....Keeping it all in is not good for this girl... :)
  9. ISplatU

    ISplatU Monkey+

    I never meant to start a debate. I know that I should not have said "try to prove me wrong". I wrote that in a moment of " why is there automatic unbelief". So do forgive me for saying that.
    I do not normally run saying the sky is falling, the sky is falling. I consider my self to be very grounded in truth, and not run after vein imaginations. However, I was told this information by a fema worker, and so I told it on here just to let people know what was going on, and warn people.
    Well, I was jumped on about, this is all BS, and where is your sources...
    I did not want to give my source. So I started looking for sources on the internet, and they were there. If I had never been called out on the carpet about sources, I would not have gone on a witch hunt on the internet. But now if there is anything that surports my original info I will post it here for information sake.

    I still belive my original source, and only time will tell.

    I am sorry to anyone I may have upset for the wrong reason. I am not tring to start a fight.

  10. Tango3

    Tango3 Aimless wanderer

    What? foosed
    ( Let me be perfectly Frank with you:
    I'm, "Frank"[slow]....)[banghead][gone]
  11. fortunateson

    fortunateson I hate Illinois Nazis!

    Someone needs a vacation... ;)
  12. Tango3

    Tango3 Aimless wanderer

    Just amusing myself.:

    The whole I feel "special" thing pops up around the above top secret board all the time.( Guess what; We all feel "special" at one time or another ( its called an "Egocentric view of the world"):

    i.e. I saw a black cat and I looked at my cheerios box and there was a blackcat then on the internet I found 3 references to a blackcat. so it means well "black cat 27 " will blow out next; prove me wrong ...It could happen.
    and monkeys could fly out of my
    butt, it could happen...

    Or God showed mea blackcat and I looked on the internet and hey there was 13,000,000 references to "blackcat".
  13. Hispeedal2

    Hispeedal2 Nay Sayer

    But, Black Cat 27 will blow out next [peep]
  14. Tango3

    Tango3 Aimless wanderer

    Guess that makes me an arrogant ASS with too much time on my hands.
    and some days I wouldn't argue to the contrary...
  15. Hispeedal2

    Hispeedal2 Nay Sayer

    Nah... like Ghrit said, you just need a vacation. [winkthumb]
  16. ghrit

    ghrit Bad company Administrator Founding Member

    Wasn't me, but could have been.
  17. Hispeedal2

    Hispeedal2 Nay Sayer

    oops.... I guess like Fort said.... maybe I need a vacation. No wait, I really do need a vacation.
  18. Seawolf1090

    Seawolf1090 Retired Curmudgeonly IT Monkey Founding Member

    CRC - I was not fingering anyone here. I hate the loss of sealife too - too many family have lost their livelihood for that. But if we stop the process of trying to deal with the oil 'out there', then more will hit the beaches. Losing SOME adult creatures is not as bad in the long run as losing their offspring for good.......

    This is a truly devastating event - I don't know if our Gulf will EVER recover. Makes me wish we could stop all use of petroleum...... but our entire way of life is based on it, worldwide.
  19. Tango3

    Tango3 Aimless wanderer

    "Et tu brutus?":D[peep]
  20. ghrit

    ghrit Bad company Administrator Founding Member

    PILE ON!!!

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