Obama tells Kyl in private Oval Office meeting: I won’t secure border b/c then Republicans will have no reason to support “comprehensive immigration reform.” | RedState YouTube - Kyl says Obama said no border security for political reasons Granted, this is what Senator Kyl said that Obama said, and I'm sure it's a paraphrase or summary thereof the conversation. Never the less, if this is true, Obama is in direct violation of his oath.
Obama has been in DIRECT violation of his oath since jan 20, 2009. Just here at this forum you could go back in the archives until that date and read forward, and easily see I am right. The man has no conscience, he is a liar, he is a traitor to the constitution. In summary he is lower than pond scum. I may go to hell for my next statement,.He is not my president. At this time there is no recognizeable president of the USA. I should be flying my flag upside down.
The scenario depicted by senator Kyl is believable because:It sounds like chicago hard-ball arm twisting ( hence illegal ) politics. Who would prosecute the AG (gimme a break)?? The senate has to stand up.and do their job
Does anybody think that the Bush regimes were any different? Clinton, who trucked over bus loads of illegals prior to elections? Really? Illegal immigration is POLICY, and it is the standard at which this tyrannous gov't can get away with class warfare, driving a dividing wedge between the American people and the REAL racist LaRaza Mexicans just to gain political power and to keep the slaves (that's you) in line. Bring this corruption to the surface as much as you can -tell everybody you know. A race war is soon approaching, and the government fully intends to capitalize.
I don't believe Bush was any better in this. In fact, this area of the southern Arizona wildlife refuge that is now closed was done so in 2006!!!! WTF was Bush then? total failure after failure after failure..