Fuel storage in 55 gal. drums

Discussion in 'Back to Basics' started by fortunateson, Apr 4, 2010.

  1. kckndrgn

    kckndrgn Monkey+++ Moderator Emeritus Founding Member

    I can see one advantage right away:
    but another thing that popped out about that vent, it only opens at 5psi INTERNAL pressure. So, it's very hot day out and your drum builds up pressure, this valve releases it, then you have a cool night, you now have some negative pressure. Is it enough to collapse of damage the drum? I don't know out of my knowledge.
  2. ghrit

    ghrit Bad company Administrator Founding Member

    KD, the Justrite vents linked by fortunateson are both pressure and vacuum reliefs on VERTICAL drums. The right stuff, tho' the 5 psi setpoint might be argued as too high. If it meets standards, that's the one to go with.

    Loose threading is unreliable, rust or other guck can alter your settings too easily. Plus, there is no flame arrestor.

    Forty bucks vs. a new garage makes a LOT of sense to me.
  3. fortunateson

    fortunateson I hate Illinois Nazis!

    Probably right.
    They're under a lean-to outside.
    Tell you the truth, the real risk is when I'm siphoning into or pumping out of the barrels. Fumes everywhere and I'm working with poly gas cans.

    5 psi? I don't know either. The barrels are pretty solid and used to contain veggie oil - but 5 psi is a lot of pressure over a large surface.
    And here, day to night temp swings of 30 degrees are common.

    Speaking of poly jerry cans. Mine have NO ventilation, and on a hot day pressurize quite a bit. These are recent models from HD. Don't know what's up with that.
  4. melbo

    melbo Hunter Gatherer Administrator Founding Member

  5. tfjar15

    tfjar15 Monkey+

    Not sure this would work, but what about building a bubbler or a goose neck. Might try taking a bung and attaching some copper tubing and building a S in it. Placing water in the low point in the neck. This would give it the oppertunity to "breathe" both ways. But all of these vapors at no bueno to sparks.
  6. magicfingers

    magicfingers Monkey+++

    Why not get a baloon that is resistant to whatever kind of fuel that you are gonna store and put a pipe that will fit in the small hole?? Put some air in it, stretch it over the pipe and; walla!!, no muss, no fuss!!!
  7. fortunateson

    fortunateson I hate Illinois Nazis!

    That's actually a great idea. But what is elastic that won't degrade?
    I think the giant tanks at refineries actually use a floating vapor barrier.

    Above post is good too - but nay to water - too likely to ruin the whole batch.
  8. tfjar15

    tfjar15 Monkey+

    Something like this...[​IMG]

    Fill it with your perserative...Stabil etc...
  9. Old Sarge

    Old Sarge Old Sarge

    TNAndy, where are you finding the PRI products? I've looked all over Northern Arkansas, and the dealers don't even know what I'm talking about.
  10. fortunateson

    fortunateson I hate Illinois Nazis!

    Same here - in NC.
    Had to order online. I ordered their diesel product for my kerosene.
    Still using Stabil in my gas because I have a bunch of it.

    I ran a test of PRI-D in a quart of kero and burned it in a lantern. No odor, no CO.
    Hoping to post a video soon.
  11. Akheloce

    Akheloce Monkey++

    My lifeblood is gas and diesel in 55 gal drums, and regardless of what other techniques you use to store it, the right answer is to rotate your stock. When I say that, I mean that you should use the gas out of your drums, and replenish regularly like you would fill up your car or lawnmower.

    It's really not too hard, just have a bottom feeding pump... the hand pumps work great, but will eventually crack around the bung from the pumping action. I use a 12v pump.

    Every time you need gas for a genny, lawnmower, motorcycle, etc, use a few gallons from the drum (s). Then, when you go to the gas station, pick up 5 gallons at a time to replenish the drum.

    The regular opening and closing of the drum will alleviate pressure, and the 10% replenish rate of 5 gals at a time will keep it infinitely usable.
  12. packwoodjim

    packwoodjim Monkey+

    I have the same questiion. Do I put a vent on a 55 gal drum or do I store unvented. The weather here can be from 0 degrees to 105 degrees. Want to store in a building with no temp control but will be out of the direct sun. Some drums will be shut for a time duration and one will be used out of weekly. thanks packwoodjim
  13. TnAndy

    TnAndy Senior Member Founding Member

    I do not vent. Put EXACTLY 55 gallons in, and that will give you enough "head space" in the form of air to handle reasonable temperature changes. I would to my best to keep it under 80 degrees, personally. Build a daylight "basement" on a shed, or insulate it or do something.....
  14. Spartan300

    Spartan300 Monkey+

    I have never had a problem with steel drums, and store gasoline as well as kerosene in them. As mentioned, treat with stabil or a similar additive, and rotate your product from time to time. I store them in a shed and then cover the drums with a large tarp. Good to go.
  15. Grasshopper

    Grasshopper Monkey+

    How about a one way safety valve like on a water heater? Would prevent bursting barrel but not waste too much gas.
  16. VisuTrac

    VisuTrac Ваша мать носит военные ботинки Site Supporter+++

    Just because we recently were discussing 5 dollar gas. Let's revive this thread from the dead.
  17. overbore

    overbore Monkey++


    Just had a major problem with a metal 55gallon kero drum:
    stored in a closed garden shed on a raised surface; the pea picken bottom rusted out and away went 30 gallons of my stash. I vote plastic. My bung was painted shut; had to buy the wrench to pump the remains.

    If a metal drum is you only option, spray zinc on the bottom two inches.

    Laus Deo
  18. Moatengator

    Moatengator Monkey

    Thanks for that tip!!! I am hopefully, picking up a few steel drums in the next few days. I was wondering about rust problems.

  19. BTPost

    BTPost Stumpy Old Fart,Deadman Walking, Snow Monkey Moderator

    For Metal Drums, you need to prep them up good before you fill them. I usually Bead Blast the exterior surface, and then paint them with a thick coat of Epoxy Paint. Then when filled with good clean fuel, that has no water in it, the barrels will last dang near forever, as there is no Water, or Oxygen, able to get to the Metal, itself. ..... YMMV....
  20. dataman19

    dataman19 Monkey+

    Great Idea - "Bead lasting then Painting".
    I would recommend "Bed Lined Coating" It is virtually indestructible, and durable too.
    Incidentally: For Those of Us Living in Arizona....
    In Arizona it is illegal to dispense gasoline or motor fuels into anything but the fuel tanks of registered motor vehicles. There is a provision for up to 3-gallons into an "approved" emergency fuel tote (Gas Can).
    The State Regulators (our dear part-time for hire state legislators seem to be protecting their interests, since a few of them own oil companies) saw fit to pass this law to prevent people from haphazardly storing fuel.
    The State Law also prohibits the storage of any motor fuel in excess of 5-gallons on public, private or commercial property. And even then the containers must be an "Approved Safety Storage Container" and kept in a Fire Safety Approved lockable non-combustable storage locker.
    Propane has even more stringent restrictions. Propane cannot be transported in a motor vehicle without that vehicle being certified for Propane Transport and outfitted with proper safety and restraint equipment.
    Now, everyone seems to take these laws with a grain of salt (like salt thrown over the shoulder...). But several people every year are hurt when they are filling gas cans in the trunk of their car or beds of their pickups (A proven hazardous and extremely stupid way to get hurt). Propane bottles are documented to explode and cause catastrophic fires when left rolling around in the back of pickup trucks. Every year you see it over and over on the TV News - People continue to get hurt. It's like no one is listening.
    So the state Legislature has stepped in and made it a minor felony to illegally stock or transport motor fuels. Yes there are hefty fines $250 if you are caught pumping gas into a non-motor vehicle fuel tank (but no one seems to care or even be watching, yet), $500-$2,500 for illegally storing fuels, $5,000-25,000 for storing large amounts of fuel and not be a licensed, certified and regulated refueling station.
    But take heart - This is a law on the books of a state that requires all horseless carriages to stop at least ten feet away from a railroad crossing, dismount, look both directions, then get down on your hands and knees and place your ears to the tracks to see if a train is approaching. Then to stand up and fire two rounds from your gun to signal your intent to cross the tracks - then to proceed cautiously until you have cleared the tracks. At which Time you are free to travel on.
    This is also the state where it is illegal to fire a weapon into the air. (kinda conflicts with the horseless carriage law).
    Oh yea, and in Arizona it is a crime to commit a crime with a firearm (even a plastic pistol). Which begs the question: "If I commit a crime without a gun - is it legal?"
    Morale of the story:
    If you are filling gas containers or storing fuel, don't have a gun nearby (it would make it "more" illegal). If you do have a gun, don't fire it in the air (this will get everyone's attention, and lead to arrest for that, then charged with committing a crime while holding a weapon, and being charged with owning fuel). And lastly, don't cross a railroad track while hauling fuel (because you are required to dimound,,,,blah,,,,blah,,,,blaa, and will get in trouble for firing the gun into the air, and while you are down with your ears to the track should stay there until the police handcuff you, and oh, yea will be charged with firing the gun (anti gun firing law - shannon's law) and transporting fuel (also will be charged with endangering the public), and charged with possession of motor fuel and having it in a "non motor vehicle fuel tank". To make matters worse they will call the hazmaterial team and charge you with clean up fees (only about $5K) and the hazmat team will most likely just dump your fuel in their cars and trucks - happy that you are the ones paying the fines and bragging to their friends how they got free tanks of gas/diesel.
    Oh yea.... We were fined for having a 420 gallon Diesel Fuel tank next to our Emergency Power (175KW) Generator. The Generator and Fuel Tank were in an enclosed (but well ventilated) area, and under lock and key (In Phoenix Thieves like to steal things that aren't secured). We had a Hazardous Material Permit from The Fire Department, and all the inspections were performed and documented. "We were fined because we were using motor fuel (diesel). When I looked at the fuel receipts there it was - we were being charged the federal and state motor fuels taxes, even though the fuel was supposed to be tax exempt. The fuel supplier was charging us motor fuels taxes because it was easier that doing the paperwork every time to certify that the fuel was being used in a non-motor vehicle." So we were in violation of the law.
    Now I am getting emails from some state weenie at the state weights and measures informing me that we are liable for state excise taxes on motor fuels. They want us to pay state motor fuels takes on all Biodiesel, Ethanol and fuel dispensed out of a fuel storage tank (regardless of the stated use permit).
    So if you comply with the law - you are screwed..
    If you take the easy way out - you are screwed..
    If you ignore the state weenies - you are screwed, and screwed again to make sure you are "screwed" properly.
    Thank god they didn't find all that JP3 I got out by the hanger stored with all that AVGAs.... Whew, dodged a bullet there...
    Wait!!!!! People read these posts!!!!!! Dang....
    Phoenix, AZ
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